Games people play ?


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
What do you play on a REGULAR basis? I find myself playing Raven Shield everynight... it's the only game that kept my attention for more than a few days. Is there a game you guys can't go without playing?

Also, if you play raven shield let me know, we should join the same server sometime.
I don't play anything regularly anymore.

QuakeWorld Team Fortress for 2 years.
Counter-Strike for 3 years.

Some other games I played on a semi-regular basis were Quake 3 Fortress, Raven Shield and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Unfortunately my gaming enthusiasim has run dry. I'm hoping one of the next generation games will capture my imagination like QWTF or CS first did.
I know what you mean, sometimes I feel like theres nothing to do on my pc, and I have tons of games. I just need something new.. completely new.
Yea i dont even play games that much anymore. I must have high standards or somethin cause everything to me lately has been a complete bore.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Yea i dont even play games that much anymore. I must have high standards or somethin cause everything to me lately has been a complete bore.
Yeah, new games tend to suck.

For me, Morrowind reigns supreme. Sure its a bit old, but it was WAY ahead of its time (hell, its still slowass on a 3ghz/9800XT), it even got pixel shaders (first game using them I think (for something usefull)). The mods make it worth it. Thousands after thousands of them. And the nudity aint all bad ;)

When I want to play on the net, its either RTCW: ET or Savage. Mostly Savage, I'm even modding it.

And when I'm bored, I play Super Street Fighter 2.

That's about it :)
Champinship manager 4 got me for a while, i'l soon be getting into Pro evolution Soccer 3 until HL2 comes out.
At the mo I play D2:LOD on Closed BN pretty often, I just made a new (ladder) Paladin and have him on about lvl30. Other than that I'm still awaiting my 3D card (sent it away for repair), until then my TNT2 won't run much of anything I have.
Eh man i wanna play a rpg right now so bad...i got FFXI sitting here on my table...taunting me but i cant ****ing play it because im too busy to go get a credit/checking card. Sigh hopefully this next week i will...
i got morrowind but i'm to lazy to play it and understand wtf is going on....
Originally posted by thehunter1320
i got morrowind but i'm to lazy to play it and understand wtf is going on....
Lol :P
I can understand it though, the story aint exactly compelling and intriguing, mostly just dull. Doesnt matter after you get the mods though, and start exploring. Become a vampire and see the world in new light! (or darkness)
Right now I play a mix of CS, Gunbound, and Grand Prix Legends or Midnight Club 2, depending on what I feel like
I've been playing Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2 and 3 and a game called the Lost Vikings all from the Sega Mega Drive/Geneisis recently.

I've realised that I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to graphics now though. I was going to sit through Phantasy Star 2 which was a brilliant game - but I just couldn't. Although, Landstalker... it felt good to play that again.
Close Combat 3: The Russian Front, it's old but addictive.
For a while I was playing NWN, but I got fed up with the dull campaign. Too impatient to wait for user-made ones to download. I was also playing a neat little indie game called "Geneforge".

I'm just waiting for a game that makes me want to spend all day every day on it again, like UFO: Enemy Unknown and it's sequels did.
RTCW (2 years and still my fave :) ) Some H&D2 and a little CS ..... all online.

KOTOR (XBox) and Mario Golf (GC) if there's anytime left over

New Mario Kart soon!! (cums in pants)
Originally posted by nsxownzme
Also, if you play raven shield let me know, we should join the same server sometime.

I think I'm going to install Raven shield again. When I saw RS on X-Bawks some weeks ago, I wanted to play it again. :)
i hardly play any games anymore. nowadays it's mostly, play and forget. very rarely do i find a game that forces me at gunpoint to play it non-stop and keeps it in my mind all day every day. i remember the first time i play CS, oh man it turned me into such a freak. everyone thought i was on crack or i was a heroin addict or something. all jittery, mumbling about my 'next hit', shouting 'go go go!!' whenever i got on a bus. nothing has come close, and i don't see anything coming close in the near future.

i just revisit classics every now and then. fired up System Shock 2 the other night, got too scared and uninstalled it again. i might give it another go if i'm feeling brave. i tried Deus Ex again. games like Max Payne 2 and CoD give you a quick rush but leave you addicted and wanting more. CoD's saving grace is it's multiplayer, might give that a crack later on.
I recently reinstalled ravenshield!

I had a craving for it and I've been only playing multiplayer.

I also play Desert Combat and Homeworld 2.

Red Orchestra - *NEW* WWII mod involving the fight between Nazi and Soviets on the ut2003 engine. (SUPER REALISTIC)

Diablo II: LOD v1.10 - New patch really adds alot too it.

Warcrarft 3: TFT - In my opinion a way better stradegy then starcraft. My number one most played game because of custom maps a good regular gameplay.

Max Payne 2 - Really fun with lots of mods out already!
Well Max Payne 2 was completely forgotten about when I got hold of a demo called TrackMania (someone mentioned it on this message board).

Damn that game is so addictive!
havn't played anything but advance wars2 (at school with my friends) for a while now.
im currently playing Red Orchestra, counter strike, and americas army, i beat MP2 a lil while ago but no multiplayer kinda sucks.
Red Orchestra is good, hell they have way better balance than that of CoDs MP. Has anyone played that Destiny Troopers(or whatever its called) mod for ut2k3?
Well I just gave up Neocron after 2 years, dabbled with a few other MMPORPG betas (but they don't compare), and since then I've been working my way through a back catalog of games that I bought but never finished off during that period (MoHAA, Deus EX, Opp force, GTA), as well as picking up a few new ones (H&D2, Vice City).
1.) Team-Fortress Classic

2.) Counter-Strike

3.) The Specialists Beta 2.0 (Best mod out for HL right now, try it... :))

4.) Max Payne 2 (many different mods usually)

5.) Call of Duty
Originally posted by MrD
Well Max Payne 2 was completely forgotten about when I got hold of a demo called TrackMania (someone mentioned it on this message board).

Damn that game is so addictive!

Tee hee hee sorry :devil:

Trackmania got a bit boring for me though after playing it none stop, will be so much better when the full game is out with the 300 blocks.

Hopefully GTA 3 and Vice City will keep me occupied over xmas (when i should be revising)
The Specialists rules :) I'm considering downloading Red Orchestra but I won't be playing it online with my dialup, is it worth it to play against bots? And any feedback about Destiny Troopers would be good, that looks niiiice.

I did play Counter-Strike for about 2 years, but after a while it got so old that i just quit. Now I find myself addicted to Ravenshield. What an intense multiplayer experience!

I just finished Call of Duty and I'm going to replay it on the next hardest skill level. CoD multiplay is fun too.

Here's a great game for you. I just recently downloaded the Need for Speed: Underground demo. Lemme just say.....OH MY *UCKING YAHWEH!!! If you like racing games and have a good DX9 videocard......OMFY!!!! Get this demo and try out the drag racing with motion blur and light trails turn on. Have your resolution no less than 800x600. Make sure you are at least running 2xAA 4xAF......OMFY!!!! I was at a LAN party this past weekend and of all the games to play all night, me and my friend Andy played a DEMO of NFS: Underground all night.....

here's an example of motion blur AND light trails enabled AND hitting the nitrous at teh same time!!
Originally posted by Murray_H
Tee hee hee sorry :devil:

Trackmania got a bit boring for me though after playing it none stop, will be so much better when the full game is out with the 300 blocks.

Hopefully GTA 3 and Vice City will keep me occupied over xmas (when i should be revising)

Ahh! So it was you!

Yes, it got boring for me too, but only in single player. Multiplayer is a lot more fun providing you can find players of similar ability to yourself.

Can't wait for the full version :)
Battlefield 1942 (Desert Combat, Forgotten Hope) every day for a year now...
Gothic 2 for me all the way. Its one of the best games I have ever played, everyone that likes RPG's like Morrowind should at least try it.
I'm really pissed off right now. My campus internet is too slow to play anything online. I get about 700-1000 ping no matter what.

Games I WAS playing:

BF1942 & DC
CS sometimes

Games I could be playing:


About that Gothic 2...should I play the first one before checking out the second? You compared it to morrowind it more story-driven than morrowind though?
Desert Combat (Special Opps model is great now)
everyonce in a while I start up the latest COD demo. I really should go buy it.
Special ops model didn't change, the only new thing is the CAR15 :)

It's probably the best gun in the game, second place would go to the M82 Barrett and/or the SAW. CAR15 needs to be nerfed a bit though.
The only game I keep going back to is CS

I have no idea why, in recent days it's really been pissing me off, the community seems to have gone down the hole ALL together (not that it wasn't bad before, but now.. jeez. I got banned from my favorite server for calling the admin a newbie.. lol)

WC3 when friends wanna play.. I need TFT, but I have no money
Originally posted by Shuzer
The only game I keep going back to is CS

I have no idea why, in recent days it's really been pissing me off, the community seems to have gone down the hole ALL together (not that it wasn't bad before, but now.. jeez. I got banned from my favorite server for calling the admin a newbie.. lol)

WC3 when friends wanna play.. I need TFT, but I have no money

Yeah, I've gotted banned from a few servers myself. My favorite server, where I'd get like 20 ping was the prolly the worst scenario. It was militia, I was a T inside the house with a scout. I saw someone break one of the windows on top. I look up, see someone's foot and shoot. They die, two seconds later I'm banned.

I've also gotten banned simply for having a record better than the rest of the server. People are too quick to call out cheaters. It's like a freakin' witch hunt.