Games violence study is launched


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
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Paul Jackson, of Elspa (the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers' Association), said the body had already met with Dr Byron and would work with the government on the review.

But he said the industry was "too often blamed for everything from obesity to youth violence".

He said: "It is just not true and it's not appropriate."


I wonder if this could change some people's opinions on video games?
I find the thread material and the Op's name hilarious.

Hopefully this will discourage the hasty idiotic thought patterns of soccer moms and Jack Thompson.
Hopefully this will discourage the hasty idiotic thought patterns of soccer moms and Jack Thompson.

I wish.

"It's a lie! These pushers of smut and evil are bribing them with their blood money! Or they're brainwashing them! These game people are probably going to tie them down and force them to play Doom all day until they're desensitized. Kids still play Doom, right?"
I'm not happy about this at all. I think I remember the background to this study and iirc it was commissioned by the government as a kneejerk response to popular media controversy about violent games - Blair mentioned it in parliament to ingratiate himself with the Luddite crowd one time, in response to a challenge either about Manhunt 2 or the R:FoM-Manchester Cathedral argument.

Byron also says "The study will be about what industry is doing already to protect children and what more could be done to ensure they have a positive experience on the internet and with games." So they are starting out on the assumption that the industry needs to do more to protect children, despite there already being a well-functioning ratings system in place. So before this study has done any kind of investigationg into the link between violence and games, the inference is that there needs to be more censorship and regulation than there is already; that the games industry needs to 'protect' people from it's products. So it's not looking promising.

The former Edge editor had it right:
"The games industry is holding itself to higher standards than the film industry. This is a solved problem."

Gamers deserve to be represented as the balanced, healthy type of people we all know we are. If this report is a fair and impartial one I'll gouge out my eyes with my own severed penis.
Gamers deserve to be represented as the balanced, healthy type of people we all know we are. If this report is a fair and impartial one I'll gouge out my eyes with my own severed penis.

I am going to ****ing hold you to that.