Games with a good story

DarkStar said:
Out of the ones you listed I'd go with KOTOR 1.

KOTOR's story was the thing I disliked about it most. Apart from the twist I thought it was complete rubbish...but that's just me I guess. Laying out a general plot (oh my, bad guy trying to take over the world) and then building 90% of the game around getting to the final area by getting map coordinates? No thanks.

I'd say MGS games definitely have amazing stories if you're into a more modern conspiracy-theory type story. FF7 has a damn good story as well.
Icarusintel said:
Yeah, seriously, old Lucasarts rocked, here's some other good ones from them
Full Throttle
Escape from Monkey Island
The Dig

Oh yeah i wanted to see full throttle in action again.
Ogre Battle 64

Easily the best RPG for the Nintendo 64, and one of the best (in my opinion) RPG's of any platform.
SimonomiS said:
Pong. Wait...did that even have a storyline...
Yes, but it still wasn't as good as Gran Turismo 2's.

I also like Beneath a Steel Sky's story.
Zelda - Ocarina Of Time (Or Any Zelda Game) (N64 And GameCube)
The Longest Journey (PC)
Chaser (PC)

I would seriously check those out if you like story driven games.
I have played and beaten max payne 1 & 2, along with Ocarina of time. I loved Zelda:oot at the time it came out.
BUt does anyone know where to buy planescape torment, cause I haven't seen the game in nay stores for a long time, mind you I do live in holland, but if anybody has got any info please do post them.
I think everyone's really overlooked Pac-Man.
There were some great chase scenes in that game, and the whole sub-plot and symbolism of it all was absolute top-quality.
Grey Fox said:
BUt does anyone know where to buy planescape torment, cause I haven't seen the game in nay stores for a long time, mind you I do live in holland, but if anybody has got any info please do post them.

Ebay is your friend
Grey Fox said:
BUt does anyone know where to buy planescape torment, cause I haven't seen the game in nay stores for a long time, mind you I do live in holland, but if anybody has got any info please do post them.

It hasn't been for sale for quite a long time :/

Like many old great games - it's starting to look its age now, but wonderful for its time :)
Ok I rented tales of symphonia, Im going to have to wait until tommorow to play it though.

For your FF freaks out there, I have a few questions. How bad are ff7's graphics now, and the game good enough where its worth dealing with them? Also is FFX-2's story as good as FFX? I liked FFX but several people I talked to said FFXII wasnt that good.
el Chi said:
Half-Life 1&2
Deus Ex
Grim Fandango
Most LucasArts adventure games, now I come to think of it.
Grim Fandango was really cool, but it was hard! I had to use a guide, I was lost most of the time.

Anyway, I like the third monkey island (the one where he turns his "fiance" to gold and has to undo the curse he put on her witht ering)
a game that I higly recomend for it storyline is The Suffering

it hav a very complex and creative storyline
the storyline is about that you are a man that was send to a alcatraz style prition and is acussed of kill hes ex wife and 2 sons,and when he come to that prision the place is invaded whit many devil creatures and you hav to save your ass,but dont think that you just will be runing killing monster,cuz this game will give you a lot of surprises,also when you advance trought the game you will be discovering about what really hapened to your exwife and sons,also it hav 3 endings that depend on the way you help or kill the others person in the prition (for example if you find someone and a voice tell you to kill it but you didnt kill it and stuff like that)

I dont want to exagerate but the storyline of this game is something compared to a hideo kojima work,is just very creative,also thing like the desing of the monster are one of the most original monster desing I ever see cuz theyr form depend on the way they where executed

so if you want a action horror game ,cuz this game is more action that scary horror, whit a original storyline the Suffering is my more recomended
Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, this game is just amazing, 10/10 on gamespot, it just has the best storyline ever in any game ever made. ever!!!!!!!!! ITS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smack500 said:
Ok I rented tales of symphonia, Im going to have to wait until tommorow to play it though.

For your FF freaks out there, I have a few questions. How bad are ff7's graphics now, and the game good enough where its worth dealing with them? Also is FFX-2's story as good as FFX? I liked FFX but several people I talked to said FFXII wasnt that good.
In my opinion FFX-2 is rediculous. I returned that game for a refund. Its retarted. Im not the only one who thinks that either..

FF7 has like 20 frames per second man dont think you want to go back to PS1 graphics... PS2 is bad enough. AND despite many who think FF7 was the best game EVEERR.. IT IS GARBAGE. that game put me to sleep like a tranquilizer.

aviod FF IMO. the best ones was probaby 8, 9. I never played them but they looked awesome for the PS1
Siren had a totally awesome story, but the only way to understand it is to beat the game and unlock every secret, which is basically impossible without a walkthrough. Once all the peices are put together though, it's utterly brilliant.
kirovman said:
I was going to say Far Cry, but I don't think that storyline qualifies as great.
Maybe try ... Medal of Honour?
You're joking, right? I don't think Far Cry's plot even qualifies as a plot. It's boring stuff. And as rfor MoH <Shudders>

You are a genius sir.
I know.

Deus Ex, yeah that was great.
Haven't played Deus Ex 2 (well played first level) but my computer doesn't seem to run it very well (despite being OK for HL2 and Doom3). So I'm waiting for a new comp for that.

Grim Fandango, LOVED IT. I want to visit Rubacava some day!

Agree with Icarusintel, those Lucasart games are classic. Don't forget Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade!
Just noticed your sig, someone quoted me in their sig! :D
The plot for DX2 was so very, very disappointing. Horribly obvious "twists" if you'd played the first one. Nowhere near as good.

Grim Fandango had one of the most orginal plots and game worlds ever seen in any computer game ever. So LucasArts, would you like to improve the gaming world by visiting it again? What's that? You'd rather visit Endor? What?
Stupid money-thristy c*nts. Adventure games were what they did best but now it's Star Wars drudgery foreverandeveramen.
Wankers, the lot of them.
Lunar has amazing storyline across the two games. the second one, it really feels like you were there ages before. i like it.