Games you are most looking forward too in 2010

Dark Void
Mass Effect 2
Dead Space 2
Monster Hunter Tri
Behemoth's game #3
Super Mario Galaxy 2
a ps2 and a ton of ps2 games.

Bioshock 2
Fable 3
Halo Reach
Dead Rising 2
Lost Planet 2
Dante's Inferno

If only's:
Half-Life 2: episode 3
Legend of Zelda Wii 2
Metroid: Other M

Call of Duty 7 Modern Rape 3
I'm not looking forward to next year, it's possibly going to be my most painful gaming year yet. I cannot count the games I'm going to buy on one hand. That means at least £400 spent. Shit.
The reason why new IP's are rare = this thread.
Waiting on the reviews for Bioshock 2. Honestly though, I'm not even sure what's out next year, and I've turned into a bit of cheapass gamer, playing Indie titles and the previous year's blockbusters. Super Meat Boy looks interesting, but the original is pretty infuriating to play. On the DS, I'll probably be getting the third Professor Layton... unless I don't already have the second. Hopefully Ninokuni and Dragon Quest IX, will make it to Europe by then. Not getting a Wii, but Epic Mickey still sounds awesome.

Looking forward to seeing Deus Ex 3 roll into 2011, probably along with Crysis 2 (Warhead was a step in the right direction). I believe we'll see "Episode Three" revealed next year, but I really doubt we'll see the game.

edit: Oh, and whatever gets thrown at me to review of course.
ATTN Dumbdumbs:

Episode 3 will no be out in 2010.
Mostly interested in sinking lots of time into Forza 3 (out already i know) and GT5 when it is released next year. Oooh, and Battlefield BC2 on the PC !
Just Cause 2
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Mafia 2
Max Payne 3
HL2 Episode 3(I keep hoping it makes a 2010 release)

And probably some other stuff I haven't noticed yet.
ATTN Dumbdumbs:

Episode 3 will no be out in 2010.

Could we not hope? We've heard nothing after all, they might reveal everything come january or something :P

Okay but seriously valve have been good at releasing something every year for the past few years. If they don't do ep3 next year then what will it be?
Well to be fair, for all we know, they could be plowing through EP3 as we speak, and in that case, a 2010 could be likely. I am expecting merely news (finally) on it though.
Mass Effect2 is the game where I'm sure it will be huge success with critics ,gamers and financially.
o yh bcz thy hvnt strtd wrkn on it yt!

It could conceivably be released in 2010, we just don't know.

Yeah, and North Korea could conceivably launch a missile that doesnt explode mid-air but that doesn't change the fact that they won't.
Metro 2033 looks like it could be a promising game, but hopefully things won't be popping up on my screen and giving me a heart attack like F.E.A.R.

And I better have a flashlight that won't die out at the worst of times.
Battlefield 2

God Of War Collection coming to the UK...***king finally...yes I can import it easily, but its almost double the price when you add the shipping cost(s) ontop.

Demon's Souls..again I could import it but I refuse to be ripped off.

Mass Effect 2 may cause me to buy a 360 again.

I shall try and be strong and stay with the dark side that is the PS3.
Yeah, and North Korea could conceivably launch a missile that doesnt explode mid-air but that doesn't change the fact that they won't.

Valve have been working on Ep3 for ages already, and they're more competent than N. Korea! Release in 2010 is not particularly unlikely.
Medal Of Honor
Bad Company 2

I am also looking forward to the new Medal of Honor game, which seems to be classified as a reboot of the series, set in modern-day Afghanistan. I think it could be promising, and I've always been a fan of the MoH series. I have the original Medal of Honor: Allied Assault for the PC, which came out around 2002.
I would like to add Arkham Asylum 2 to my list.
Its not confirmed as 2010 yet but it probably will be. Given how good the first was I don't care :)

unlike l4d2 >_> yeah i said it sue me its the same damn game
Oh, Project Needlemouse should easily make it next year. Yes it will suck, but sssh.
Left 4 Dead 2 has plenty of flaws. Being "the same damn game" is not one of them.
I give cookies to everyone who mentioned Splinter Cell Conviction.

My list

Splinter Cell Conviction
Yakuza 3
Heavy Rain
Alan Wake
Mass Effect 2
I'd like to see a lot of franchises die off and a bunch of kickass new IPs (hint hint, Valve)