Games you haven't seen the end of

System Shock 2..

I would finish it, but I took my computer in to get de-virused, and it doesn't play SS2 anymore...
It's worth going back to beat, just because once you get the Light Suit you can run around in it without taking damage, and the last several bosses (about five or six) are really, really awesome.
Yeah, MP2: Echoes, is awesome in it's own right, I just wish the whole parallel dimension thing wasn't executed so poorly. They basically re-used the same maps from Light Aether for the Dark Aether dimension but with slightly different textures and enemies. I always though that approach to the extra-dimension gimmick was lame and Twilight Princess suffered the same flaw imo. *puts on anti-fanboy/flame suit* This was one plus I thought the first Metroid Prime had over Echoes. But then again, it wouldn't be a "parallel" dimension if they used different maps for Dark Aether, it would then be an "alternate" dimension.:P For the "parallel" dimension thing to work, it needs to be grotesquely or outrageously different than the original map in some way to actually "convince" players that they are indeed inside a parallel dimension. The Silent Hill franchise is a good example of a series that does the parallel dimension thing right. I still may re-play my last save of MP2: Echoes and finish it though as every other aspect of the game is cool.:smoking:
Both of them are on steam now.

He's in S.Korea, I guess they block those games there? Not sure. :/

Censorship ftw, Numbers.

GTA's banned, but I could try the street market (which, coincidentally has the "Single-Player only" version of HL2, aka warez) :p. But it's still frigging hard to get anyway.

I didn't realize Theif 3 was on Steam. But then again, I don't have any means to pay for it over the net, so, meh.

I rarely use steam anymore, even for CSS I used the fakesteam ('cause all my freinds have pirated copies of HL2 and etc.)
I still haven't beaten Resident Evil 4. I know, shoot me....But for the life of me I just can't bring myself to keep playing it. I like it, it's just not as awesome as I expected it to be.
System Shock 2 - On one level you have to flood an elevator shaft with toxin using the environment regulators or something. One of my toxin canisters literally fell through the floor and I got stuck here. :(

If anybody can post the cheatcode to switch levels, or a savegame in this area I'll definitely play through the rest of the game.
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
I was on the last mission before I get a BSoD, turned out my HDD packed in
System Shock 2 - On one level you have to flood an elevator shaft with toxin using the environment regulators or something. One of my toxin canisters literally fell through the floor and I got stuck here. :(

If anybody can post the cheatcode to switch levels, or a savegame in this area I'll definitely play through the rest of the game.
Actually, I thought you got one more canister than you actually needed?
System Shock 2..

I would finish it, but I took my computer in to get de-virused, and it doesn't play SS2 anymore...
SHODAN virused your computer :O
Just remembered Okami, i never finished that on my ps2.
Yeah, Okami too. I swear I thought I was at the end 2 or 3 times, but it just kept on going. I left it at about 50 hours, and still with atleast an entire chapter to go (I did spend alot of time collecting things, mind you).
Members of should get together and coop through SS2. I've tried it with my brother, but we never get very far.
Yeah, Okami too. I swear I thought I was at the end 2 or 3 times, but it just kept on going. I left it at about 50 hours, and still with atleast an entire chapter to go (I did spend alot of time collecting things, mind you).

if there is one game i want to finish its okami, i was enjoying the story in it.
Members of should get together and coop through SS2. I've tried it with my brother, but we never get very far.

I've been thinking of this for a looooooong time.
Doom 3: Do I really need to explain this one?!
Psychonauts: Brother saved over my game and I cbf
C&C Generals: America and China, the boring factions :3
Morrowind: I get pumped until I die, so I give up.
Red Steel: I got bored
Legend of Spyro - Eternal Night: This is such an Epic game, I'm savouring the flavour.
Metroid Prime 1 & 2: I had to return them :3 but 2 is partially cbf as well.
Wind Waker: I had to return it.
Crash Bandicoot 2: Hatehatehatehatehatehate.

Theres more, but then I'd have to go through my snes collection.
Oh how I hate thee battletoads... how I hate thee.
cbf = can't be ****ed

Also I think it's clear about doom 3, it sucked.
cbf = can't be ****ed

Also I think it's clear about doom 3, it sucked.
Ok thnx. BTW, it saddens me that so many disliked Doom3. As a whole, I thought is was only ok. I mean admittedly, the fact that the spawn points are pre-scripted, and the total lack of on-screen enemies at once is what mainly kills it for me. The original doom had at least around 15-20 enemies on-screen at once on the highest difficulty and while the difficulty setting in the original doom increases/decreases the maximun number of on-screen enemies, it merely increases the enemies health in Doom3, which I think is lame. Nightmare mode was lame too. I wish there was a mod or something to fix these things, then I wouldn't have a problem with Doom3. It probably all had to do with engine contstaints and hardware limitations at the time, but now I'm pretty sure my machine could handle it.
I didn't finish Psychonauts, I was up to what I think was the end when I had to format my PC. Annoying.

Okami is being released for the Wii sometime early this year I believe.
STALKER, but I intend to change that, as I have bought it on Steam (I sold my hard copy to my friend)
Got to say i also cbf to finish psychonauts :|

forgot to add that one ot the list
I'd have an easier time listing the games I have finished ..sometimes I put a game down cuz I'm busy, when I finally get a chance, I've lost interest