Games You Should Have Played


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Games you think everyone should have played and beaten.

-Monkey Island
-Stunts (the old racing game if any of you remember)
-Alone in the Dark (not the new multi-console/system crap, im talking Derceto Mansion)
-Quake 1 & 2
-Warcraft II
-Starcraft & Brood War
-Commander Keen
-Deus Ex
-Warcraft III
-Half-Life 2
The Chronicles of Riddick - Escape From Butcher Bay

it is the best game I have ever played in my PC-gaming experience :)

Riddick the game is 100% KIK ASS
UFO: Enemy Unknown/X:COM
Populous 1 & 2 (not the pants 3D one released in the late 90's, I'm talking about the late 80's ones).

-Angry Lawyer
If you haven't played a Monkey Island game, you haven't lived.
Are we sticking with FPS or no? If not, this may turn into a "favorites" list. I think everyone should play Chex Quest. This was the first FPS I ever played, and it was certainly fun. Now after having played "real" FPS, I play it because it's hilarious. The action, while certainly not on par with today's games, is still fun and now I'm laughing the whole time.
Gorgon said:
The Chronicles of Riddick - Escape From Butcher Bay

it is the best game I have ever played in my PC-gaming experience :)

Riddick the game is 100% KIK ASS
You're so strange Gorgon...!
Command & Conquer
Fallout 1 & 2, some people are turned off by its turn based nature, however they both have great stories, lots of humour and great gameplay.
Uriel said:
Games you think everyone should have played and beaten.

-Monkey Island
-Stunts (the old racing game if any of you remember)
-Alone in the Dark (not the new multi-console/system crap, im talking Derceto Mansion)
-Quake 1 & 2
-Warcraft II
-Starcraft & Brood War
-Commander Keen
-Deus Ex
-Warcraft III
-Half-Life 2

I've played most of those.
Are we talking pc games? If were talking all kinds of video games everyone should have played streets of rage and streets of rage 2 (for Sega Genesis). I never get tired of knifing thugs and hitting ppl with lead pipes. It's so much fun!
Two that aren't on the current list:

The Operative: No One Lives Forever
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way
I feel very ashamed, i forgot to mention Sam and Max and Fallout 2 in my list.
Vampire: The Masquerade?

Not sure... i love it, but that's just me.
Dumb Dude said:
How bout the Panzer Dragoon seires? Those games were awesome!

I thought we were just talking pc titles.

Now if we're talking console titles too .... it would take to long to mention all the games everyone should have played :)
Some old games:
Blood -- everyone should at least play the carnival level.
Scorched Earth. After all, it is the "mother of all games".
Zork. Maybe not finish it but at least know what it's like.
Morrowind, even if it's just to appreciate the scale to which games can be set
Mafia, GTA with a believable plot
I never got to play Blood, makes me really sad. When i was little i used to see screenshots of the game but my parents wouldnt let me buy it. Anywhere i can get it and run it on XP?
Uriel said:
Games you think everyone should have played and beaten.

-Monkey Island
-Stunts (the old racing game if any of you remember)
-Alone in the Dark (not the new multi-console/system crap, im talking Derceto Mansion)
-Quake 1 & 2
-Warcraft II
-Starcraft & Brood War
-Commander Keen
-Deus Ex
-Warcraft III
-Half-Life 2

1: played a bit the latest one in 3d
2:not played
3:not played
4: played I still remenber it a litle
5:the first one yes but just few levels,I was too young
6:not played
7: played both,most of the 1
8: not played
9:not played
10: played and still hav them
11:not played
12: played
13:not played
14:not played
15: played on xbox
16: played
17: played a bit waiting for xbox version

I think there are more games that should be on that list
Well add more Dadgumit
And you really should play more of the games on that list.
Just curious, how many peeps here played Loom? The adventure game with the magic staff that plays music. I love that game for some odd reason.
-Stunts (the old racing game if any of you remember).....never heard of it
-Loom ...............likewise
-Wolfenstein .....played it twas crap if mildly diverting
-DOOM & DOOM II ..................played them briefly unimpressed
-Alone in the Dark (not the new multi-console/system crap, im talking Derceto Mansion)............never heard of it
-Quake 1 & 2 ........................the first was my door into gaming
-Diablo .........never played
-Warcraft II..........same
-Starcraft & Brood War...............same
-Commander Keen..............same, how old are these???
-Half-Life ..................fantastic
-Thief .........different and good
-Deus Ex ...............different and great
-DOOM 3 .................nope
-Warcraft III ..................nope
-Half-Life 2 .....................the No.1

where's pacman, space invaders, zelda, pong, snake,mario, sonic??????????
Wolfenstein crap huh? Without Wolfenstein or DOOM, you wouldnt have Quake, show a little respect. And might I add, im disgusted that you havent played Warcraft II.
i merely state that they are crap, they're place in history is not being questioned
however, they are not must play games by any measure
john3571000 said:
where's pacman, space invaders, zelda, pong, snake,mario, sonic??????????

I think this a is a list of pc games everyone should have played.
Unreal. It amazed me in so many ways.

Shame about the sequal.