Games You Should Have Played

woh - that takes me back to the good old Amiga days :)

What about Silk Worm, Chaos Engine, Speedball 2, Sensible Soccer, Kick Off - all retro goodness \o/
Unreal - the first game i ever owned sigh *memories
singleplayer wasnt too bad if really long but the bots in multiplayer were amazing
i merely state that they are crap, they're place in history is not being questioned
however, they are not must play games by any measure

Uhhh yes, their place in history does matter, thats why they were games that you SHOULD have played because of their effect on the gaming industry/history.

DOOM & Wolfenstein stand their ground because they brought about the FPS (there were FPS before these two, but this broke in the genre).
Alone in the Dark was the first 3d survival horror game. Resident Evil traces roots to this game.
Quake revolutionized Deathmatching and spawned the mass of "fraggers", however DOOM is still credited for the first multiplayer FPS.
Diablo brought about a popular "point and click" RPG, spawned many after this.
Warcraft II made RTS games popular with a great story.
Starcraft was another extremely popular RTS game.
Half-Life was the next step up in FPS, really added to the experience thru a great story, amazing AI, and an engine (built from the Quake 2 engine) that spawned even more Mods.
Thief was the first FPS Sneak, and brought an unusual sense of gameplay and setting but simply was stunning.
Deus Ex brought a game with an amazing sense of emersion with one of the greatest stories ever concieved in gaming. Your actions effected the story with a hint of an RPG.
The rest of the games you can prolly scatch off the list but I still think they are very good.
Cant believe I didnt mention Tribes! That was my first online FPS! Maybe when the Internet 2 comes around we'll have enough bandwidth to make a playable MMFPS.
Warbie said:
Unreal. It amazed me in so many ways.

Ahhh, UNREAL... How could I forget? :|
It's still one of my favourite FPS games. The graphics was pretty damn impressive on it's time.
Warbie said:
woh - that takes me back to the good old Amiga days :)

What about Silk Worm, Chaos Engine, Speedball 2, Sensible Soccer, Kick Off - all retro goodness \o/

My opinion of you has shot up by about 200%. Man, the Amiga was awesome. And the Atari ST - that was EXTREME!

Silkworm had a sequel, didn't it? Called SWIV, or something. THAT was awesome.

-Angry Lawyer
Right back at ya :cheers:

SWIV was a sweet game :)
Descent (1-3)
Freespace I & II
Wing Commander (Anyone but Prophecy)
Il-2 Sturmovik
Flight Simulator (The original)
Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt
Duke Nukem
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

All of these broke the mold in thier respective catagories.

IMHO: The Descent series is still fun to play if you have a slow enough computer. Freespace is awesome. The first game that truely made me feel like i was in space. Il-2 brought mission based multiplayer to MMOFS and flight simulator was the first of its kind both in graphics and realism. MOH popularised WWII games and spawned numerous WWII based FPS's. Duke Nukem was the game that started it all for me and Jedi Knight was the first StarWars game with a functional Lightsaber.
so why is this thread called "games YOU should have played" if we have already played them
That's not what this thread is called ;)
Full Throttle
Kings Quest 5
Quest for Glory series
Dark Forces

I wholeheartedly second all Lucas Arts and Sierra adventure games that have been mentioned.

My two favorites, Fallout and Half-Life, are the only two games I have dreamed about before I played them. And it felt exactly like actually playing them turned out to be.
Some classics that weren't on the list:
-Any game from the Unreal Tournament series
-Total Annihilation
-Super Mario Bros.
-The original Halo :D
-Any game from the Metal Gear Solid series
-Star Wars: KOTOR
-Resident Evil 4
-Serious Sam
-Any game from the Grand Theft Auto series
-System Shock 2
-Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
(I know the last two are in the first two posts but they deserve to be mentioned again)
Full Throttle
Kings Quest 5
Quest for Glory series
Dark Forces

I wholeheartedly second all Lucas Arts and Sierra adventure games that have been mentioned.

My two favorites, Fallout and Half-Life, are the only two games I have dreamed about before I played them. And it felt exactly like actually playing them turned out to be.

Good Taste! :thumbs: Dont forget Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. That game was soooooo good. I dont even like Star Wars but i love that game
Crimson Skies(pc)- this was the last flying game that I've played that I truly enjoyed
ONI(pc)- don't be put off by the sucky ps2 version. Too bad there was never a multiplayer for this game...
Bandits: Phoenix Rising(pc)- Lots of fun, and interesting
The Longest Journey(pc)- A really really good adventure game
Temple of Elemental Evil(pc)- great D&D game
any of the Rainbow Six games because it seems that the R6 series is always under appreciated... I suppose most people are put off of this series because they think the gamplay is too slow and are used to the faster paced action of CS or UT. I also think that many people are put of because of the "1 shot 1 kill" and they don't want to die so fast during a match or whatever... pussies...
Soldier of Fortune & Soldier of Fortune 2 : Both pretty awesome action games, with extremely graphic gore to boot.

Battlezone - RTS+FPS hybrid, very fun.

The Sims - Nice and relaxing game to play, If you wanna venture away from all of the death and destruction of other games.

Sim City 1 - 4 - Likewise.

Kingpin : Life of Crime - Excellent urban action game... Lots of violence, awesome voice acting... Pretty under-rated imo.

Rune - Probably one of the best melee combat games that I've played on the PC.

You Don't Know Jack - BEST TRIVIA GAME EVER! The commentary and stuff is hilarious.

Creatures - Artificial life simulator, take care of these awkward creatures and stuff (basically an extremely glorified tamagotchi)

Petz series - Virtual pets. Catz, Dogz, Oddballz, and Babyz.
Syndicate, MI1+2, SimCity 2000, James Pond series ... that's all I can think of now.
Goldeneye/Goldeneye 2: Perfect Dark/Goldeneye 3: Timesplitters 2

The Rocketeer
Tomb Raider (The original)
Uriel said:
I never got to play Blood, makes me really sad. When i was little i used to see screenshots of the game but my parents wouldnt let me buy it. Anywhere i can get it and run it on XP?

Yes, you can find it on The Underdogs. If you don't like abandonware, I think the shareware version is still around -- look on It only has Episode 1 on it, but the first episode has the carnival level in it, which was always the most memorable level in the game for me. Or you can try purchasing it here. It might run in DOSBOX, but it didn't work when I tried it. The game works fine in Windows 98... not that I'm still running Windows 98 at the moment.... oh crap :o, so I like old games, and still play Blood all the time :D. It didn't seem to work on my actual DOS computer, the kind with Windows 3.1 on it.

I tried playing Alone in the Dark a few months ago (first time trying it). It was pretty fun, but I think the file was messed up because my saved games stopped working, so I never finished it.

I know someone who played Loom back when it came out, but I never played it before.

Oregon Trail is another one of those games you should have played. It taught little kids about dysentery, and let you name your wagon-folk before they died of dysentery. It was awesome. And if you didn't play Oregon Trail, at least play Number Munchers / Super Munchers....
xlucidx said:
You Don't Know Jack - BEST TRIVIA GAME EVER! The commentary and stuff is hilarious.
Shit yeah, that game is awesome, i wish they'd make a TV show out of it.
Uriel said:
Games you think everyone should have played and beaten.

-Monkey Island
-Stunts (the old racing game if any of you remember)
-Alone in the Dark (not the new multi-console/system crap, im talking Derceto Mansion)
-Quake 1 & 2
-Warcraft II
-Starcraft & Brood War
-Commander Keen
-Deus Ex
-Warcraft III
-Half-Life 2

Sigh :(

I'm quite new to the pc gaming world, and i'm sad to say that i've only had the joy of playing (on the list):

-Diablo II (not on the list but it should be)
-Half-Life 2
-Thief: Deadly Shadows (not on the list but it falls under Thief)
-Starcraft (and I was just ****ing on a friends pc over the horribly dated Windows Remote Help shits)

Omfg Im Playing Blood! Thank You Sooooooo Much!!!!!!
May I have your attention please?


Ok, move along…
Here I am, reading through five pages of games that are an absolute MUST to have played, and loads of people are saying their favourite RTS'es when they forgot the mother of them all : DUNE 2!

You have no soul for forgetting that >=(

Alright, here's all the games that have been mentioned right now :
-Monkey Island - Played the demo of the third one, haven't been able to finish any one of them, which is a hole in my life :'(
-Stunts - Nope, don't know it. Which is odd, because I was raised between the 'old' games.
-Loom - Never heard of it. But it does look cool (internet search <3)
-Wolfenstein - It pwns. Seriously, I just loved every single byte of it. The secret rooms, the enemies, the weapons...
-DOOM & DOOM II - Same as Wolfenstein. I had to cheat my way through here though, because I was like 7 years old when I started playing it lol :D
-Alone in the Dark - Didn't like it because it kept on crashing. But it sure as hell looked scary.
-Quake 1 & 2 - Quake... The game that revolutionised my life along with C&C. It degreened me from a game lover to a gamer. The second one was just the cherry on the pie.
-Diablo - Only played the second one, I'm afraid. But I didn't like that one, so it doesn't really matter. -Warcraft II - OF COURSE! Before C&C, Warcraft II was my FAVOURITE RTS! Man, I remember the days of just clicking the ships over and over, which made them puke (try it for yourself :D)
-Starcraft & Brood War - Never played any of them. Which some consider a real shame.
-Commander Keen - Played it at a friend once, it was a really weird but cool gateway into exploring the first games ever :D
-Half-Life - My love and life. HL has marked me, such as it has done with millions of others across the world. Half-Life, we salute you.
-Thief - Never had the opportunity to play it. I should. I'll go look for it later.
-Deus Ex - Man... This game really rocked. It had EVERYTHING a gamer wanted : Graphics, Gameplay, Story, Fresh ideas,...
-DOOM 3 - Although I found it one of the most appropriate exits ever for something as legendary as DooM, the game itself dissapointed me.
-Warcraft III - Never played it, and probably never will. I <3 Warcraft II.
-Half-Life 2 - If you haven't played Half-Life, play it. After that, play all the expansion packs. Now, go play Half-Life 2. You can now die peacefully.
-The Chronicles of Riddick - Escape From Butcher Bay - Heard it was really good, I'll try it out sometime.
-System Shock 1 and/or 2 - Can't get my System Shock 2 to work :'( I heard it was a MUST play.
-UFO: Enemy Unknown/X:COM - To my deepest appointment, I have never ever played any of the X:COM series games.
-Populous 1 & 2 - I enjoyed the 3rd one, but at that time couldn't find the first and second one. I'll look around for it sometime.
-Turrican - Have yet to play it.
-Chex Quest - Same here.
-Command & Conquer series - Best series EV0R. Including Renegade. If I had the money to resurrect Westwood, I'd do it without one serious thought.
-Sam and Max - This game is so sick and twisted, you just HAVE to love it or you'll go mad.
-Return Fire - Man, I played this game with a friend for HOURS on end, DAYS on end.
-Freedom Fighters - Some people say it sucks, others say it rules. I say, "JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN GAME ALREADY!"
-FreeSpace 1 & 2 - (2nd one) One of the best space shooters ever made. Can't say anything about the first one, though.
-The Operative: No One Lives Forever - It pwns. 'Nuff said.
-No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way - I want it ! :'(
-Fallout Series - To my even greater shame, I have not played any of the Fallout series except for Fallout : Tactics, which was mildly interesting.
-Planescape Torment - Heard about it, seen people kill each other for the game.
-Operation Flashpoint - I have to agree. One of the few games that really got my mind working on how to escape from those damn enemy squads! Too bad corruption got it before I could finish :'(
-Blood - Blood 2 is also VERY enjoyable. Monolith deserves a cargo truck full of cookies.
-Descent - I concur. Descent 1 and 2 are one of the best games ever made in its unique genre.
-Scorched Earth - Heard about it, never got the chance to play it.
-Zork - Same as above.
-Morrowind - Same as above.
-Mafia - Mafia... I will fight for the right to make the release date of Mafia and Mafia II a worldwide national celebration day all my life.
-Cannon Fodder - Heard about it
-Clive Barker's Undying - Heard about it
-Syndicate - Heard about it, sounded great
-pacman - MORE PILLS <(0 °)>
-space invaders - Loved it. Always will.
-zelda - Never played a Zelda game in my entire life.
-pong - Loved it. Always will. I PRAISEH YOU!
-snake - Ermmm... I've played the variants, but never the original one. (Pizza Snake, anyone?)
-sonic - Loved it on my Sega. I will carry it with me forever.
-mario - Played some games of him, were top-class every one of them.
-Unreal - Unreal... Unreal really scared the living crap out of me when you're getting out of the ship and you hear voices behind a door, gunfire and people getting shredded. I was too scared to play for a week.
-Alien Breed - Heard about it, sounded really good.
-Tribes - Heard A LOT about it, never had the chance to play it.
-Wing Commander - Same as above, but Wing Commander is a real milestone in its genre.
-Dungeons and Dragons - Never heard about it. Sorry!
-Il-2 Sturmovik - Heard about it, sounded absolute ace for a flight sim.
-Flight Simulator (The original) - Umm... I dunno.
-Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - In comparison with Call Of Duty, it dissappointed me greatly.
-Duke Nukem - The original ones AND the 3D one were absolutely great, but the 3D one really fired me up towards gaming.
-Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II - No, sorry =(
-Full Throttle - Heard about it. Sounded like a GTA 3 before GTA 3 existed. Sounded top.
-Kings Quest 5 - Heard about it, never played it. Unless it's the one with 'The Princeless Bride'. Then it pwns.
-Quest for Glory series - Heard about it, never played it.
-Dark Forces - Heard the best things about it, never played it. Shame :/
-Outlaws - Heard about it, sounded really good, but a tad slow for my game speed. (Too much adventure oriented)
-Total Annihilation - My version always crashes :'( And I can't find a solution. Most revolutionary game ever except for its time.
-The original Halo -Ummm... Come again?
-Any game from the Metal Gear Solid series - Still need to complete all three >:/
-Star Wars: KOTOR - My computer can't handle it and crashes :'( :'( :'( Absolutely love that game.
-Resident Evil 4 - Never played any of the RE series, I couldn't (and still can't) handle horror games (and movies) quite well.
-Serious Sam - Put the bass at max and the volume open. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW!
-Any game from the Grand Theft Auto series - I concur.
-Crimson Skies - Same here. The game was absolutely ace, but it was just to hard for me to finish :'(
-ONI - Played the demo, loved it, but never got the chance to buy the game.
-Bandits: Phoenix Rising - I dunno.
-The Longest Journey - Heard about it, sounded very good.
-Temple of Elemental Evil - Eh?
-Soldier of Fortune & Soldier of Fortune 2 - The first one roxxored my boxors, but the second one felt a bit repetitive. Man, I just LOVED the realness in SoF1, with the fighting in Kosovo and all, and when the game was released there was ACTUAL fighting in Kosovo!
-Battlezone - Played the demo, loved it. Just like Oni, never got the chance.
-The Sims - Install, uninstall. Install, uninstall. Install, uninstall. One for each expansion pack.
-Sim City 1 - 4 - Only played 2000 and 3000. Didn't like the game style.
-Kingpin : Life of Crime - Looking for this game.
-Rune - Heard about it, looked nice and all, but isn't my style.
-You Don't Know Jack - Heard about it, never played it.
-Creatures - Played it, but never got far. Either those pesky enemy Creatures came over or they didn't want to mate and died out >=/
-Petz series - Heard about them and played some (Like Catz). Loved it, but I didn't have the money.
-James Bond series - Yes. Although I seriously need to do some catching up.
-Arachnophobia - Ummm, I dunno.
-The Rocketeer - Same as above.
-Tomb Raider (The original) - You bet! Man, that game has great graphics for its time. But those DAMN BATS! AAH!
-TFC - Because HL is almighty.
-GRIM FANDANGO - Heard about it, sounded and looked great. Never had the chance to get it.
-DUNE 2 - The mother of all RTS'es. Combined with Warcraft II and C&C it created my absolute love and never aging average skill at RTS'es.

I wrote 8086 keystrokes for this reply. Wow.
Beerdude26 said:
Here I am, reading through five pages of games that are an absolute MUST to have played, and loads of people are saying their favourite RTS'es when they forgot the mother of them all : DUNE 2!

You have no soul for forgetting that >=(

Alright, here's all the games that have been mentioned right now : (Commenting on them right now)
-Monkey Island
-Stunts (the old racing game if any of you remember)
-Alone in the Dark (not the new multi-console/system crap, im talking Derceto Mansion)
-Quake 1 & 2
-Diablo (II)
-Warcraft II
-Starcraft & Brood War
-Commander Keen
-Thief (Deadly Shadows)
-Deus Ex
-Warcraft III
-Half-Life 2
-The Chronicles of Riddick - Escape From Butcher Bay
-System Shock 1 and/or 2
-UFO: Enemy Unknown/X:COM
-Populous 1 & 2
-Chex Quest
-Command & Conquer series
-Sam and Max
-Return Fire
-Freedom Fighters
-FreeSpace 1 & 2
-The Operative: No One Lives Forever
-No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way
-Fallout Series
-Planescape Torment
-Operation Flashpoint
-Scorched Earth.
-Cannon Fodder
-Clive Barker's Undying
-space invaders

-Alien Breed
-Wing Commander
-Dungeons and Dragons
-Il-2 Sturmovik
-Flight Simulator (The original)
-Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt
-Duke Nukem
-Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
-Full Throttle
-Kings Quest 5
-Quest for Glory series
-Dark Forces
-Total Annihilation
-Super Mario Bros.
-The original Halo
-Any game from the Metal Gear Solid series

-Star Wars: KOTOR
-Resident Evil 4
-Serious Sam
-Any game from the Grand Theft Auto series
-Crimson Skies
-Bandits: Phoenix Rising
-The Longest Journey
-Temple of Elemental Evil
-Soldier of Fortune & Soldier of Fortune 2
-The Sims
-Sim City 1 - 4

-Kingpin : Life of Crime
-You Don't Know Jack
-Petz series
-James Bond series
-The Rocketeer
-Tomb Raider (The original)


john3571000 said:
i merely state that they are crap, they're place in history is not being questioned
however, they are not must play games by any measure

You're an idiot for judging 15 year old games by today's standard.

EDIT: I just realized I bumped this really old thread, sorry, I was looking through for games and couldn't help.
this thread is old?...and i was going to write a reply! hehe, anyway, i liked half-life more than others, i played blood 2 but there was this place i couldn't go further than... u know, where u kill that long-haired dude, errr... what's the name? gabriella? not sure... i think my game was a demo, it didn't say it was a demo though, i mean like u could play on the internet so it musn't have been a demo, right?