

Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Over the last few minutes I've been thinking to myself about video gaming and how it's been lately for me. The reason why is in the past during my free time I would play video games and they had long lasting value but recently that hasn't been the case. Now it seems if a game is great it'll last me almost a month. After that the game is uninteresting and I can't play it anymore. If it's a good game it lasts me two or three weeks.

I think it might be that I've been playing FPS and TPS games as of late. To me nothing really sets set apart these games anymore. The biggest selling point of all these games seems to be the graphics. Everyone says, "Damn that game looks great!" But I wonder, how good is the game play going to be and what's it has to offer that's new and/or different to provide me with a new level of immersion and game play so it will give me the best possible longitivity. This is why I was interested in HL2 and although I enjoyed it it only lasted me a week (14 hours). After that I haven't touched it, infact I've uninstalled it because I KNOW I'm never going to play it again.

Next are RTS games. I like RTS games because they require skill on multiple levels. You need to be able to think on your feet from second to second making strategies and defending against others. You need to be able to plan out what you're going to do and if your plan fails you have to be able to rebound quickly and try something new. It also requires quickness of the hand. You need to build buildings fast and you need to have unit micro. But a RTS game is only as strong as it's development team. If a game is extremely unbalanced it tends to take away from the game. In recent years that tends to be the case with almost all RTS games.

I think about my past in gaming and I think about games that have given me the best longitivity and kept me hooked and wanting more everytime I played. There are only two games that have ever given me what I'm talking about. The first is a game called Shattered Galaxy, which is a MMORTS game. I played in early beta phases for almost 3 years until it went commercial. The other was Diablo 2 and it's expansion pack LOD, which I played for over a year. Other than this I can't think of any other games that have lasted me this long.

I sit here now wondering why I can't find more games that give me this kind of gaming experience. I've literally have played well over 400 games and only two have ever hooked me like that. I've heard from people that MMORPGs are really good for what I want but I've played over 6 of them an none of them have peeked my interest to play over the free month. FPS games don't last me long at all and are only good for a month at maximum. RTS games are fun but they get boring after a while. I'm guessing what lasts longest for me is multiplayer games with an RPG element.

I want a game that makes me want to continue, not one that I will play only because I'm bored. It has to draw me in, I have to want to play it. It needs to give me the drive to become better and to keep going forward. In RPGs you have that drive only lasts a little while because theres a limit to as far as you can go. There's the best items, best class, best race and best armor/weapons. Once you obtain these what else is there? You can only go so far until you hit a brick wall.

I want a game where no matter how long I play it I always have something to achieve. The thing is I have to want to achieve whatever it is or else the game isn't fun at all. With most games what you need to achieve is usually easy to get or doesn't take long to get or it's so lame you don't want to get it. I need something that keeps me coming back for more. I haven't played any games in years where I want to keep coming back, where I want to keep going to get what I want.

The game also has to be multiplayer for me because that adds a level of competitiveness, which for me is a plus. You look at someone higher level than you and you say you want to be better than that. You want to strive to get higher than them, get better stuff than them and overall just be better than them. This is one factor for me that helps with the drive of continueing that game for long periods of time.

Most importantly the game has to be fun. What good is a game with these elements if it's not fun? Do you want to feel like playing the game is a job? I know I don't, I want to sit here with a smile on my face because I know what I'm doing is fun. Now games can be fun for short periods of time but for me what plays a giant role in how fun the game is is change. Who wants to play the same three monsters throughout the whole game? Who wants to upgrade what they have if it only takes the same amounts of hits to kill as a monster from earlier in the game? What I need is change. Something nee everytime I move forward in the game. If everything is just cookie cutter then the longitivity takes a gigantic nose dive.

It's been three years since I bought the computer I have right now and it's about time I got a new one. But right now I'm questioning as to wether or not I should. If all games in the future are going to be the same thing as what I'm playing right now but with better graphics, new levels and one new feature that no one cares about I don't think it will be worth it. Why waste my money on games and a computer if all I'm going to get is the same thing over and over.

I could just cut gaming out of my life and put more time into my other hobbies like jogging, sports, guitar and friends but I don't want to. Gaming doesn't take out a huge chunk of time in my day but it sure is important. There's a part of me that just can't let go of it. It's brought joy to me and my friends for so long that I have faith that one day a company will make a game that will get me hooked. So for that hour or so of my day will be one of a new fun experience.

Until then I will continue the hunt, sifting through hundreds of games looking for "the one." Until then games will only bring me extremely short bursts of joy then fizzle out. When a game will last me two years or more I know I got what I payed for. Hell I wouldn't mind paying $150 to $200 for a game that would last me that long. The question is in todays gaming world, will I ever find that game?
The are few games that will do all that :)

Online play, namely in leagues/ladders/tournies, is one of the only forms of gaming that has kept me glued to one title (RTCW/ET) for a number of years. Playing with a clan can be very rewarding if you get the right bunch of people (i've been playing with the same guys for around 3 years now) From what you've described this sounds like your answer.

For all other types of gaming I prefer consoles - more challenge, lastability, creativity, inovation etc etc (if it wasn't for online gaming, bar a handful of titles, I wouldn't bother with pc gaming)

Longevity in a game isn't always desirable either. Infact many titles benefit from being short (but sweet). Take Ico - one of the best games i've ever played, but over very quickly. There's no time for the experience to become tiresome, or the gameplay repetitive - Ico doesn't over stay its welcome. At the time I wanted it to never stop, on reflection this would have been a mistake. These are little gems :) just accept them for what they are (It's always best to be left wanting more - in movies, books or video games)

Like with most things,I feel games are best experienced with friends - be it online over comms, or in a living room chilling on a the sofa. I'd have more fun playing an average game with ppl I know (even if it's just taking turns with a friend) than a great title on my own. If you find a great title to play with your friends and it can last years.

(every thursday I play the original worms, on the Playsation, with my mates. It's called 'Worms Thursday'. The league has been going on since the game came out - which was years and years ago. Now take HL2, it's a very good game, but I still have more fun every thursday playing this ancient game than I ever got from doing the Gman's dirty work. The same can be said for Bomberman, Mario Kart/Golf, Golden Eye/Perfect Dark, Halo/Halo 2 .. the list goes on and on)

At the end of the day, we enjoy games as much as we allow ourselves too. If you sit back just waiting for one to make you have fun it'll never happen. If you make an effort to get involved, allow the game to engage you, get enthusiastic and play it with friends, then the fun will come.
I like short games that are story driven those are good.

Like you said it's the games you play with your friends that are the best. I'm not talking about people you meet online but real life friends. You sit in the same room on the console or on computers chatting and laughing and having a good time. That's something you can't really do with short story driven single player games. Games like Shattered Galaxy and LOD we all played together wether we were in the same room or all on the phone. Those are moments when I look back and have nothing but good memories of all the fun times we have and it always puts a smile on my face.

But recently all we play are FPS games and although we have fun it's short lived and we get bored easily. I just want a game where we can get together like we used too and just have fun. Though games are practically nonexistant now. We want something that will challenge us and that we can have fun doing but we just can't find the right game.

I'm not saying I don't have fun while playing the shorter games. It's that I want games that last longer. I have loads of fun playing all the games I had but it is only good the first time through after that I don't touch it. I give every game a chance but it seems like their all the same lately. I want new and I want exciting.

As for league play and tournaments that I've tried and it's a major turn off to me. It turns the game into a job where you have to be perfect and it's more about winning than having fun. When I said becoming best I meant in a fun way over time in like RPGs not FPS games. FPS games tournaments and leagues I don't like at all.

Console games are always loads of fun when you're gaming with your pals but we like to be playing in a multiplayer atmosphere with other people in it. Like I said it's not like we're not having fun it's just that we're looking for a game with more longitivity.
it sounds like World of Warcraft is for you.

to Gabe: What's your favorite game of the year

Gabe said:
World of Warcraft
Pressure, you need a nutrigrain.

I'm not sure if you have a Gamecube or not, but that is the ultimate party system sans fps games. Super Smash Brothers alone makes it worth picking up, but you also have your Super Monkey Ball, Bomberman Generation, Mario Party, Zelda: Four Swords and more for your multiplayer interests

Another game that lasts you forever (and stays continuously fun) is Worms: Armageddon, though Warbie already mentioned it. You have probably played it before, but if you haven't, you owe it to yourself to try it. Singleplayer and multiplayer are both ecstatically fun.

Some other games that aren't necessarily multiplayer but can be far more rewarding than an fps are Black and White, Deus Ex, and Morrowind. Being on a gaming forum, you have doubtlessly tried them, but if by some stretch you haven't, you owe it to yourself to pick them up.

My tastes may be irrelevant to you, though, as I personally haven't been able to stop replaying HL2 and enjoying it's multiplayer since it came out (taking an occasional break for Morrowind, Halo 2, Paper Mario, and Metroid Prime 2, of course)!
Worms is one of the most hilarious games ever made. Especially playing with a friend :D
Narcolepsy said:
Pressure, you need a nutrigrain.

I'm not sure if you have a Gamecube or not, but that is the ultimate party system sans fps games. Super Smash Brothers alone makes it worth picking up, but you also have your Super Monkey Ball, Bomberman Generation, Mario Party, Zelda: Four Swords and more for your multiplayer interests

Another game that lasts you forever (and stays continuously fun) is Worms: Armageddon, though Warbie already mentioned it. You have probably played it before, but if you haven't, you owe it to yourself to try it. Singleplayer and multiplayer are both ecstatically fun.

Some other games that aren't necessarily multiplayer but can be far more rewarding than an fps are Black and White, Deus Ex, and Morrowind. Being on a gaming forum, you have doubtlessly tried them, but if by some stretch you haven't, you owe it to yourself to pick them up.

My tastes may be irrelevant to you, though, as I personally haven't been able to stop replaying HL2 and enjoying it's multiplayer since it came out (taking an occasional break for Morrowind, Halo 2, Paper Mario, and Metroid Prime 2, of course)!

I've played all of those games and beaten them and I played WoW for like a month and got bored of it because there was something missing. Smash Bros we've played to death same with Worms and Mario Party and all those other games. Like I've said I've played and beaten literally hundreds of games lol. We play out a lot of the fun multiplayer ones too.
Pressure said:
I've played all of those games and beaten them and I played WoW for like a month and got bored of it because there was something missing. Smash Bros we've played to death same with Worms and Mario Party and all those other games. Like I've said I've played and beaten literally hundreds of games lol. We play out a lot of the fun multiplayer ones too.
Ever think of just taking a break from gaming? It sounds like you're just burned out.
Gaming for me is a side hobby but that's what I planned on doing. I do other things all day and at night I play games for an hour or two to relax. I guess I should just stop gaming for a few years lol.
Alpha Centauri?

It's really old, but it'll last you for a couple of days... :p

hmmmm, how 'bout anarchy online? I haven't played it, but it's supposed to be good. Everquest?

Any of the old lucasarts adventure games? I just got The Curse of Monkey Island, and it's great. I'd also reccomend sam and max, and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, along with Grim Fandango.

But then again, don't expect too much graphics wise, just story and puzzle wise....

all of them?

/me gets ready my final barrage.

how 'bout any of these: :naughty:

Abyss 2
Ace Lightning
Ace Of Aces
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Aces Of The Deep
Aces Of World War I
Aces Over Europe
Aces Over The Pacific
Achtung Spitfire!
Action Fighter
Action Half-Life
Action Man: Destruction X
Activision Anthology: Remix Edition
Actua Soccer
Actua Soccer 2
Actua Soccer 3
Actua Tennis
A.D. 2044
Adam The Double Factor
Addams Family, The
Admiral Sea Battles
Adobe After Effects
Advanced Battlegrounds: The Future Of Combat
Advanced Flight Trainer
Advanced Variable Geo 2
Advanced Video Poker
Adventure At The Chateau D'Or
Adventure: The Colossal Cave
Adventure Island
Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island
Adventures Of Lomax, The
Adventures Of Maddog Williams In The Dungeons Of Duridian, The
Adventures Of The Smart Patrol
Adventures Of Willy Beamish, The
Affairs Of The Court
AFL '98
AFL Live 2003
AFL Live 2004
AFL Live Premiership Edition
African Safari Trophy Hunter
Afrika Korps vs. Desert Rats
After Dark
After The War
Agassi Tennis Generation 2002
Age Of Empires
Age Of Empires: The Rise Of Rome
Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings
Age Of Empires 2: The Conquerors
Age Of Mythology
Age Of Mythology: The Titans
Age Of Rifles
Age Of Sail
Age Of Sail 2
Age Of Sail 2: Privateer's Bounty
Age Of Wonders
Age Of Wonders 2
Age Of Wonders: Shadow Magic
Agent 2002
Agharta: The Hollow Earth
Agile Warrior
Aglaia Online
AH-64D Longbow
Aid Zondulux
Air Raid: This Is Not A Drill
Air Supremacy
Airborne Hero: D-Day Frontline 1944
Airfix Dogfighter
Airline 69: Return To Casablanca
Airline Tycoon
Airline Tycoon Evolution
Airline Tycoon: First Class
Airlines 2
Airport Inc.
Airport Tycoon
Airport Tycoon 2
Airport Tycoon 3
AirStrike 2
AirStrike 3D
AirStrike 3D: Operation WAT
Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse
Aladdin In Nasiria's Revenge
Alamo, The
Alarm For Cobra 11 Autobahn
Alawar Crusaders Of Space
Alawar Crusaders Of Space: Open War
Alawar El Airplane
Alawar Foxy Jumper 2
Alawar Monsters House
Alawar Phobos
Alawar Snowy Puzzle Islands
Alawar Snowy Space Trip
Alawar X-Ray Ball
Alawar Xeno Assault
Alcatraz: Prison Escape
Alchemist Wizard
Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2002
Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2003
Alex The Alligator 4
Alice In Wonderland
Alien Battlecraft Arena
Alien Blast: The Encounter
Alien Breed
Alien Breed: Special Edition
Alien Breed: Tower Assault
Alien Breed 2
Alien Carnage
Alien Earth
Alien Incident
Alien Invasion
Alien Legacy
Alien Logic: Skyrealms Of Jorune
Alien Nations
Alien Odyssey
Alien Outbreak
Alien Rampage
Alien Shooter
Alien Sky
Alien Trilogy
Alien Virus
Alien vs. Bomberman
Alien vs. Predator
Aliens vs. Predator
Aliens vs. Predator Gold
Aliens vs. Predator 2
Aliens vs. Predator 2: Primal Hunt
Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure
All-Star Baseball 2004
Allan Border's Cricket
Alley Cat
Allied General
Allods: Sealed Lands
Alone In The Dark
Alone In The Dark 2
Alone In The Dark 3
Alone In The Dark: The New Nightmare
Alpha Black Zero
Altered Destiny
Alternate Reality: The City
Amazing Spiderman, The
Amazing Tetris
Amazon: The Guardians Of Eden
Amazon Trail, The
Amber: Journeys Beyond
America: No Peace Beyond The Line
America: Expansion Pack
America Online
America's Army
America's Army: Special Forces Downrange
America's Army: Special Forces Overmatch
American Chopper
American Civil War: Campaign Corinth
American Civil War: Campaign Ozark
American Conquest
American Conquest: Fight Back
American Deer Hunter 2000
American McGee's Alice
Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy
Amju Super Golf
Amulets And Armor
Amusing Balls
Anarchy Online
Ancient Art Of War, The
Ancient Conquest
Ancient Domains Of Mystery
Ancient Evil
Anco's Energizer
Andretti Racing
Android Pinball
Angel Devoid: Face Of The Enemy
Angels Vs. Devils
Animal Attack
Animal Paradise Tycoon
Animaniacs Game Pack
Animorphs: Know The Secret
Anito: Defend A Land Enraged
Anno 1602
Another War
Another World
Antz Extreme Racing
Anvil Of The Dawn
Apache AH-64 Air Assault
Apache Longbow
Apache Longbow 2
Apache: Longbow Assault
Apple Danger
AquaDigger 3D
Aqua Bubble
Aqua Bubble 2
Aquanox 2: Revelation
Arabian Nights
Arcade America
Arcade Fruit Machine
Arcade Park v7.0: The Matrix Edition
Arcade Pinball
Arcade Pool 2
ArcadeLab Superstar Chefs
Arcanum: Of Steamworks And Magick Obscura
Arcatera: The Dark Brotherhood
Archibald Alphabet Minigolf
Archibald Arcade Diver
Archibald's Digger
Archimedean Dynasty
Archon Ultra
Arctic Adventure
Arctic Moves
Arctic Rush
Ardennes Offensive, The
Are We There Yet?
Are You Afraid Of The Dark: Tale Of Orpheo's Curse
Area 51
Arena Wars
Ares Rising
Ark Of Time
Arkanoid 2: Revenge Of Doh
Arkanoid 2000
Arkanoid 4000
Arkanoid: The Virtual Isles
ARL '96
Armed And Dangerous
Armed And Delirious
Armies Of Exigo
Armored Fist
Armored Fist 2
Army Men
Army Men 2
Army Men 3: Toys In Space
Army Men: Air Tactics
Army Men: RTS
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
Army Men: Sarge's War
Army Men: World War
Arrancones: Police Unleashed
Arrangement, The
Arrival, The
Arrows Puzzle
Arsenal Extended Power
Arsenal Official Management Game
Arthur: The Quest For Excalibur
Arthur's Knights: Tales Of Chivalry
Arthur's Quest: Battle For The Kingdom
Arx Fatalis
AS400 Client Access
Asheron's Call
Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty
Asheron's Call 2: Fallen Kings
Ashes To Ashes
Assault Rigs
Assault Wing
Asterix And Obelix Take On Caesar
Asterix And Obelix XXL
Asterix: The Gallic War
Astonia 3
Astro Assembler
Astro Marine Corps
Astrorock 2000
Asura Puzzle Patlabor Series
Atari 80-in-1 Compilation
Atari Anniversary Edition
ATF Gold
Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Atlantis 2
Atlantis 3: The New World
Atlantis Evolution
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Atlantis Underwater Tycoon
Atomic 3D Shooter
Atomic Bomberman
Atomic Robokid
Atomic Sevens
Atomica Deluxe
Attack Of The Mutant Penguins
ATV Mudracer
Aura: Fate Of The Ages
Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victory
Austin Powers Pinball
Avernum 2
Avery Cardoza's Casino 2000
Axis And Allies (1998)
Axis And Allies (2004)
Axis Arena
Azrael's Tear
Aztec: The Curse In The Heart Of The City of Gold
B-17 Gunner: Air War Over Germany
B-17 Flying Fortress
Babes 'n' Balls Xtreme Beach Soccer
Baby Jo
Back To Baghdad
Back To Forrest
Back To The Future 2
Back To The Future 3
Backyard Baseball
Backyard Baseball 2001
Backyard Baseball 2003
Backyard Baseball 2005
Backyard Basketball
Backyard Basketball 2004
Backyard Football
Backyard Football 2002
Backyard Football 2004
Backyard Hockey
Backyard Hockey 2005
Backyard Skateboarding
Backyard Soccer
Backyard Soccer 2004
Backyard Soccer MLS Edition
Bad Blood
Bad Boys 2
Bad Day On The Midway
Bad Folkers
Bad Milk
Bad Mojo
Bad Mojo: Redux
Bad Onion
Baldr Bullet
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate: Tales Of The Sword Coast
Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows Of Amn
Baldur's Gate 2: Throne Of Bhaal
Ball Inferno
Balloon Blast
Balls Of Steel
Bandits: Phoenix Rising
Bang! Gunship Elite
Barbie Secret Agent
Bard's Tale, The
Bard's Tale 2, The: The Destiny Knight
Bard's Tale 3, The: The Thief Of Fate
Bargon Attack
Bart vs. The Space Mutants
Baseball Mogul 2004
Bass Avenger
Bass Landing
Bass Masters Classic: Tourment Edition
Batman: The Movie
Batman Forever
Batman Returns
Batman: Rise Of Sin Tzu
Batman: The Caped Crusader
Batman: Vengeance
Battery Check
Battle Arena Toshinden
Battle Arena Toshinden 2
Battle Beast
Battle Boattle
Battle Boattle 2
Battle Bugs
Battle Chess
Battle Engine Aquila
Battle For Troy
Battle Isle
Battle Isle 2
Battle Isle 3
Battle Isle 4: Incubation
Battle Isle 2220
Battle Isle '93
Battle Isle Scenario Disk 1
Battle Isle: The Andosia War
Battle Mages
Battle Of Britain, The
Battle Packman
Battle Raper
Battle Realms
Battle Realms: Winter Of The Wolf
Battle Snake
Battle Squadron

Battle Valley
Battlecruiser 3000 AD
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 2.0
Battlecruiser Millennium
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons Of WWII
Battlefield 1942: The Road To Rome
Battlefield: Vietnam
Battleground 3: Waterloo
Battleground: Gettysburg
Battle Men
Battle Men 3
Battleship: Surface Thunder
BattleStar 2000
Battletech: Metaldrome
Battletech: The Crescent Hawk´s Inception
Battletech: The Crescent Hawk´s Revenge
Battlezone: The Red Odyssey
Battlezone 2: Combat Commander
Beach Head 2000
Beach Head 2002
Beach King Stunt Racer
Beach Life
Beach Slam Pro
Beach Volleyball
Beam Breakers
Beanotown Racing
Beast 2
Beast Wars: Transformers
Beasts And Bumpkins
Beavis And Butt-Head: Bunghole In One
Beavis And Butt-head Do U.
Beavis And Butt-head In Virtual Stupidity
Beer War, The
Beetle Crazy Cup
Beetle Ju
Beetle Juice
Beetle Junior
Bejeweled 2 Deluxe
Below The Root
Beneath A Steel Sky
Bermuda Syndrome
Bernie Boulder
Betty's Beer Bar
Betrayal At Krondor
Betrayal In Antara
Better Dead Than Alien
Beverly Hills Cop
Beyond Atlantis
Beyond Atlantis 2
Beyond Divinity
Beyond Good And Evil
Beyond Normandy: Assignment Berlin
Beyond Pearl Harbor
Beyond The Gates
Beyond The Law: The Third Wave - Command And Deploy Force
Beyond The Tesseract
Beyond Time
Beyond Zork
Bicycle Board Games
Big Mutha Truckers
Big Biz Tycoon
Big Biz Tycoon 2
Big Buck Hunter
Big Game Hunter 2
Big Game Hunter 3
Big Money Deluxe
Big Red Adventure
Big Red Racing
Big Scale Racing
Biing! 2
Bikez 2
Bikini Karate Babes
Bio Forge
Bio Freaks
Bio Menace
Bionic Commando
Bird Hunter
Bird Hunter 2003
Bird Hunter: Upland Edition
Bird Hunter: Waterfowl Edition
Bird Hunter: Wild Wings Edition
Birdie Shoot
Birth Of The Phoenix
Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance
Black And White
Black And White: Creature Isles
Black Cauldron, The
Black Dahlia
Black Mirror, The
Black Moon Chronicles
Blackhawk Striker 2
Blackstone Chronicles
Blade And Sword
Blade Of Betrayal
Blade Of Blackpoole
Blade Of Darkness
Blade Runner
Blade Warrior
Blair Witch Volume 1: Rustin Parr
Blair Witch Volume 2: Coffin Rock
Blair Witch Volume 3: Elly Kedward
Blake Stone
Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold
Blake Stone 3.0
Blam! Machine Head
Blast Doors
Blast It!
Blaster Master 2
Blaze And Blade
Blazer Ball
Bleifuss 2
Bleifuss Fun
Blip And Blop: Balls Of Steel
Blitzkrieg: Rolling Thunder
Block Cluster
Block Maneuvers
Block Rox
Blood 2: The Chosen
Blood 2: The Nightmare Levels
Blood And Magic
Blood Bath
Blood Omen: Legacy Of Kain
Blood Sport
Blow Pipe
Blown Away
Blue Dragon
Blue Force
Blue Heat
Blue Ice
Blue Lightning
Blues Brothers, The
Blupimania 2
Boa Constrictor
Boarder Zone
Boat Fury
Bob's Bad Day
Body Blows
Bomberman vs. Digger
Bongo Boogie
Bongo The Rabbit
Boom Boom Volleyball
Border Patrol
Border Zone
Borrowed Time
Boss Rally
Bouncin' Balls
Bounty Hunter SX
Bowl X-Treme
Bowlda Dash
Bowling U.S.A.
Brain Blocks Super Bubbles Deluxe
Brain Dead 13
Brain Lord
Brain Storm
Brain Storm Pro
Brain Wave
Brain Wave 2
Brave Dwarves
Brave Dwarves 2 Gold
Brave Piglet
Brave Soul
Breach 3
BreadieQuest: Halloween 3
Breakneck 2
Breakout Casino
Breath Of Fire
Breath Of Fire 4
Brian Lara Cricket
Brickles 3001
Bricks 2000
Bricks Destroyer
Britney's Dance Beat
Brixout XP
Broken Helix
Broken Sword: Circle Of Blood
Broken Sword: The Shadow Of The Templars
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
Browning African Safari
Browning Duck Hunter
Browning Elk Hunter
Bruce Jenner´s World Class Decathlon
Brutal: Paws Of Fury
BSS Jane Seymour
Bubba 'n' Stix
Bubble Bobble
Bubble Bobble Nostalgie
Bubble Bobble Quest
Bubble Bobble: The New Adventures
Bubble Bobble World
Bubble Bubble Swim
Bubble Frenzy
Bubble Hero 2
Bubble Ice Age
Bubble Me
Bubble Pop
Bubble Shooter
Bubble Shooter Family Edition
Bubble Strike
Bubble Xmas
Buck Rogers: Countdown To Doomsday
Buck Rogers 2: Matrix Cubed
Bud Redhead: The Time Chase
Bud Tucker In Double Trouble
Buckmaster Deer Hunting
Budo: The Art of Ninja Combat
Bug Riders
Bug Squash
Bugatron Gold
Bugdom 2
Bughunter In Space
Bugs Bunny: Lost In Time
Bugs Bunny And Taz: Time Busters
Bumby's Arcade Fantasy
Bumper Wars
Bundesliga Manager
Bureau 13
Burn: Cycle
Burnout: Championship Drag Racing
Burnout: Championship Drag Racing Players Choice Edition
Bursting Bubbles Deluxe
Bush Shootout
Business Tycoon
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition
Bust-A-Move 4
Bust Em
Butcher, The
Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space
Buzzing Cars
Byzantine: The Betrayal
Caesar 2
Caesar 3
Caesar's Palace Video Poker
Call Of Duty
Call Of Duty: United Offensive
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Cameron Files, The: Pharaoh's Curse
Cameron Files, The: Secret At Loch Ness
Campaign 1776
Campaign Eckmuhl
Canary: Kono Omoi o Uta ni Nosete
Cannon Fodder
Cannon Fodder 2
Capitalism 2
Capitalism Plus
Capoeira Fighter 2
Captain Blood
Captain Claw
Captain Comic
Captain Comic 2: Fractured Reality
Car Thief
Car Thief 5: Breaking Through
Car Tycoon
Carl Lewis Olympic Challenge
Carmaggedon: Splat Pack
Carmaggedon 2
Carmaggedon TDR 2000
Carmen Sandiego: Word Detective
Civilization: Call To Power
Civilization: Call To Power 2
Civilization 2
Civilization 2: Fantastic Worlds
Civilization 2 Gold Edition
Civilization 2: Test Of Time
Civilization 3
Civilization 3: Conquests
Civilization 3: Play The World
Combat Command 2: Desert Rats
Combat Engineer
Combat Medic: Special Ops
Come See Me Tonight
Come See Me Tonight 2
Comet Busters
Commanche: Maximum Overkill
Commanche 3
Commanche 4
Commanche Gold
Command And Conquer
Command And Conquer: Covert Operations
Command And Conquer: Counterstrike
Command And Conquer: Generals
Command And Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
Command And Conquer Gold
Command And Conquer: Red Alert
Command And Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command And Conquer: Red Alert - Retaliation
Command And Conquer: Red Alert - The Aftermath
Command And Conquer: Renegade
Command And Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Command And Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Firestorm
Command And Conquer: Yuri's Revenge...


All of thoes too?

You really need a break :p
Ever think of just taking a break from gaming? It sounds like you're just burned out.

just what i was going to say.

damn.. how many CaC games are there???...
I've scanned the list and I've actually played a lot of them with a few exceptions. Of course I haven't played all on that list but I have played a good chunk of them.
U've played sc right.
Anyone go on sc once.
Go to the UMS once...
Diplomacy is a great thing. One of the most addicted, heart pounding, adrenaling, anticpation requiring, maps ever made. Any of them are. You never know who your allies are also allied to. Becoming a superpower..well there will always be another super power to challenge you. They can convince or pay the smaller nations to turn against you. You have to anticipate or use your own trick to figure out what your eneimes will make and what to counter with.

Starcraft Diplomacys are some of the most breathtaking things ever created. Sending a 600 man army out to battle another huge army, while at the same time massing out more to protect my borders incase anything else happens. Building to protect myself. For all you know by the time you attack he will have massed dropped you.
Do you keep your units attacking? Do you send them back to hold off the drop?

Sending out 600 units is well.. an undescrible feeling. Your heart races faster and your whole body goes an odd feeling over you. You have no clue what is going to happen. You have no clue what your up against.
Games like RON or any other game cannot even come close to this feeling and this whole type of gameplay.

Then civlizations(Civilization Emerald), add a whole new element. Taking back what Diplomacy was and adding a whole new element. Technology, it works itself into a very smooth portion of the gameplay.

Starcraft Diplomacy & Civilizations are a breathaking experince if you never tried them before.
I suggest you do if you havn't.

Oldie but a goodie. If you haven't played it I'd reccomend it :)
Outcast and Operation Flashpoint are two games that last forever, in my opinion, but I suppose you have already played them..

Have you played Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy? They last a great deal if you play around with spawning enemies and allies or making your own levels.. But that goes for most games, my advice to you would be to start modding for a game :)
I agree with Narcolepsy. Party games are the way to go - that means picking up a GC, and preferably a DC (and digging out your old consoles - i'll be playing Bomberman on the Saturn in 10 years time :)) A DS too.

If played with friends, in the right atmosphere, these games never get boring. Get you crazy peripherals out - light guns, fishing rods, dance mats, maracas and bongos. This is what it's all about, gaming where everyone has a smile on their face.

I also understand what you said about leagues and tournies. That's why I emphasised that you need the right bunch of guys to play with. Playing in clans when it's still truely about having fun and co-operating is amazing (don't let a few bad experiencves put you off) To be a good and successful clan doesn't mean it has to be serious, far from it. You can be a great clan and not make it a 'job' in anyway. You can be a great clan and still have lots of fun and get your ass kicked every match ;)

(let's face it, if you're into teamwork, public servers suck compared to matches and get boring very quickly. Just think of it as a group of friends who want to play something a little more structured and enjoyable than your average frag fest)
heres a few games you have to get.
Medieval Total War
Rome Total War
Civilization 3
Crusader Kings
Hearts of Iron 1-2

guaranteed to take up alot of your time. civilization has been takin up about 3 years of my so called life.
I've played those. I'll keep looking for something I haven't played either old or new. If I can't find anything by the end of the year I give up lol.
Pressure said:
I've played those. I'll keep looking for something I haven't played either old or new. If I can't find anything by the end of the year I give up lol.
give pes4/we8 a go, could be just what youre looking for i think
Pro Evolution Soccer 4, or Winning Eleven 8 in Japan.

The best footy/sports series ever made \o/ (was my personal GOTY last year)

Games don't get much beter than this.
Go play a bound on Starcraft ^_^
Then send me some of your games...plzzzzzzz!
Warbie said:
Pro Evolution Soccer 4, or Winning Eleven 8 in Japan.

The best footy/sports series ever made \o/ (was my personal GOTY last year)

Games don't get much beter than this.
Yep. Id guess he probably doesnt even like football, being from america, but that pretty much fits the bill going by what he says he wants in a game.
edit: pes4 was my goty too
Reaktor4 said:
Yep. Id guess he probably doesnt even like football, being from america, but that pretty much fits the bill going by what he says he wants in a game.
edit: pes4 was my goty too

Way to stereotype :). I don't mind a good game of football, you Europeans seem to love it a lot :p. I'll give it a shot.
Pressure said:
Way to stereotype :). I don't mind a good game of football, you Europeans seem to love it a lot :p. I'll give it a shot.

Good man (the Xbox version has Live support too :))

It's all about the Master League :). Start off with a team of tards - then buy, sell and train players untill you're the mightiest football team in the world!!
There is a playstation version with online support (and possibly new tricks; flip flap/elastico is in the intro movie apparently) being released in march, called we8 liveware edition. And of course the pc version is online, although you really need to dl this to find players:
The pc version + gamepad + pes4online is the one to go for imo.
And sorry about the stereotyping lol
Ah PES4 is just pure class. There's nothing like getting loads of mates round to have a big tourny huddled round a big TV :D

A few weeks ago 8 of us got together and put a fiver down in a tournament, meaning the winner gets 40 quid :D I got to the final, which shockingly went to penners, only for me to lose after Raul pelted it over the bar :(