Gamescom 2011 - Doug Lombardi Confirms 'We will be there'

You don't bind?

Sorry, I should have been clearer. You certainly use the keyboard in DoTA for both abilities and items, but since most abilities have a cooldown ranging from a few seconds to a couple minutes, you are never really "mashing" the keyboard. On the other hand, if you're in a room full of people playing DoTA, there is an overwhelming *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* :P
Why do so many people see the need to inform the world that they don't care about Dota/DOTA/DotA?
People are whiney bitches?

Yup. Well, that and people REALLY want to see some info on another particular game which shall not be mentioned. Personally, DoTA 2 is one of the few games I'm really looking forward to in the near future.
I couldn't care less about DOTA

Nobody cares that you couldn't care less about DOTA. The waft of immaturity coming from the community about this release is starting to cloud the entire room. Responses such as yours reek of the same entitlement issues that dogged the announcement of L4D2. Okay, so you haven't heard anything about the next installment of Half-Life. So what? That doesn't mean DOTA has taken its place or that it is somehow responsible for E3's absence.

Because this is all Valve cares to talk about besides then endless TF2 updates.

Ugh, I know, right! So sick of this deluge of frequent, free updates with no end in sight. I wish Valve would just **** off and give me something I can pay for.
Nobody cares that you couldn't care less about DOTA. The waft of immaturity coming from the community about this release is starting to cloud the entire room. Responses such as yours reek of the same entitlement issues that dogged the announcement of L4D2. Okay, so you haven't heard anything about the next installment of Half-Life. So what? That doesn't mean DOTA has taken its place or that it is somehow responsible for E3's absence.

Ugh, I know, right! So sick of this deluge of frequent, free updates with no end in sight. I wish Valve would just **** off and give me something I can pay for.

I actually bought L4D2... and the updates for TF2 are kind of pointless. Have you seen the "Uber Update"? Basically the same weapons with tweaked damage, clip size and/or rate of fire. (in my opinion, just doesn't see like the kind of imagination and quality that comes out of Valve. I mean, who needs more $3 hats?)

While there has been an inordinate amount of whining and complaining, I think it is a little irksome that Valve are dropping the ball on everything else (aka not TF2, L4D, Portal and now DOTA).

Also, I know you couldn't care less if I "couldn't care less" about DOTA. But you could say that about anything anybody posts on a forum, couldn't you? Also, I don't really know how I come off as entitled with my comment... I didn't say "I deserve" or "valve owes me".