Gamespot Best of E3

Eh, it's their loss really. All the people who follow HL2 and play the half-life MODS who go to their site to look for HL2 info and don't see any will just look elseware. It does seem like Gamespot has some sort of "hate" I guess you could call it for HL2. Maybe Valve doesn't kiss their ass's or something; who knows.
I don't care, it's my own opinion that matters ^^
Best strategy...

The sims 2.....

Gamespot suck donky cock. Every1 knows Rome Total War owns all strat games....

What the hell are they on?!

Btw.. J. Caesar.
Half-Life 2 won the "best PC game" and "best overall game" categories last year, which is just as unimportant as this year's absence on Gamespot's lists.

A bit strange that it isn't even mentioned once, but then again GS must have a reason for ignoring Valve's game, whether you and I would agree with it or not.
Dougy said:
Best strategy...

The sims 2.....

Gamespot suck donky cock. Every1 knows Rome Total War owns all strat games....

Heh yeah that one looks awesome. Im waiting for Lord of the rings: BFME too.
And it looks better than the Sims 2 as well.
If you read thier pre-E3 review you would figure out they don't like HL2, they were trying to diss it in every possible way
Doesn't really matter, gamespot has lost it's leading role in the gameworld
The only ones I pay attention to are the official E3 game critic awards, which come out around 3 weeks after the show, its a little more spread across the board.

But even then I pay no attention to other peoples opinions lol.
"games that were shown at E3 last year were--by and large--less impressive to us the second time around, unless of course they've made significant strides since then. That is to say, at E3, we naturally favor never-before-seen games."


"Criteria included (but weren't limited to) visuals, music, editing/pacing, and the all-important surprise factor."

Although that doesn´t explain why something like ever-the-same splinter cell 3 won the best game of show.
I could care less that HL2 isn't in there, it's their loss. But come on, their entire list is ridiculous! Mechassault 2 the best shooter? Like... wtf? Splinter Cell 3 the best action game.. again: wtf?
The Sims 2 best strategy? Again (!): wtf? And then, what the hell is so strategic about The Sims? The game is supposed to be played by 10 year old girls ffs!

They've shot themselves in the foot by not adding games that appeared for a second time, World of Warcraft is a huge miss in the MMORPG department.
scribblehead said:
that just makes me want to cry...biggest surprise - zelda? wtf??

Yes, clearly everybody ALREADY KNEW about the new, more adult, zelda game coming out, that was shown for the first time ever at e3.
Imagine that, it robbed HL2 of its rightful place as "biggest surprise of e3 2004", even though hl2 was at e3 last year too. It was still surprising!!! really.
Well, if you read the article: "We did not consider games in this latter category in these awards, but instead have focused exclusively on games that were playable at the show. "

I think that answers why Half-Life 2 wasn't featured.
The Sims 2 as Best Strategy Game?!?! Rome: Total War and TBFME could have easily beaten that.

And I don't even know whats going on with the MechAssault 2 winning the Best Shooter Game award. In my opinion, F.E.A.R and Halo 2 are much better.
The fact that not only was GT4 not included as a best simulation finalist, but because Ace Combat 5 was included in the sim category as a finalist just makes me wonder who makes up these lists. Ace Combat is an amazing game, but it is certainly not a simulation! It would be like calling HL2 a tactical first person shooter!
I don't think Splinter Cell 3 should have won "Best Action Game." But did anyoe hear actual watch the media they showed? The co-op was mighty impressive.
I have gay console friends and they love all the games like Super Monkey Ball, Mario Party, and they are living for the day they can play any new Zelda game. Not surprisingly, gamespot is their favorite source. I think my friends and the guys at gamespot share a certain passion for nintendo and their E ratings.
Cut the Crap, Half-Life 2 topped the list last year, what was so amazing regarding HL2 this year? Another new interactive demos, nothing else, it was exactly the same as last year, you cannot expect a game to win every year, beside Valve had their E3 last year, now it's time to release the game because WOW factor is wearing out. Doom 3 was not mentioned too, does it mean Gamespot doesn't care about it too?
Naveed said:
Cut the Crap, Half-Life 2 topped the list last year, what was so amazing regarding HL2 this year? Another new interactive demos, nothing else, it was exactly the same as last year, you cannot expect a game to win every year, beside Valve had their E3 last year, now it's time to release the game because WOW factor is wearing out. Doom 3 was not mentioned too, does it mean Gamespot doesn't care about it too?

well said. Totally agree

I'm not exactly sure about some of the awards they gave. But then it's their opinion(however crazy or insane it might seem). For me Rome:Total War was easily THE strategy game of the show and the best pc game of the show. HL2 I would say was the best shooter and in the running for best pc game. I definitely think the new Zelda was the biggest surprise, I thought nintendo were going to stick to the cel-shading (ala WindWaker) which didn't really bother me once I got used to it.
riTuaL said:
I have gay console friends and they love all the games like Super Monkey Ball, Mario Party, and they are living for the day they can play any new Zelda game. Not surprisingly, gamespot is their favorite source. I think my friends and the guys at gamespot share a certain passion for nintendo and their E ratings.

What is this world coming to!?? :eek: :(
Well..since Half-life 2 made a apperance last year at E3, back then HL2 stole the show. This year, it was much of the same thing from valve so it wasn't as impressive as last years and on top of that, no release date was given. So I understand why gamespot my be frustrated with Half-life 2, as most people are.
guys this isn't a game of the year contest, it's just e3, which just pretty much amounts to what video looked the snazziest, no gameplay, just presentation, we shouldn't start a flame thread over this
Dougy said:
Best strategy...

The sims 2.....

Gamespot suck donky cock. Every1 knows Rome Total War owns all strat games....

I thought that Sims 2 was classified as Simulation...
Half-Life 2 is too good for them I guess. And Gamespot does seem to have some sort of grudge against HL² though I can't for the life of me think why.
You can't expect awards being won by the same game every year, even though I don't agree with half the awards Gamespot awarded. Just because they didn't give no awards to Half-Life 2 doesn't mean Gamespot have a grudge against Valve. What the ****?
scribblehead said:
that just makes me want to cry...biggest surprise - zelda? wtf??

Zelda is so surprising.

OMG Zelda got kidnapped!

OMG I got the master sword!

Still though, Link is teh win cause I like his hat.
I love hl2 more than any game shown at e3 next to Zelda. I’m trying to use every single logic circuit in my brain to figure out how you people think hl2 was the biggest suprise this year??? I think it since hl2 showed the best content it deserves best of show.

The switch to realistic Zelda was a surprise to me and probably will be to the 8 million people to bought Ocarina of Time. I don’t care if Nintendo has e-rated games, fun is fun. It’s good to have some balance and variety anyway.
I was looking over the Gamespot forums, and if it makes you feel any better, GS readers agree with this board. the forums are filled with "GS E3 awards - WTF?" threads, and a lot of people are talking about the notable omission of HL2.

we know it'll be a great game, who cares what GS thinks?
gamespot does not hold any grudges against any specific games, now which presentation was more surprising and better to you guys, 03 or 04, i'd have to go with 04 b/c that's when hl2 techonology was first announced, thus gamespot didn't see it necassary to award half life2 with any new awards
Oh my God, someone has an opinion that differs from mine!!!

I must exact my revenge...

Seriously though you immature little fanboy fanatics, do you think maybe it's possible that the professional writers of a major internet gaming source have just a little bit less bias than you?
[/QUOTE]Oh my God, someone has an opinion that differs from mine!!!

I must exact my revenge...

Seriously though you immature little fanboy fanatics, do you think maybe it's possible that the professional writers of a major internet gaming source have just a little bit less bias than you?
that's pretty much what i'm trying to say, though not as bluntly, and the thing that gets me the most is how people can get so rattled up over the e3 awards which rates nothing on gameplay, pretty much just on graphics
I'll probably buy a kidcube just to play that Zelda game :naughty:
well, that zela game does look mighty exciting