Gamespot "Final" write up?

Yeah its been done. But its still an great great read for other/new people who may have missed it.
Yeah, it's been discussed a few times here, but I think that it probably has a bit more relevance now than most of the other times it's been mentioned. I'm sure some people will appreciate it!
I hadn't seen it before. Thanks for posting the link. It was a great read.
Valve hoped to have the game out in the spring... then in June... then in the summer... then September... and finally Thanksgiving. The slippery slope of release dates was the cause of great concern within Sierra, where employees would joke that they didn't think they would ever see Half-Life sitting on a store shelf

Fragmaster said:
Half-Life 2 will almost certainly be a great game once it's released and I can't wait to play it. Be patient, don't believe everything you read, think for yourself, and remember that history has a habit of repeating itself. Repeating itself. Repeating itself. THE END.

Sound familiar?
Does not have with GS to do.. ;p

I tried to find an Gamespot email address, but I couldn't find any.

I would like to see if GS would do the same thing this time.. Guess not :/
its been posted before, but its such a good read.. and i agree it might have some relevance to whats happening now :)
estling said:
Does not have with GS to do.. ;p

I tried to find an Gamespot email address, but I couldn't find any.

I would like to see if GS would do the same thing this time.. Guess not :/
i asked one of the editors at GS and he did hint that they may be doing sush a feature. he saidsomething like, 'i dont want to give away our hand, but we are looking into something'
Helevitia said:
When was this article written?

I'd guess it was written 1998, the year of the original Half-Life being released.
WhiteBoy said:
I'd guess it was written 1998, the year of the original Half-Life being released.

LOL, I thought it was written about HL2, which is why I was confused. OK, it all makes sense now :) Thanks.
FISKER_Q said:
Fragmaster did have some good info.

Unfortunately he was a moron about it.

I totally agree, he looked at everything from a jaded gamer, somthing can't be right aspect. Instead of trying to find out what the other possibilities besides that valve may be lying to him. Any info he got he seemed to tie together with valve must be lying to gamers. Especially the whole AI fiasco, all AI is indeed scripted its just multiple scripts interacting with eachother to do different things. Instead of a single thing repeatedly, the scripts interact with each other in a sense.

Obects will always need some sort of triggering and whatnot, so that they can detect eachother and not use cycles wasting on 'acting' while your not even there. So basically because of this people claimed valve was in fact lying and it was all scripted and not AI. This is just one example of how frag would look at everything in a negative valve must be lying way.