gamespot is misleading


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
At the time of making this post...if you go to

It will say "PC Demo" and under it "Half-life 2"

I was about to go crazy then it turned out to be the tech movie grrr

You may have to refresh the page several times or click "See more"
Yes, and its not the first time, they did the same when they released the e3 vids, it was driving me ****ing nuts!!!
Yeah, a friend of mine told me that the demo was out the other day, but that they couldn't download it because they didn't have a gamespot account...I had to break the news to him.

I'm pretty sure their system has to have it as a demo because it's an executable. "Movies" probably have to be of a certain file type.
Yeah, they are Demos of Half-Life 2.

Demo means Demonstration. They aren't being misleading at all, you are just assuming they mean "Playable Demo" when they don't.

A few years ago, on magazine cover disks, you used to get a lot of "Rolling Demos" which was just the game playing a short portion of itself. These are a lot more rare now.
feath dont be so ****ing picky wen people say demo they usauly mean palyable
No i agree with Feath he really has a point.

If you're gonna be vague about something.... where do you stop?
They're taking advantage of the fact that "demo" is a loosely defined term. It's just good ol' fashioned marketing at work.
*Grabs torch*

sorry. ;)

Seriously though, that does need to be changed....
I wasn't been picky I'm just saying it's not as misleading as you think.

I think a Half-Life 2 would pretty much crash the internet. I mean, people downloading Steam has put a strain on a lot of servers. Imagine a Half-Life 2 demo.