Gamespot - Last reviewers who still have integrity and cant be bribed.



This proves that the people who write for Gamespot can't be bought like all those other high reviews you've read. I've ordered Half-Life 2 and even I knew it wasn't going to be anywhere near the hype it has been set at. It's a lot like what happened with Doom 3.
DiortemrM said:
This proves that the people who write for Gamespot can't be bought like all those other high reviews you've read. I've ordered Half-Life 2 and even I knew it wasn't going to be anywhere near the hype it has been set at. It's a lot like what happened with Doom 3.

Have you played the game? NO. So stfu please. :p

No seriously, they gave Halo 2 9.4/10 ... in my opinion it deserved 7.8/10 :dozey:
Oh look....a poster with 3 posts. Ill give you this - you exceeded my predicitions on you. I thought you'd have 1 post.
You're just a regular lil' consumer cow, I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Oh yes, I'm sure Edge and PC Gameplay and all other mags that have shown integrity over the years are lying bribed scum.

Oh yeah, welcome back Metroid. And didn't HL2 get a higher mark than Metroid Echoes? :E
Nope, can't be bought or influenced by hype at all....

*cough* Halo 2
*cough* GTA:SA

Sorry, you opinion in invalid due to recent evidence.
They gave Halo 9/10. That game is a steaming turd on the chest of FPS'.

'Nuff said.

Guys, calm're all sounding like major fanboys.

It's the dude's opinion. He thought HL2 was over-hyped. So what? To tell you the truth, he's probably right.
That just goes to show how naive you are. If you had any brains you'd know that a few high scores from bribed magazines significantly hype the game and sell several thousand more units.
DiortemrM said:
That just goes to show how naive you are. If you had any brains you'd know that a few high scores from bribed magazines significantly hype the game and sell several thousand more units.

Why bribe any magazine when people are going to buy it because of its predesesor anyway?
DiortemrM said:
That just goes to show how naive you are. If you had any brains you'd know that a few high scores from bribed magazines significantly hype the game and sell several thousand more units.
You might have a point except for the fact that the vast majority of the reviews have been stellar.

And besides, a review is an opinion, so how can it be right or wrong. Just because a review is lower, how does that make it better.

And finally, what is wrong with a 9.2? Sounds awfully good to me.
To get you more excited about it, so excited that you tell all your tard friends about it so they buy it as well.
Ok, DiortemrM is the second person who registered @ today with the sole purpose of defending Gamespot. Hmmmmmmmm
That's right, every single review establishment has been covertly bribed with the sole exception of Gamespot. Even PC Gameplay, who said the game could have achieved the best ranking ever had it shipped with a unique multiplayer component (and preceded to give it 90%).

That's right, put on those tinfoil hats, lads.
Give me a break. Gamespot gave it an "Editor's Choice" award, indicating that it is the "Best of the Best".

Yeah, the reviewer seemed overly negative--which isn't necessarily a mark of integrity, mind you--but they still gave it a top score.
Hey you know what? You're absolutely right. Valve flew the gamespot guys out there to play HL2 and they just stood up and said "Fluff you Valve! We won't accept your bribes! We'll do our own completely unbiased review!"
Whereas every other publication reviewing the game just rolled over to have their belly tickled.

It's just so.....obvious.

I hope you enjoyed your brief stay on our forums. It's been fun having you trol^H^H^H^H around.
I registered a while back actually. Will Half-Life 2 be good? Yeah, but it's not going to be anything new or set any records, unless the magazines have been bribed.
I get it now. Over 20 mags were bribed to do this. So this way when it isnt what all the review say, they can all get flamed to death for looking like idiots about what they wrote. Please, your a halo 2 fanboy and its very apparent that you have a PC equivalent to an xbox so you can't play hl2 and now your crying in your moms basement over it with your copy of h2 sitting on the table.
DiortemrM said:
I registered a while back actually. Will Half-Life 2 be good? Yeah, but it's not going to be anything new or set any records, unless the magazines have been bribed.

That made no sense at all. HL2 ISNT going to set any records....UNLESS the mags were bribed. Right...I trust you. You have my full support. Gamespot (consolekiddiespot) for life!
ShinRa said:
Oh look....a poster with 3 posts. Ill give you this - you exceeded my predicitions on you. I thought you'd have 1 post.

And since when did postcounts have anything to do with the content or quality of a post?

This kind of bullshit is exactly why postcounts should be removed permanently.
Valve spent money to bribe reviewers who only a small majority of gamers would read instead of advertising the game FREAKING EVERYWHERE for all to see.

Yep, that's right.
Spartan said:
And since when did postcounts have anything to do with the content or quality of a post?

This kind of bullshit is exactly why postcounts should be removed permanently.

I think he brought postcount up because he suspected DiortemrM to register just to be an ass :)
Am I the only one who sees that this guy is just Mr Metroid (spell his name backwards for fun) and is the same boring old troll from a few months ago?

Metroid, you gotta work on your act, this is pathetic.

Not to mention HL2 as an overhyped shit game still got higher than Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
Yes, your arguments make a lot of sense.
DiortemrM said:
I registered a while back actually. Will Half-Life 2 be good? Yeah, but it's not going to be anything new or set any records, unless the magazines have been bribed.
Really? Well that sucks then. And here I was believing people who had actually played the game when I should have just taken your word for it.
Uh, so was DiortemrM banned for defending Gamespot? I guess we'll be seeing more bans soon.
What really disturbes me about the review. Is that it seems like they have nothing good to say about the game.But yet they gave it 9.2 ec score....mmk
everyone has the opinion of what a great game is .. so when u play it you choose if its a 9.2 or .0000001
This is a stupid thread. UT2004 is easily considered to be a bought Gamespot score (medicocre multiplayer and horrible single-player), and so is Halo2. All you have to do is read the Half-Life2 review to see how poorly it was written. 9.2 would be more credible had the review been written by someone with competence that was not a Halo2 fanboy . This reviewer seems to be angry about the recent criticism of Halo2 and so now he throws the same criticisms at Half-Life2 :D
I heard Microsoft bribed Gamespot into giving HL2 a shitty review cause they didn't want it hurting sales of Halo 2. And this score proves it.
Spartan said:
Uh, so was DiortemrM banned for defending Gamespot? I guess we'll be seeing more bans soon.
No, becuase it's a previous banned troll coming back :)
He was banned for being Mr Metroid - a known, already permanently banned troll.
a lot of people keep tossing around the idea that all reviewers are bought, which is bullshit. they dont need to be bought. thats what advertisers are for. give me some evidence for the "buying" or shut up.
Damn those banned people constantly coming back....

Anyway...anyone else find it funny that the SAME reviewer made these two comments?

Halo 2 - Nothing gameplay wise has changed but it is improved upon.
HL2 - brings nothing new to the table.
