Gamespot review of Condemned: Criminal origins...

This game looks so insane. I want it so bad. It's too bad it didn't do a few things better, it would have gotten a 10 for sure.

condemned 2 perhaps?

they'll gladly hurt one another--as well as you--just as long as somebody gets hurt.
:laugh: Extreme!
Aye. The game shows a lot of potential. It's a shame it's uneven. Hopefully a sequel (fingers crossed) can get it down to perfection. Monolith is a talented developer.
!!!!needs To Come Out On Pc!!!!

Btw i hate gamespot reviews. Never trusted them, plus they are almost never right about anything.

and my god do i hate that guy and the other asian who review games. They talk like slow retards.
Hmm, it got an 8.7 at IGN. It sounds like a great experience, but 10 hours?? That's pretty short for $60--especially with relatively low replay value. Granted, the fighting would be pretty cool, but how long can that last? The level design was clearly put on the back burner in favor of visceral first-person melee, so if that's the big draw, then I'd say this is a no-brainer rental, but would probably be one of those titles you sell back in a little while in favor of the new flavor of the month.

Gives one lots of hope for the future of the console though. As one review of Kameo stated, it "shows that the best is yet to come" on the 360.

EDIT: Blast! Beaten to the punch! Though not by a very helpful or informative post :)
Drab and boring levels is becoming a Monolith signature it seems (*frowns at FEAR*) Still, condemned looks pretty decent, if a little short.

One to rent or sell on me thinks.
Sounds a lot like F.E.A.R, also by Monolith, crappy level design, long stretches of walking around dark corridors, a lot of emphasis on the atmosphere, short completion time.
Only 10 hours for $60? That got me thinking about something. I wonder how movie-length games would fare if they had great presentation and were priced like new DVD releases (about $20 a piece). I mean, they would have smaller budgets and could be made more quickly... both of which are becoming important as games are quickly turning into massive productions. In the short run, it could allow developers more room to try to innovate because they aren't putting as much time and effort into each product... even though some would still opt to go the EA route and milk a franchise with tons of short games. Would you prefer three three-hour games or one nine-hour game if both options were of equal overall quality and price? I'd have to give it some more thought before I came to a conclusion. Still, it's worth considering... given the way the industry seems to be headed.
OCybrManO said:
Only 10 hours for $60? That got me thinking about something. I wonder how movie-length games would fare if they had great presentation and were priced like new DVD releases (about $20 a piece). I mean, they would have smaller budgets and could be made more quickly... both of which are becoming important as games are quickly turning into massive productions. In the short run, it could allow developers more room to try to innovate because they aren't putting as much time and effort into each product... even though some would still opt to go the EA route and milk a franchise with tons of short games. Would you prefer three three-hour games or one nine-hour game if both options were of equal overall quality and price? I'd have to give it some more thought before I came to a conclusion. Still, it's worth considering... given the way the industry seems to be headed.

We'll get to see how shorter episodes of games will fare with the hl2 episodes (if they manage to crank them out) and sin2:episodes.

I guess... but that's more like an HBO miniseries than a movie. They're going into it with multiple episodes being the plan all along. In the end, they're still meant to be thought of as the sum of all the parts. I mean an entire gaming experience (plot and all) encapsulated in a few hours of quality gameplay. It may be splitting hairs but... whatever...
OCybrManO said:
I guess... but that's more like an HBO miniseries than a movie. They're going into it with multiple episodes being the plan all along. In the end, they're still meant to be thought of as the sum of all the parts. I mean an entire gaming experience (plot and all) encapsulated in a few hours of quality gameplay. It may be splitting hairs but... whatever...

You are right that there is a difference between movies and miniseries, and these episodes being miniseries but that is the only sensible way of releasing short games. Building stuff for a game is so timeconsuming that you can't produce much orignal content for a 2hour game. When making a rl film, if you want your main character to have dinner, all you have to do is get someone to make it, and serve it to him/her. When making a game, you have to build all the components of the dinner from scratch, animate the character so it looks like he is eating it and generally make a lot of work for almost nothing.

Hopefully we will see more games as miniseries in the future. I seriously doubt high-quality games will be movie-length in the near future though. (mebbe once we have organic input/output devices that we can plug in our a... I mean nose...)

I'm still getting it, looks awesome. Gamespot reviews do tend to suck.
I mean RPG's are ment to be long, time consuming games. I mean just becuase the battles take 5 or 10 times longer doesn't make them better. I prefer the action fight sequences to the turn based, select spell or even the fighting style of WoW.

Short and sweet.

So is 10 hours really not as good as 40 or so hours of repetition to get level 60?

you know what im saying?

yes its nice to have a nice long game to play that you can always count on for there be something to do in it, but with RPG's its often boring and tedious anyway.

I think we could come to a comprimise and get a great 20 hour game for the win

Anyway I'll buy it, I'll wait till i can get it for $35 dollars or less, or rent it though. I only want to buy games that I can continue having fun playing for months. Like online racing games and such. PGR3. but i think the best title is probably Perfect dark zero
Will it be out for PC at the same time as the 360 version?
Frank said:
Will it be out for PC at the same time as the 360 version?

I heard someone on here say that it was coming for the PC also, but i read on the review site that it was a 360 EXCLUSIVE.
Sometimes "exclusive" doesn't apply to non-console systems.
Hopefully these "next-gen" game reviews start sounding a little more "next-gen" sometime soon.
Fishlore said:
Hopefully these "next-gen" game reviews start sounding a little more "next-gen" sometime soon.

When have launch titles reviews (excpet for with the N64) ever been any different?
Frank said:
Will it be out for PC at the same time as the 360 version?
Nope. The person(s) who said it was coming for the PC also is wrong. Look at the official Condemned site.

I am not that sad really--I have Silent Hill 2 to satisfy my creepy fix. This just looks like a prettier version of that with a little Still Life thrown in for good measure so that the fighting wouldn't be SO repetitive after a while.

(Still worth a weekend rental though :E)
I remember from somewhere long ago saying it'd be on PC. Guess not? Sucks. I really want to play that game too...looks GREAT!
VictimOfScience said:
Nope. The person(s) who said it was coming for the PC also is wrong. Look at the official Condemned site.

I am not that sad really--I have Silent Hill 2 to satisfy my creepy fix.

It's impossible to control your character in the PC version. I have it, but I gave up on it because of the controls...
Frank said:
It's impossible to control your character in the PC version. I have it, but I gave up on it because of the controls...
That's too bad. The PS2 version works great and scares the pants off of me! Playing alone at night with headphones and the lights off is primo.