Gamespot's top 10 - Are they serious?



This is the Gamespot top 10, and my opinions underneath.

1) GTA: Double Pack:
GTA in my honest opinion is a good game, but it loses its appeal after about a week. The sub-standard missions and pointless see-through plot makes it a typical console game. The novelty of 32 soon wares off. I think that too many games journalists have got caught up in this 'GTA Craze' which distorts the game itself, and that is a relatively mediocre console-'em-up.

2) UT 2004:
Ok, now its starting to get silly, despite the inclusions of vechiles in the game UT 2003 and 2004 really didnt live up to the expectations after the great expierience that was UT itself. The new added game modes are interesting but vechiles are unbalanced and do not add the element of essentiality to the game.

3) Ninja Gaiden:
Ahh yes, another console 'em up. Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat... Special move, Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat.
I have a mate that got this game and he thinks it is amazing, when i questioned his opinion and the games plot and overall rating he simply said "Yeh but the fighting is ****ing amazing".... He'll get bored of it in a couple of days...

4) Bejewled Multiplayer:
Im not even going to talk about this one.

5) Freedom Fighters:

And wheres Half Life?

Well I couldnt find it in the top 10 so I couldnt be bothered, but I'll leave it to a more informed person to talk about it:

Originally posted on Reader Reviews: Gamespot
I hate to disagree with the whole world, but this game SUX. Now Sierra is a large company, so i give no sympathy for it whatsoever. Back to the review.

The gameply is suitable for maybe a 3-D interactive puzzle game but not a shooter. The game is mostly composed of jumping around and such, but not shooting. You spend more than two thirds of the game trying to avoid laser beams, and 1 sixth of the time in tubes. the other sixth you'll spend trying to fuigure out how that thing killed you.

Now for graphics. These are also very poor, because , honestly walls looked better in Wolfenstein then they do in Half-life. And water, ice, lava, anything or whatever that stuff is supposed to be looks all the same: different coulored goo. Some of the NPC's look okay, and the flashlight effects are really nice, but now i think im out of comments.

Sound... the sound... one word. Cheesy. Not really much to say there, NEXT!

Unless you include mods, the replay value of this is kind of like watching the same re-run of the simpsons for 100 hours straight then going to sleep, and starting to watch it again for another 100 hours. theres no point.

Suprisingly, this game has alot of tilt to it. After 5 minutes of gameply (i was still in that car thing.) i tilted off my chair I was so bored. I know theres alot of people that play this game, (accually, alot of people play the mods, not the game.) and all i have to say is u are puzzle gamers not shooter gamers.

Thre ya have it. Consoles are taking over the world.
Didn't HL get like a 98% on Gamespot, which was their highest ranking ever? I think these are just games of this year.

But Freedom Fighters a 93%? It's a fairly mediocre game, fun, but nothing spectacular.
GTA is still one of the most overrated games in history.
There was a story somewhere about how two ppl decided sniping at cars would be fun becuase they played GTA 3. Very disturbing
Apparently they are.

I think gaming reviewers are just following the trend atm.
That "review" is what you get when you have a noob gamer that thinks they know alot about what everyone likes.
He's so wrong its sad.
Is that the top ten that's always on gamespot's main page?

Or is it like their top 10 best ever games? Could you provide a link?

edit: nevermind I found it.

Seriously though you must be pretty stupid if you expect Half Life to be up there somewhere. Considering that the top 10 you posted is just the games that have got the highest scores from Gamespot in the past 12 months
it even says so on that page. I quote "Rankings limited to games released in the past 12 months". It's just above the number one game. Sheesh! Talk about overreacting, and not even reading what the top ten was a representation of.
DUh consoles are taking over....they have actually been taking over. Everyone can't afford a gaming PC. Everyone that I know has a Xbox or PS2 and only a few have PCs, but there PC can't run good games. If you look at the number of consoles games that got bought in the last few years and compare it to the PC games.....the console games would we be far above PC games.
seriosly, GTA is class. maybe not the best game in the past 12 months, but GTA:VC owns so bad. its more than a console game- its a whole city in a box. its amazing- the car phisics, the graphics, the radio stations, the levels, the helicopters, the weapons... dont diss GTA. it owns.

and Ninja gainden is THE BEST game out on the X-box atm. it is seriosly class. ever played devil may cry? that is a f*cing fun game, seriosly cool and satisfying to play- plus VERY challenging. and ninja gainden is that X10.

and UT2004 is also class. the veichles are super fun, and the entire experience is cranked up to the full. but onslaught is only half the fun, as it still has all the game modes thatt made UT amazing. But tbh, instagib CTF is so fun. i play it with my clan, *geRm*, and its really fun and challenging to play (instagib is 1 hit kill with shock rifles, if u dont know).

if that was a console list, it would be good- but im sure there are better PC games than bejewelled multiplayer...
consoles taking over? I think not.. unless consoles are taking over the kiddies.. which is fine by me... hell less people buying computer hardware = drop in PC hardware = cheaper hardware for me ;) not to mention less kiddies online = less stress.

so I could give two squirts of piss about that. :)

(kiddies doesnt just mean children, it is anyone with the mentality/immaturity of a child) now dont take it the wrong way if you like consoles and cant afford a good PC your not the ones Im refering to. (I own nearly every console out there myself)

Im talking about the ones who BASH pc games because they cant afford a decent PC/just want to blather on about consoles instead of actually giving the game a chance. hehe thats just sad :)
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
3) Ninja Gaiden:
Ahh yes, another console 'em up. Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat... Special move, Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat.
I have a mate that got this game and he thinks it is amazing, when i questioned his opinion and the games plot and overall rating he simply said "Yeh but the fighting is ****ing amazing".... He'll get bored of it in a couple of days...
Obviously you haven't played it, so how can you judge it?

Its not my type of game either, but I played it and I can say that its not a simple button smashing game. Yes its always fighting, but its really tough. And the bosses are almost impossible, so there is a lot of learning to do to be good at this game. Its a game intented for hardcore gamers only.

About the story, who cares if theres none. A game doesn't need to have a good story, sometimes its better no story at all than a bad one. It depends on what type of game. Even HL doesn't have much story, its more context and in this case it makes the game much more enjoyable.

And bout consoles taking over, they're not. I used to be very close minded about console, saying it wasn't good and all, but one day my brother bought an XBox. At first I didn't play, but then my computer got slower and newer games wouldn't work on it, so played a lot xbox. But still, now im returning to computer games. This summer im getting a x800 xt :D , you can be sure im not letting down computers. The point is that as long as some people are ready to buy a video card that is as expensive as a console, computer games are not going to go down.

sorry for the long post
Mr. Redundant said:
Im talking about the ones who BASH pc games because they cant afford a decent PC/just want to blather on about consoles instead of actually giving the game a chance. hehe thats just sad :)

i know some people who say WTF pcs are shit... how are you ment to play games with a ****ing keyboard? im like: "FOAD u n00b whores" and then they say "i have no idea what u just said" and i say "that is coz i r teh 1337" then they say "UR A FREAK" and i say "dont u mean fr33k?"

appolo13 said:
DUh consoles are taking over....they have actually been taking over. Everyone can't afford a gaming PC. Everyone that I know has a Xbox or PS2 and only a few have PCs, but there PC can't run good games. If you look at the number of consoles games that got bought in the last few years and compare it to the PC games.....the console games would we be far above PC games.

no theyre not. Some console games own, thats y i have a ps2 and GC, but i hardly ever play them. consoles are following in the steps of the PC, wishing they are something theyre not. WHO plays online on an X-BOX for christs sake???? its stupid!! all you can do is play games! imagine if online gaming was JUST joining servers- no instant messaging, x-fire, teamspeak... :(

nicrid said:
sorry for the long post
no problem :LOL:
Mr. Redundant said:
consoles taking over? I think not.. unless consoles are taking over the kiddies.. which is fine by me... hell less people buying computer hardware = drop in PC hardware = cheaper hardware for me ;) not to mention less kiddies online = less stress.

so I could give two squirts of piss about that. :)

(kiddies doesnt just mean children, it is anyone with the mentality/immaturity of a child) now dont take it the wrong way if you like consoles and cant afford a good PC your not the ones Im refering to. (I own nearly every console out there myself)

Im talking about the ones who BASH pc games because they cant afford a decent PC/just want to blather on about consoles instead of actually giving the game a chance. hehe thats just sad :)

But doesn't that also mean a smaller installed userbase and thereby that would also mean lower sales of games, which would maybe force devs to start thinking about switching over to consoles or even porting existing titles to consoles etc..

I don't study economics or anything but if the amout of people buying new hardware dropped, wouldn't prices start to rise since companies would have to cover their expenses? wouldn't it lead to companies going bankrupt and stuff?
GTA is really good...but I expect much bigger improvements from VC in SA (sounds like they will deliver). Sure there will be tons of stuff to do...but I just think that they should make an engine change sometime here...use new technology for your games instead of stuff that has been out for a while. I worry that if they just stick to the formula of GTA games...the series may start to dry up. I honestly think by the end of Vice City...I was getting a bit tired of the simple and redundant mission structure and objectives.

Ninja Gaiden was really cool. I didn't find it as tough as other people claim it is..but it offered quite a good challenge...moreso than most games. I found it easier once I got that huge golden sword...the Diabharo or something. I beefed that thing up as fast as possible and just chopped bad guys in two like no other. I found DMC to be more fun than Ninja Gaiden actually. Dante was more of a badass and I liked the combat system and the Devil Trigger stuff better.
Mr. Redundant said:
Im talking about the ones who BASH pc games because they cant afford a decent PC/just want to blather on about consoles instead of actually giving the game a chance. hehe thats just sad :)

I too own a decent pc and all the next gen consoles.

Online pc gaming is excellent imo - not just the individual games, but the whole communities that evolve around them (irc, forums, tournies, leagues etc) This is were it's strengths lies. Unfortunately, despite all its power the pc is home to very few good single player games, in a limited no. of genres.

The most innovative, fun and challenging games are still on consoles - and always have been. (This looks like it might be changing over the next few months tho - never have there been so many genuinly interesting pc titles on the horizon :) )

I don't buy this 'kiddy' thing either. As far as i'm concerned HL2 is as grown up as Mario 64 or Zelda - these are all video games we're talking about ...... don't kid yourself otherwise.
I don't think theres a bad game on that list....and the GTA double pack is certainly reasonable for the top spot seeing as how its is two incredible games put together for the price of one.
I have to actually agree with Mr. Redundant. I play on both my consoles and PC and don't have a favorite between them. PC games tend to have awesome communities, but console games don't have any of the BS associated with PC games and are easy for anyone to pick up and play. (What do you mean I need new drivers? Whats a driver?)
Consoles right now also certainly have the upper hand in innovation for the time being too...something I have to appreciate. Now to go hunt down whoever wrote that review....
Warbie said:
I too own a decent pc and all the next gen consoles.

Online pc gaming is excellent imo - not just the individual games, but the whole communities that evolve around them (irc, forums, tournies, leagues etc) This is were it's strengths lies. Unfortunately, despite all its power the pc is home to very few good single player games, in a limited no. of genres.

The most innovative, fun and challenging games are still on consoles - and always have been. (This looks like it might be changing over the next few months tho - never have there been so many genuinly interesting pc titles on the horizon :) )

I don't buy this 'kiddy' thing either. As far as i'm concerned HL2 is as grown up as Mario 64 or Zelda - these are all video games we're talking about ...... don't kid yourself otherwise.
I have to kinda agree with you. PCs are amazing for genres such as RPGs, FPS and of course RTS/simulation and even driving/sport. However, consoles have all this to offer along with platformers (which are otherwise horrible on pcs). That, and the fact that car driving is so much better with a controller not with arrow keys - although halo for the pc's mouse-controlled camera for driving is a good idea for pc car sims.
nicrd said:
About the story, who cares if theres none. A game doesn't need to have a good story

- Deus Ex
- Half Life
- Baldurs Gate 2
- Thief Series
- System Shock 1 and 2
- Grim Fandango
- Medieval Total War

blah blah blah

All Great game have Great stories.

Only people who dont play PC Games are the poor who cant afford a PC.....

I have an xBox and a PC and was at one point thinking of getting a PS2, then it struck me....

"Consoles are teh shit!!!! - **** Casual gamers, they are bringing the industry down with titles like The Sims"

Warbie said:
Unfortunately, despite all its power the pc is home to very few good single player games, in a limited no. of genres.

Ahh you see....

Forget it thats the most stupid comment i've ever heard....!!!!

I point you to the above list for just a few of the samples of great single player games....

And whats the console got to reply with?

NINJA GAIDEN!!!@@!@$!@!@

Its good because It doesnt have a story and is a button basher!!!!!
I don't think consoles are taking over, but I bet we'll see more and more PC games as ports from console games. It's already started with games like Halo. The console business is huge. Much larger than PC games. Most PC sales are from businesses and not strictly gamers. With the number of consoles in homes right now, it's hard to argue that they're not the heavy favorite. Take Gameboy for instance. It alone took in $750 million in sales n 2003. PC software took in $1.2 billion in 2003. I'll always be a die hard PC gamer, but I won't hesitate to say that I own all three consoles as well.
But when the PC reaches photorealistic graphics.... Theoritically, there will be no need for new hardware.
Therefore PC's will be dirt dirt cheap. Thats when we will take over.
NINJA GAIDEN!!!@@!@$!@!@

Its good because It doesnt have a story and is a button basher!!!!!

no its not. its anything but a button basher. i can tell you havent even read the tinyies bit of info about it m8....
Ok Im prepared to retract that mate, ill play the game then make a decision.
But what Warbie said about PC Games having no good single player games is one of the most stupid comments ever.
People want to read about games they are interested in, so of course people would want to see GTA and other types of games on that list, gamespot doesnt care what they put up there as long as people read it.
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:

- Deus Ex
- Half Life
- Baldurs Gate 2
- Thief Series
- System Shock 1 and 2
- Grim Fandango
- Medieval Total War

blah blah blah

All Great game have Great stories.

Only people who dont play PC Games are the poor who cant afford a PC.....

I have an xBox and a PC and was at one point thinking of getting a PS2, then it struck me....

"Consoles are teh shit!!!! - **** Casual gamers, they are bringing the industry down with titles like The Sims"

Ahh you see....

Forget it thats the most stupid comment i've ever heard....!!!!

I point you to the above list for just a few of the samples of great single player games....

And whats the console got to reply with?

NINJA GAIDEN!!!@@!@$!@!@

Its good because It doesnt have a story and is a button basher!!!!!
have you even played ninja gaiden? - of course it has a story. A rather twisted one, yet it goes well with the theme of the game. I think, you my friend, don't posses the art of stringing combos - I hate it when someone calls it button mashing.
Nah i prefer the fine art of literature, thats why I like games which tie in with that. Well close to it anyways.
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
Nah i prefer the fine art of literature, thats why I like games which tie in with that. Well close to it anyways.
to each his own.
PvtRyan said:
Didn't HL get like a 98% on Gamespot, which was their highest ranking ever? I think these are just games of this year.

But Freedom Fighters a 93%? It's a fairly mediocre game, fun, but nothing spectacular.

Actually Crono Cross was the most highest rated game on Gamespot. It got a perfect 10.
You are actually having a joke?

Chrono Cross is the typical Jap game, arrogant, rubbish and completely crappy. Btw all those who like manga are a joke.
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
But what Warbie said about PC Games having no good single player games is one of the most stupid comments ever.
Warbie never even said that. So far an awful lot of things seem to suck simply because you don't enjoy/understand them. Leave to each his own and don't pass down a verdict from onhigh.
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
You are actually having a joke?

Chrono Cross is the typical Jap game, arrogant, rubbish and completely crappy. Btw all those who like manga are a joke.

:/ How narrow minded.

I also disagree that all great games have great stories, infact the vast majority do not.

Take Tetris, Mario Kart, Zelda, Golden EyeMario 64, Winning Eleven, Bomberman, ICO, REZ, SF2 etc etc. All examples of some of the greatest video games ever made and none have a 'great story'. They may not be to your taste, but that's not the point.

I'd also argue that HL , Deus Ex, SS1 & 2 (while excellent games) do not have great stories ...... we're talking 'made for tv, low budget sc-fi' here. How you can compare them to literature I don't know.

If you're talking quality of writing in a video game, Planescape Tourment has no equal imo.
Warbie said:
:/ How narrow minded.

I also disagree that all great games have great stories, infact the vast majority do not.

Take Tetris, Mario Kart, Mario 64, Winning Eleven, Bomberman, Zelda, ICO, REZ, SF2. All examples of some of the greatest video games ever made and none have a 'great story'. They may not be to your taste, but that's not the point.

I'd also argue that HL , Deus Ex, SS1 & 2 (while excellent games) do not have great stories ...... we're talking 'made for tv, low budget sc-fi' here. How you can compare them to literature I don't know.

If you're talking quality of writing in a video game, Planescape Tourment has no equal imo.

Oh my god all the games you mention are console crap.
How you are on a half life 2 board beats the hell out of me.
You are the narrow minded one, I said 'comes close to literature' and as far as i am concerned Deus Ex is one of the greatest computer games stories ever told.
Believe what you want about your console trash with your narrow mind, but every great game hails from the PC.
Barring the FF series of course.
Direwolf said:
Warbie never even said that. So far an awful lot of things seem to suck simply because you don't enjoy/understand them. Leave to each his own and don't pass down a verdict from onhigh.

Warbie said:
I too own a decent pc and all the next gen consoles.

Online pc gaming is excellent imo - not just the individual games, but the whole communities that evolve around them (irc, forums, tournies, leagues etc) This is were it's strengths lies. Unfortunately, despite all its power the pc is home to very few good single player games, in a limited no. of genres.

The most innovative, fun and challenging games are still on consoles - and always have been. (This looks like it might be changing over the next few months tho - never have there been so many genuinly interesting pc titles on the horizon )

I don't buy this 'kiddy' thing either. As far as i'm concerned HL2 is as grown up as Mario 64 or Zelda - these are all video games we're talking about ...... don't kid yourself otherwise.

There you go ("Unfortunately, despite all its power the pc is home to very few good single player games" - utter bullshit), in response Warbie, HL2 is more grown up because its main attraction isnt colorful environments or characters, everyone knows the gamer with brains picks the PC. Unless you want to play console crap like Tekken then you are wrong
Excuse me?

I happen to like beat-em-ups, sports games, platformers and japanese style RPGs - the pc can't cater for this.

I also greatly enjoyed, and finished, all the the pc games from your list.

Do you seriously believe Tetris and Golden Eye are 'console crap'? - and then you call me narrow minded :/

Lastly, 'HL2 is more grown up because its main attraction isnt colorful environments or characters....'


'everyone knows the gamer with brains picks the PC.'

Obviously not ;)
Heheh, I havnt bought a console in years....

Its not that I have anything against them..

I just love the community aspect to online gaming. Oh and the huge amount of free third party mods about is very very appealing. Makes the initial investment in a PC worth it in my opinion. Especially when you find gems like Natural selection and Forgotten hope. :)
I'd have to agree with you for the second time here.

PC games have now started to get good single player campaigns. Back then, untill from 1994 - 1999 era, with the exception of half-life (I'm only considering FPS at the momment), all games had the same formula: kill the aliens, go to the next room. True, games like halo and HL have applied the same concept, but have told it more ellaborately (sp?) and made it intresting, so that the sp doesn't get monotonous.

Console games like Final fantasy, on the other hand had rather original scripts, and had stories worth remembering. (FF7 is an example of that) - the single player campaigns quite a bit of great RPG-ing ever.
Nickzer, I hate to flame, but you're a idiot. Racist, stereotyping, arrogant... you're not any better than your definition of "Japs".

Consoles are good for fighting games, but not much else. Tekken is a great game, as is Zelda. Many of the good games in the US come from Japan, anyway... like Final Fantasy... which you apparently like.

*adds "hypocritical" to the list of adjectives*
You can believe what you want to believe but Goldeneye, Mario, Mario 64, Tekken 12 (or whatever sequel it is at now) hardly compare to some of the ingenuity of the PC Gaming World.

I dont dislike Japanese at all, I dislike the way that alot of them seem to be arrogant about the West and Western games and products, that is what annoys me especially when they can only come up with rehashed games over and over again.

And look at the great PC Games, giants of thier time that were 'streamlined' for consoles, Deus Ex 2 for example - It was a cock up, because it got rid of everything that made it complex and interesting and simply replaced it with typical console elements, Console 'streamlining' will doubtless cock up Thief 3 as well.
...yet Goldeneye is one of the funnest games I've ever played.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a very hardcore PC gamer - the mention of Halo makes me want to shoot something - but don't diss games like Tekken just because there's a lot of them... Tekken is the master of fighting games, IMO. No PC fighting game can compare to a console one in matters of playability, controls, or stability.

Deus Ex 2 was indeed a disappointment, but you can't blame anything on consoles except for the X-Box stealing some of our games.
Warbie said:
Excuse me?
Lastly, 'HL2 is more grown up because its main attraction isnt colorful environments or characters....'


'everyone knows the gamer with brains picks the PC.'

Obviously not ;)

So those are the only responses you could come up with?


I find it hypocritical that you insinuate that I was stupid when you had the gaul to compare Half Life to sub-standard games like Mario and Goldeneye to Half Life and Deus Ex.

How can you honestly look at the Half Life 2 E3 Videos and then say that PC Single Player games arent as good as console ones.

What exactly did the console have to show off this year??

Thats right rehashed crap.

Tony Hawks being a prime example of this: Buy Tony Hawks 9 and it has 2 more skateboards in 3 more colours than Tony Hawks 8!!!!!!

And people actually pay out 50 quid for that....

People like you will be the death of this industry.