Gamespy's top (read:shit) 25 Video Game Cinematic Moments

What, crap? I think the two Warcraft III cinematics in there are worthy of every praise they receive. Especially Arthas' Betrayal which is by far my favorite cinematic ever.

Agreed. The Warcraft III cinematics were amazing and conveyed a lot of emotion. I also liked seeing some Starcraft in there. Otherwise, I either didnt know the cinematics, or didnt bother watching them cause I knew they didnt deserve to be there.
Warcraft III cinematics are Blizzard's best so far. I loved Eternity's End (Endgame), Death of Hellscream and Arthas' Betrayal.
Anyone else streaming this shit at 5kb a second? I've been trying to watch these since last night.
Anyone else streaming this shit at 5kb a second? I've been trying to watch these since last night.

qft, wtf is that about? it reminds me of ign's streaming aswell which is shit for me...
even though they put some decent ones

that list sucked,and that gears of war trailer was the first one?
I dont care if david fincher directed that list is dumb
The Starcraft cutscenes were awesome...always have been.

No1 was iffy imo...great ad and all, but dont think its no1 over all those others, regardless of the crap list they put up...seriously, like 7 of those were halo related...
Most of those trailers listed are pretty good.

\Posting from bulgaria!
Haven't read yet. Red Alert 2 had better be in there!
I cannot believe that RA2 wasn't mentioned! That's a ****ing crime! No. 1 is a joke and why the hell is that awful bomb-riding scene from Halo 2 in there? Get rid of the bloody trailers and put in some stuff really great cinematics like the ending of HL2, opening of HL2EP1, the KANE LIVES video from TS, the Nod ending of TS and the intro for RA2.
I agree most of it was shit. The best days of cinematics I feel were from the later PS1 years.
starcraft cinematics are awesome, they should of been closer to #1.

The halo PC e3 trailer was also awesome because it was INGAME, and was done really well. Before it turned into a crappy generic 1st person shooter. :/