Gaming Oscar Nominees Announced

nothing really too exciting on the list (where are all the new games man?)

Off topic: Thenerdguy, love the new avatar.... is that Christian Bale?
(the guy from Equilibrium AKA John Preston)
KOTOR nominated for:
"Outstanding Achievement in Game Design"
"Outstanding Achievement in Game Play Engineering"


I mean, that's just hilarious to read. I admit, its a pretty neat console game, and with that in mind, it actually might contend for best console game of the year, especially innovating.

But on the PC?! Allow me to laugh. Ha. Ha. Ha. Its a joke. On the PC its got the worst overall design ever (since its done for the console) and worst gameplay (since its once again done for the console).

And lets just say I wont comment on Deus Ex: Invisible War getting nominated for "Computer Role Playing Game of the Year". I might hurt something.

Sidenote: Since when was Rise Of Nation "Outstanding Innovation in Computer Gaming"? It was just another one in the line of copied RTS/Empire games, not a very good one at that.
For PC is one of the best games ive ever played! I put it up on the hero shelf along side Unreal 1 UT Half Life its that freaking good!

Yep my avatar is Preston from Equilibrium, One of the best movies ive ever seen!
KOTOR is decent, stop bashing it!

DX2 however is a joke, laugh at that however much you want to :)
KOTOR is great. I dont know where that guy is comming from but the only things that could possibly have been improved in KOTOR is the dialouge in certain places (and thats only in certain places) and the friendly combat AI at times (and only at times).

The graphics were spectacular and the designs and concepts grand in scale and scope. There is literally so much to do in that game that you cant do it all in one or two times through (twice is really a minimum given you can choose the light or dark side).

I would have to say that this is the best Star Wars title since Tie Fighter, and if youve played Tie Fighter you know thats saying one hell of a lot.

Dedalus said:
DX2 however is a joke, laugh at that however much you want to :)

DX2 was not the same game DX1 was. It was different and had a different feel to it. However, it is a good game in its own right.

At first I didnt like it either, but then I realized that if I stopped expecting it to be a clone oF DX1, it is actually a good game. It is deserving of all the high scores it recieved in reviews.
ductonius said:
KOTOR is great. I dont know where that guy is comming from but the only things that could possibly have been improved in KOTOR is the dialouge in certain places (and thats only in certain places) and the friendly combat AI at times (and only at times).

The graphics were spectacular and the designs and concepts grand in scale and scope. There is literally so much to do in that game that you cant do it all in one or two times through (twice is really a minimum given you can choose the light or dark side).

I would have to say that this is the best Star Wars title since Tie Fighter, and if youve played Tie Fighter you know thats saying one hell of a lot.
Of course its great, I'm not denying its a good game. But saying that it has outstanding design and gameplay engineering on the PC is just a load ****. Its got small levels (the HUGE console limitation), very awkward controls and limitation of movement (Console Style (TM)) and awfull customisation abilities (ie modding, cameras, making your own henchman scripts), etc... Everything that symbolizes the good PC design is void in KOTOR.

Sidenote: Yes I played Tie Fighter :)
dawdler said:
Its got small levels (the HUGE console limitation),

I disagree, the levels in most places were very large or large enough to suit the purpose for which they were created. In addition, where the levels did tranition into one another it was in a logical place and the loading was literally so quick I dont think I have finished reading many of those factoids they have on the loading screen.

I dont know how you can say the levels were small.

dawdler said:
very awkward controls and limitation of movement (Console Style (TM))

I didnt find them akward at all. Yeah, sure the A and D keys turn instead of strafing, but you dont need to strafe in this game.

I would say the control layout was quite logical. The WASD keys were for movement while the mouse was for interactions. Plain and simple.

dawdler said:
and awfull customisation abilities (ie modding, cameras, making your own henchman scripts),

RPGs really dont get modded that much. Usually mods involving an RPG are turning a FPS into an RPG, not turning an RPG into something else.

The fact that you can easaly modifiy it puts it above most RPGs out there right from square one.
hehe, its funny how u guys might of not noticed, but the link is to Mega games, an illegal site, its got cracks and stuff on it all over the shop. sorry to spoil the party :P
I have to take offense at that Rise of Nations comment: it fixed just about every pain-in-the-ass problem with an entire genre of games and threw in enough new stuff that its well deserving of an award. RoN isn't exactly reinventing everything, but I'll be damned if I've played anything more fun or strategic in an RTS for a good long while.
Direwolf said:
I have to take offense at that Rise of Nations comment: it fixed just about every pain-in-the-ass problem with an entire genre of games and threw in enough new stuff that its well deserving of an award. RoN isn't exactly reinventing everything, but I'll be damned if I've played anything more fun or strategic in an RTS for a good long while.

Rise of Nations was just another rendition of the Microsoft "Lumbar-oil-gold-stone-food" RTS model. Yes it had a world map attached to it, but I found that part of the game to be quite moot.

Perhaps the worst part of that title is the fact that a stated design element is that it is impossible to get a tech advantage over your opponenet. It is deliberatly made so that you cannot get too far ahead of the guy your fighting.

WTF? Really, whats the point in having technology if you cant gain a tech advantage? Why not do away with the pretense of different technologies when you dont really expet them to affect the balance of power anyway?

Im glad I traded that game in for $30 at EB games. Bought Jagged Alliance for $12 and got a $18 discount on Halo.
I found KOTOR to be overrated.

I thought they took the easy way out on the story (Just give the player things to collect...and develop the characters a little along the way...once you collect everything...throw in an ending or two in this case I guess)

The 2 parts of the story I liked was where you find out who you are and if you're evil....the things you get to do at the end :) (I hated Carth and Mission...well..pretty much every character)

Combat got somewhat repetitive... It always seemed to come down to two kinds of fights for me.
-Hack and Slash my way through the fight using drain life every so often if I even had to
-Boss time...start using grenades and other items. Then start trying to stun...

That's about all my battles ever came down to. It didn't matter whether you used a lot of force power in the battle as long as you could just stand around and not get in a fight afterwards.

Another major thing I couldn't stand about this game is near the end. The Star Forge. First off...they just threw guys at you for like 20 minutes straight...that got really really boring and repetitive...

The boss battle was a letdown for me as well...I was the dark side so I didn't have any trouble with the end boss (I don't want to get into too much detail for those that haven't played).

Overall the game was just too simple if you ask me. I rarely died or had to really come up with strategies like in other D&D based games out there.

I still sorta liked the game...I just think it wasn't all it's cracked up to be.

Also...Rise of Nations was pretty cool. It'd be cooler if they put in heroes or cool missions in the main singleplayer mode though.
That site hurts my eyes.

/me doesn't like white text on black bakground.
Wow, that's retarded. XIII didn't get nominated for anything, including art design... Bleh, and RoN was a great game, and it is different from all the other rts'....
ductonius said:
RPGs really dont get modded that much. Usually mods involving an RPG are turning a FPS into an RPG, not turning an RPG into something else.

The fact that you can easaly modifiy it puts it above most RPGs out there right from square one.
You never played BG2? Even that got mods.
You never played Neverwinter Nights? It *LIVES* on mods.
And of course you never played Morrowind, best "RPG" so far (one of the very few true to the name). This one has THOUSANDS after THOUSANDS of mods. Next after NWN (if not before), its probably the most modded game around. And 80% of the mods involve turning it into a *hardcore* RPG, such as using light based sneaking, locking doors at night, adding windowlights, kits to make arrows (or weapons or whatever), bathing mods, realistic bodies, even armor dolls to show off your full sets of armor, etc etc etc...

What, you've been living under a rock for the last few years?
pat_thetic said:
Wow, that's retarded. XIII didn't get nominated for anything, including art design... Bleh, and RoN was a great game, and it is different from all the other rts'....

XIII did, i think it was in one of the music sections (can't look right now, i'm rendering ;))
hahahaha im gonna laugh my head off at my "zelda hater" m8.... hahahah it could be best game :P :P:P
dawdler said:
And of course you never played Morrowind, best "RPG" so far (one of the very few true to the name).

The best RPG so far is Fallout 2 and I havent seen a single dungon crawler that can match it yet.

So you can name a few RPGs that have been modded, great, but the fact remains that given the scope of most RPGs true mods are diffuclt. Adding a differnt armour or weapon may be a "modification" of the game, but it hardly rivals the mods for FPS's.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that any mod that dosent rival "total conversion" status dosent deserve to be called a mod at all, and given the expansive nature of most RPS it is not really that feasable to do one.

dawdler said:
What, you've been living under a rock for the last few years?

Nothing like an ad hominem to give credince to your point.