Gangsta ass

Caminante said:
Not funny..... at all. I hate rap music as well. :(
u didnt find it funny? thanks for telling us we needed to know. also who mentioned rap music?
i hate RnB music

quite a good picture i recon
He's wearing a Santa Claus suit - IN REVERSE. What's the reverse of Xmas? January. This probably means HL2 is gold in January. Those Valve guys are subtle.
koopa said:
He's wearing a Santa Claus suit - IN REVERSE. What's the reverse of Xmas? January. This probably means HL2 is gold in January. Those Valve guys are subtle.

Nono, that's a white furr coat, the same furr coat R Kelly wore in the Ignition music video.
Now that is a much better look than the old Hev Suit idea, take note Valve for Half-life 3 :)

Caminante said:
Not funny..... at all. I hate rap music as well. :(

Did you know that rap is the only word in the english language that has a silent "C"?
oldagerocker said:
Now that is a much better look than the old Hev Suit idea, take note Valve for Half-life 3 :)
*gordon walks down the hall when suddenly a headcrab attacks*
Gordon "SH*T BITCH"

Headcrab "AARGG my names crabby, bitch"

Gordon "Stupid sh*t headcrab juice"

Headcrab "ouchies"

Gordon "Step off bitch"

*Bush walks in*
Bush "Now you know what this....err....problem?...atomic bombs :rolling:"

Gordon "stupid motherf**cker, get him crabby"

*The headcrab leaps at bush*
Bush "Omg, secret service!!"

Secret service "shutup dumbass hoe"

Bush "That wasnt very um nice"

Secret service "Omg he just doesnt shut up, someone shoot the dumbass"

*Secret service guy shoots Bush, but by this time crabby had latched onto bush so they killed crabby*
Gordon "NOOOO"

*Gordon shoots all the secret service members with a magnum sniper rifle at point blank*
Gordon "Heh heh heh"

*The atomic bomb drops on gordon, he dies. Duh*
oldagerocker said:
Now that is a much better look than the old Hev Suit idea, take note Valve for Half-life 3 :)

Kinda like Leprechaun V: Leprechaun in the Hood? :)
thugenstein should just get ownership of the site

right now

no im not joking
Owndership? Why so? Just cuz I made a big dent in these forums a year ago and crashed a landmark and scarred everyone here for life doesn't mean that when I return (now) I should be king.
Well, I hope you manage to stick around alot longer this time, with HL² being close to going gold and stuff, everyone should deserve to stay on the fourms to see that happening.

this place will go MAD!