Garage Door and conveyer belt


Dec 8, 2004
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Now im not talking about any simple garage door that slides up like office, im talking about a garage door that slowlys lifts up from a garage opener like most households have. So can it move up on like rails in real life or it is impossible with hammer?

Also is it possible to make a moving conveyer belt?

thanks to anyone who takes the time to reply.
It's a bit buggy, but shows it's possible. bump into the square to activate.
well, it's not too complicated if you look at it. If you don't understand what it's doing, you should read up on entity I/O.

Basically, The door pieces are func_tracktrain brushes. train cars, in essece. the follow the path defined by path_track entities. If you are wondering why the are layed flat in hammer, it's because the are set to be oriented in the direction of motion, and they were oriented on the wrong axis before i did that. there may be other ways to achieve this though.

When you touch the box, it tells them all (all the func_tracktrain's) to move forward. When the first one hits the end, it tells them all to stop.
After a time delay, it tells them to go backward, and when it hits the bottom one (actually, an extra one superimposed on the last path_track), it tells them to stop.

It seems like there should be a better way to do it, so they keep aligned better, but I'm not sure how exactly.
I didn't look at the map but it's a nice acchievement there Phis,

anyway, if you wanted a door that slides to a horrizontal position it's probably doable with a func_door_rotating and tweaking the origin to get the right effect (Some should stay inside, most of it outside, if you know what I'm saying).
The way I did it was even less good than I thought. If you block the door, all the pieces clip into each other. :\
Is there a way to have an object slide/ roll/ whatever, freely along a path? Like a rail car sittng on some rails. Give it a push and it would move.
And not a strait path, so no phys_slideconstraint.

I'm sure something conveyor-belt like is possible, I'm not sure how one would do it though.
can someone send me and example of a conveyer belt please? and thanks philionary for the garage door thing im gonna start it right after this post.