garry's mod 6 preview

I have been banned from that site, could you give us the gist of wot is sez
OMG HAHAHAHA its sooo goood hahah
EDIT: I can just c the sex face poses and other stuff comming
Its just going to add more emphasis on dirty poses now.
pr0nking said:
Its just going to add more emphasis on dirty poses now.

Yeah I can't imagine what it'll be like when the "next-gen" hl2 porn pics come out.
It's the best physics mod ever, no doubt, but honestly it was only fun for like an hour or so :\
This time Alyx can actually make a face too like someone just cummed in her eye, o the joy.
that guy works non-stop on garrys mod... new versions come out like every week!
This gonna be fun :p (and hopefully spawns another gigantic Garrysmod thread) :D
Atomi said:
Yeah I can't imagine what it'll be like when the "next-gen" hl2 porn pics come out.
I pity the mods - they'll have a hell of a time keeping things under controll now with garrysmod v6. :p
Wooo new Garry's mod! If some of you didn't know, Garry works on a 2D side-scrolling game called face wound. It isnt out yet but you can download a demo. The demo looks nothing like the full version. The full version has refelctive water and everything. /endofftopic Ok back to garrys mod, wooooo! Now we can make all kinds of new things!
Does anyone know when Garry's mod v6 will be out?
Yeah I can't imagine what it'll be like when the "next-gen" hl2 porn pics come out.

i so don't want to see them..... can't wait
Wow, someone actually posted a couple mins after me. Usually they always post about a few hours later. Well I don't think anyone knows when the new version will be out yet. Maybe some time next week? Just a guess....
Wow, someone actually posted a couple mins after me. Usually they always post about a few hours later. Well I don't think anyone knows when the new version will be out yet. Maybe some time next week? Just a guess....

its the avatar that does it. we're immune
The Bait said:
Wow, someone actually posted a couple mins after me. Usually they always post about a few hours later. Well I don't think anyone knows when the new version will be out yet. Maybe some time next week? Just a guess....

Really? It takes me days or weeks :(
#aahahahahahahahaa face posing! SWEEET!!!! this is gonna be hilarious, cant wait to see all the perverted faces :p
I'm curious as to what other features will be included.


That's just hilarious. I can't wait until next weekend.