Garrys Mod V3 | Out Now |

I can't load any maps wth this new version :/

I have them in the map folder, what can I do?
Oh shut up about bloody America, this thread is about Garrysmod not for preaching how great your country is.
Kakashi623 said:
Yep..... Thats why we are the most powerful country on the face of the earth, the richest country, and most of the time we have to save some other's countries ass from falling off the face of the earth. Hey, Iraq wasn't a good idea to jump into but who cares its only one war. How many other wars have the U.S. won?? And who helped defend and take back Europe back in WWII?? Don't knwo why some people would talk about America when we have greater freedoms then any other country.

[off topic] *cough*vietnam*cough* [/offtopic]

[back on topic] this mod looks really cool, i may get it and have a play around with it!!

i know this is a stupid question but where do it put the folder i dl
it alright i go it
Kakashi623 said:
Yep..... Thats why we are the most powerful country on the face of the earth, the richest country, and most of the time we have to save some other's countries ass from falling off the face of the earth. Hey, Iraq wasn't a good idea to jump into but who cares its only one war. How many other wars have the U.S. won?? And who helped defend and take back Europe back in WWII?? Don't knwo why some people would talk about America when we have greater freedoms then any other country.

[offtopic]"Who cares it's only one war" you go tell that to all the people who lost their son, husband, or father in Iraq and see what they say. Besides, seeing as we have only engaged in nine other wars (technically wars and conflicts, as this current engagement was never declared a war by the senate) saying "just one" is a bit of an understatement.

And a question for you all, didn't anyone else see that Team America was actually making fun of America? Anyone?[/offtopic]

Anyway, is there a way to keep the game from crashing when picking up the buggy? Could someone possibly make a model similar to the buggy but with a less complex design, maybe fix the axle/some other bar making the physics to complicated in place?
thatdudekevin said:
im about to get this but, is there any way to uninstall it?

Just manually delete it from the source mods folder you installed it in
Err, i got it...i get into gary's new game..then i get the loading in the lower right but it just stays that way...for ev er... for ev er..