Gas masks that the Combine Use

Jul 23, 2003
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I have recently come to the attention that the gas masks the combine use are actually based on a real life mask. Well I just went looking for a pic of one to see if it was true...




It seems to be a bulgarian design designated the PMG. The only difference between these and the HL2 ones is that the hl2 ones lack a big ass filter on the left side and are a little more elongated. Other than that they seem identical
Yeah the filter is missing, maybe its attached somewhere else.
Where can I buy one of those!?! I have been looking for something like that for weeks!
lol.. that would look sweet on my wall, painting some combine alien language symbols on it
you are damn right, once i get one of those gas mask things i am gonna find a way to make the costume or at least put together something similar. And if i got time, I am putting glowing things in the eye pieces
Originally posted by brettt
Where can I buy one of those!?! I have been looking for something like that for weeks!
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
you are damn right, once i get one of those gas mask things i am gonna find a way to make the costume or at least put together something similar. And if i got time, I am putting glowing things in the eye pieces

I want to Resin cast a HL1 Barney costume.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
you are damn right, once i get one of those gas mask things i am gonna find a way to make the costume or at least put together something similar. And if i got time, I am putting glowing things in the eye pieces

I can do the eye thing no problem, wouldnt even have to carry a battery pack it could be built into the mask.
Where you find the picture?
Its in the Serbia..
i don't know, the picture just sorta came up as i spent a ood long while searching throu gas mask pics
They should design a combine suit , it would go perfect with that gas mask. nice find
i don't know, i saw that one too, but i think the other one looks a lot more like it, especially if you don't attach the filter
Right... so some of you are seriously going to buy gas masks because they look slightly like the ones in HL2?
Originally posted by Chris_D
Right... so some of you are seriously going to buy gas masks because they look slightly like the ones in HL2?

hey, any excuse is good enough for getting a gasmask :D

I'd love to have one on my wall, it'd go nice with all my band-posters.
I already have one but it has been used (glass eye thingies are all filthy - cant even scrub it off with therpentine and other stuff). so I am looking for a new one, maby i should check out some military stores thingies
brettt will be the first cause for concern over HL2 causing violence - please for the love of all that's good, please, don't be carrying an MP7 while you do it mate! :D
i'll somehow dress up as gorden and i'll battle you brett
They would be sweet! Valve should set like a mock HEV suit and stuff and like a headcrab holloween suit for like babies and stuff! :D
i wish airsoft was legal in the netherlands. only paintball (guns sux)
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Hell yes! I got a Beretta and a USP which are the only HL guns I have. I used to ahve a spas b4 it broke :(
Right now my star gun is a Panther Arms A-15
I got a Tokyo Marui MP5K PDW with EG1000 motor and im set to go :P
Originally posted by Chris_D
brettt will be the first cause for concern over HL2 causing violence - please for the love of all that's good, please, don't be carrying an MP7 while you do it mate! :D

Wouldn't it be a M29?

Woo, you could scare some people with that mother.
If a civillian could get hold of an M29 replica or otherwise, I'd be very very worried. Still in prototype atm last I knew.

That is a scary gun.
Originally posted by Chris_D
If a civillian could get hold of an M29 replica or otherwise, I'd be very very worried. Still in prototype atm last I knew.

That is a scary gun.
I think theres an airsoft version being made. Wonder how many $1000 it will cost. They already made the pulse rifle from aliens, even has a working ammo counter. Really sweet stuff.
Originally posted by brettt
They would be sweet! Valve should set like a mock HEV suit and stuff and like a headcrab holloween suit for like babies and stuff! :D

Ha, I could imagine that....dressing a kid up in some HL costume for halloween... people asking what you're supposed to be.."i'm a headcrab, i attach to people's heads and turn them into zombies"
or you could just dress up in a suit and tie and be the gman.....=\
i wonder how many people would recognize me if i went to school dressed up as gordon freeman. I also wonder how many times id have the crud kicked out of me
You wont get beatup, as long as you take a crowbar with you. (To complete the outfit, and to defend youself):cool:
I saw some toy in a store that had a G.I. Joe type figure with a gas mask like that on, except it was green.