Gas Station

Hmmm... best how. Never really thought of that. Umm lets see. How about.. lowest gas prices, coldest drinks, cleanest bathrooms, cheapest condoms, and lets not forget the best Slurpees. USA only :|
Well this thread was suppose to be a clever spin off to NightBlades strain of stupid threads, but hey, might as well know which gas station to stop at and which one not to.
gas is so freaking ridiculous, i mean in AL its like 2.05/gal, and that is WAY too high. I remember reading the Exxon reports, and they made record PROFITS close to 300million while gas prices were at an ALL TIME HIGH! I remember when 92octane was just 1.49$ trying so hard to not turn this into a thread about how )&# (%!@ useless *%^!#)^ suvs are...*!&%...restrain...oh how i loathe the things...breathe...
Gas is going to get higher my friend. They are saying a 20 cent increase by the end of the month.
i wanna gunna say wtf DarkSin = NightBlade? lol anyhoo I'm in Canada and I like Petro for a gas station...I have lots of petro points :)
go to sunoco. it's on the intro for the soprano's, so that means it's the best. you must go.
xcellerate said:
gas is so freaking ridiculous, i mean in AL its like 2.05/gal, and that is WAY too high. I remember reading the Exxon reports, and they made record PROFITS close to 300million while gas prices were at an ALL TIME HIGH! I remember when 92octane was just 1.49$ trying so hard to not turn this into a thread about how )&# (%!@ useless *%^!#)^ suvs are...*!&%...restrain...oh how i loathe the things...breathe...

I agree.
i dont drive yet..but when i do i am going to kamakazee the nearest shell station because shell is so damn expensive\
It could be a lot worse people. I have a friend at school whos a Danish exchange student, and he says gas in Denmark is around $4.50 per gallon. :O
The Cracker Barrel down on Government street by Calandro's. They're always about 10 cents cheaper than anybody else. Duh.
I get about 60 miles to the gallon and i only drive about 30 miles a week...
So i really couldnt care less how much gas costs
I goto the one with the giant opposum on top
You should go there