

Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
i dont know if anyone else has noticed this but you know is that german video a while back which showed new footage of CS:S like cs_italy, well in that video in the room the guy somehow manages to get the table to act as a barricade against the doorway, i tried this but you cant actually move the table you just get pused back off it? so why did they show that in the video if you cant actually do it?
cuz it was an early version of CS:S. They probably deleted that feature to reduce lag...
I've played a fixed version of office where someone edited the entities so they don't push a person back. In that map it is indeed possible to push tables across doorways and such.
hoodlum so your saying they took that out but you can stilll shoot out pretty much anything in cs_office and move/ break individual pices of objects but they tok out moving a table in cs_italy to reduce lag? hmm...
Neutrino said:
I've played a fixed version of office where someone edited the entities so they don't push a person back. In that map it is indeed possible to push tables across doorways and such.
And does it perform ok? What reasons can you think of for Valve to disable such a thing?
Neutrino said:
I've played a fixed version of office where someone edited the entities so they don't push a person back. In that map it is indeed possible to push tables across doorways and such.
when you say a fixed version, do you mean a modified version of cs_office, or do you mean it just on a server where some server variables have been changed?
Chris_D said:
And does it perform ok? What reasons can you think of for Valve to disable such a thing?

Well they have reasons certainly. By fixing the entities you must turn them into server side physics objects rather than client side, thus taxing the server to a greater degree. Overall, I didn't notice any immediate consequences to it though. It was fun to be able to jump on top of the objects and move tables and things in front of doorways. The only negative thing I saw was that a couple times when I shot a chair there was a small maybe half second delay before it moved.

But it really requires further testing to determine how well it will work and what kind of server it will require.

ch0ke said:
when you say a fixed version, do you mean a modified version of cs_office, or do you mean it just on a server where some server variables have been changed?

No, it's not just server variables. You can't change physics objects with server variables. This is a modified version that changes the type of physics object used in the map.

And before anyone asks, no this isn't using the leaked editor. As far as I can tell someone created their own entity editor that can modify map entities directly in the bsp file. I don't think that is illegal, but if it is feel free to delete this.
ch0ke said:
hoodlum so your saying they took that out but you can stilll shoot out pretty much anything in cs_office and move/ break individual pices of objects but they tok out moving a table in cs_italy to reduce lag? hmm...

thats what i heard..
Neutrino, if it isn't created with the leaked HL2 "beta" then I wouldn't mind trying it out... it is probably how physics objects will react in HL2 singleplayer. If you could PM me on this it would be much appreciated.

edit: oh and ch0ke... alot of those objects that you can shoot into so many pieces are client side... so they wouldn't affect lag much (except maybe fps).
Chris_D said:
And does it perform ok? What reasons can you think of for Valve to disable such a thing?

I would have thought it would be a playability issue. There are too many other things that can be moved and interacted with to make keeping the table static have any significant impact.

Maybe they thought being able to block the doorway meant you would be able to hear CTs coming through as they navigated over/through it. This would be a big advantage as you would be able to shoot through the wall at them when you heard them coming.
I really think Valve should have left the tables and other objects so that they are movable - that would be a lot of fun, and i don't imagine there would be much decrease to the server speed. Can someone post a link to the modified office, or is that illegal?
:cheers: Yeah, how do you enable, to move objects such as the table. Also, when you're moving barrels it sort of pushes you back as well, I hate that stuff.
Yeah, even Farcry allows u to knock over barrels almost realisticly, the Source's graphics kinda suck considering the competition and the times the games taken, so you have to look at the physics which is supposed to be sources key features, and at the moment, bar being able to chop up a banana, its fairly crap.

ie u bounce off chairs, get stuck on barrels, small crates tumble slightly, but not before pushing you backwards, like that would happen :/

Also i think the mapping is poor for its time...

Bar lighting effects and some nice new textures (which in smae area are WAY to shiny, ie dust, a dusty floor is now amazingly shiny, as if someone has just gone over it with a shiner.. chatau also, some ruins and ruble everywher,e yet the floors are amazingly freshly polished by the cleaners :D) they still havnt figured out how to make a ill look like a hill, or a rounded stone look rounded, even UT2004 has advanced as far as static meshes, even tho too many do decrease performance... ie aztec T spawn, even with the Quake 2 map radiant i could of made a smoother looking hill y grassy area from plains...
choke, when u shootout all those bits in the computer its client side. The tables and such are server side so tht amount of interaction would lag the server like hell.

the reason they showed it in the video? who knows maybe they were trying to make it work like that but had to change it due to lag. or maybe it was another big fat lie from valve to make cs:s look better. -_-

TOPDOG the physics are much much better in HL2. Its not like in cs:s. However i agree the geometry kinda sucks. This was by far my biggest dissapointment when i pld the hl2 stolen build. Smooth curved surfaces are still not possible its exactly how it was in the hl1 engine :/ mappers will know what i mean ;)

p.s topdog ur the only other person ive seen post about the geometry, maybe its just a mappers thing?
ukfluke said:
choke, when u shootout all those bits in the computer its client side. The tables and such are server side so tht amount of interaction would lag the server like hell.

wait a minute so your telling me when i shoot the pcs, flower pots, etc this is just client side, then why when other players shoot objects i see it and i cant interact with the debris as well from their shooting?for example tyres and barrels in dust?is that not server based then?
the tyres & barrels in dust are server side . The smaller objects still move about on the other persons screen but not in the Exact same way as they do on yours. Same with the ragdolls everyone sees it fall in a diffrent way.

even tho they are server side the interction u have have is very limited compared to if it was client side (HL2)
Doom III had server-side physics that weren't all weird-like... just a few barrels and crap, but, hey, they worked... I really hope to see an update addressing this...
oh the 'gayness' of it all.

It would be nice, atleast for LAN play, if the server physic's where able to be affected properly by player entity's, id have a ball just creating a barricade :D

maybe this has something to do with the suprise, if a HL2 core multiplayer rises up on final retail.. then perhaps it wont be bound by the same limit's.
Ya, I personally like it much better without the "boucyness". I also didn't notice any problems with it.

Nobody dared to invade my chair fortress.

Gettin' a free ride.

Barricades are fun.

Nice to actually be able to stand on things.
Neutrino said:
Well they have reasons certainly. By fixing the entities you must turn them into server side physics objects rather than client side, thus taxing the server to a greater degree. Overall, I didn't notice any immediate consequences to it though. It was fun to be able to jump on top of the objects and move tables and things in front of doorways. The only negative thing I saw was that a couple times when I shot a chair there was a small maybe half second delay before it moved.

But it really requires further testing to determine how well it will work and what kind of server it will require.

No, it's not just server variables. You can't change physics objects with server variables. This is a modified version that changes the type of physics object used in the map.

And before anyone asks, no this isn't using the leaked editor. As far as I can tell someone created their own entity editor that can modify map entities directly in the bsp file. I don't think that is illegal, but if it is feel free to delete this.

lol you talk's indeed possible to change the entities behabior with cvars in a certain way

by the way, do you think the objects in the older version were client side? lol you are totally wrong, how do you think a client side object could be used as a barrier? the only thing they changed is the power the player has to move objects...
pixartist said:
lol you talk's indeed possible to change the entities behabior with cvars in a certain way

Whoa, jeez sorry. I just meant that you can't change a physics object from a multiplayer physics object to a regular physics object as far as I know. Otherwise anyone could do this with the regular map. It was done with an entity editor.

pixartist said:
by the way, do you think the objects in the older version were client side? lol you are totally wrong, how do you think a client side object could be used as a barrier? the only thing they changed is the power the player has to move objects...

Yes, you are right. I was wrong about that. My mistake.
Neutrino said:
Whoa, jeez sorry. I just meant that you can't change a physics object from a multiplayer physics object to a regular physics object as far as I know. Otherwise anyone could do this with the regular map.

Yes, you are right. I was wrong about that. My mistake.

np :E :bounce:
TopDog said:
Yeah, even Farcry allows u to knock over barrels almost realisticly, the Source's graphics kinda suck considering the competition and the times the games taken, so you have to look at the physics which is supposed to be sources key features, and at the moment, bar being able to chop up a banana, its fairly crap.

ie u bounce off chairs, get stuck on barrels, small crates tumble slightly, but not before pushing you backwards, like that would happen :/

Also i think the mapping is poor for its time...

Bar lighting effects and some nice new textures (which in smae area are WAY to shiny, ie dust, a dusty floor is now amazingly shiny, as if someone has just gone over it with a shiner.. chatau also, some ruins and ruble everywher,e yet the floors are amazingly freshly polished by the cleaners :D) they still havnt figured out how to make a ill look like a hill, or a rounded stone look rounded, even UT2004 has advanced as far as static meshes, even tho too many do decrease performance... ie aztec T spawn, even with the Quake 2 map radiant i could of made a smoother looking hill y grassy area from plains...

You do realise that the Physics in CS:Source are gimped? Also CS:Source has far better physics than UT:2004 and FarCry had online, online physics in those game's was limited to rag dolls.

I agree, VALVe should perhaps put something in the options when starting a server to allow the server admin to choose what kind of physics they want dependent on how much bandwith and processing power on their server.

Also do you realise that the CS:Source maps have had little actually done to them since being transferred over from CS:CZ?? All they've really done is change the sky boxes and updated the textures (ok, they've added little touches). Hopefully later on we'll start to see some maps come out that were created for Source to begin with, then they should look better.
Can't you guys wait till servers and admins start modding the servers to make them individual and fun and unique? You have to wait till the sdk is out, the game is officially out, and the admins have had a while to play with the server settings. Then you will have hostages that can shoot back, tables that can be knocked over, cars, boats, whatever, you just have to wait a little. It doesn't happen in one day.
Is that server up often? ip?


azz0r to Jess
Oct 7 (5 days ago)

You should remove the pushyness from tables and cabinets - it ruins the whole blocking doorways thing

- Aaron Lote
-- administration creator

Jess Cliffe to me
Oct 7 (5 days ago)

This is actually a technical/bandwidth issue. We will look into other solutions.
I just played on some maps without the 'gayness' and they seemed to be ok. It might be a problem for dial-up users though, and Valve makes sacrifices for them.
;( How do I play on CS:S without the "Gayness"?
I think someone changed the entities to get rid of the gayness. I'm not sure if it can be done without the illegal Hammer.