Gears 2 Sounds..... Great.


Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score

We recently had a chance to play through Gears of War 2's entire single-player campaign (yes, you read that correctly) at an event in San Francisco, and we found it to be an intense, enjoyable experience that improved upon the first game in a number of ways. Before we get into the oh-so-gory details, we should preface things by noting that Gears 2 feels a lot like the first game, so much so that there will inevitably be complaints that it could be called Gears of War 1.5. To those people we say: Quit your whining! Complaining about another 12 to 15 hours of hot Gears action is like complaining about having too much money in your wallet or that your suitors are bringing you too many bouquets of flowers.

I'm looking forward to this one. A lot. I enjoyed the first game on solo but I loved it when playing online co-op. So, some nice info there for anyone who is also happily anticipating Gears 2. GoW2. Whatever.
Hmm, sounds pretty cool. "12 to 15 hours" isn't exactly encouraging, I thought it was meant to be longer. Good to hear the A.I. actually holds it's own in hardcore now, though.

I'll probably pick it up sooner or later, if only because I enjoyed the first one while it lasted and wouldn't mind another blast. Hopefully the coop scene is bigger in this one though, I missed it almost completely on Gears 1 because a) the matchmaking system was useless for anyone outside of US as it didn't show latency (until a later patch, by which point everyone had already moved on), and b) everyone on my friends list (in a playable vicinity) are achievement whores and blew through it in about a week. :P
or that your suitors are bringing you too many bouquets of flowers.

This is a very valid complaint.
I don't think we have to worry about associating Gears 2 with bouquets of flowers or anything like that.

... Right?

Well, they DID add color to the game.

It's definitely on my to buy list though.
Hmm, sounds pretty cool. "12 to 15 hours" isn't exactly encouraging, I thought it was meant to be longer. Good to hear the A.I. actually holds it's own in hardcore now, though.
From the first one, I expect there to probably be at least two chapters more in G2. NO doubt they're banking a lot on the multiplayer.

I'll probably pick it up sooner or later, if only because I enjoyed the first one while it lasted and wouldn't mind another blast. Hopefully the coop scene is bigger in this one though, I missed it almost completely on Gears 1 because a) the matchmaking system was useless for anyone outside of US as it didn't show latency (until a later patch, by which point everyone had already moved on), and b) everyone on my friends list (in a playable vicinity) are achievement whores and blew through it in about a week. :P
Agreed. The first game had some niggling issues in co-op that to my knowledge were never fixed. I'll be interested in co-op moreso than plain old single player.

If the timezone gap wasn't so FRICKIN HUGE, I'd play witcha dude. :(
Oh shut up Rim-Fire. You don't like it - we get it.
Really looking forward to this. Loved Gears, short as it may of been, as it felt like Starship Troopers in a way that I could just switch off and enjoy a good solid war experience against big bad aliens. Multiplayer was great, too, though eventually it became a big cluster**** of everyone rushing for the power weapons but aside from that it was incredibly tactical and tense with a group of close mates. Seriously can't wait to try out the new Capture the Flag mode, as well as the 5 player co-op Horde Locust attack wave mode.
I hate Epic games and all they stand for.
I'm pretty sure the men in their games sweat steroids, can't tell from here because they wear so much damn armour. All their games also have this generic serious guy with voice to match a terminally ill patient with severe lung cancer from smoking several packs a day leading as the main character. They walk down cliche lane for inspiration for all game development:

'Have we tried predictable darkness is bad strategy yet? or what about the zombie invasion and conveniently placed explosive barrels?'
So you won't be getting it, I presume? :dozey:
'Have we tried predictable darkness is bad strategy yet? or what about the zombie invasion and conveniently placed explosive barrels?'

Sounds like Half-Life 2/Lowlife/Freeman Prontifix/rest of the game to me. :laugh:
first one was good the first run,after I didnt felt like playing it again

and I am the only one that dont like the design of the enemyes?

I'm looking forward to this one. A lot. I enjoyed the first game on solo but I loved it when playing online co-op. So, some nice info there for anyone who is also happily anticipating Gears 2. GoW2. Whatever.

the first one was a mixed bag, looked great but after awhile it just became the same formula over and over again which was made worse by some of the things they threw in there to change it up towards the end ..I dont know why devs think shooting at targets on rails is at all fun ..sure maybe for a minute or so but then it just becomes a game of timing/remembering where the baddies spawn from ...that said I'll definately rent it as the co-op was fun in short sessions. they should have added more melee in this game as so many encounters end up face to face ...triggering a quicktime event gets stale fast even if it's over the top chainsawing a enemy in half ..needs more variety/more involved fatalities
the first one was a mixed bag, looked great but after awhile it just became the same formula over and over again which was made worse by some of the things they threw in there to change it up towards the end ..I dont know why devs think shooting at targets on rails is at all fun ..sure maybe for a minute or so but then it just becomes a game of timing/remembering where the baddies spawn from ...that said I'll definately rent it as the co-op was fun in short sessions. they should have added more melee in this game as so many encounters end up face to face ...triggering a quicktime event gets stale fast even if it's over the top chainsawing a enemy in half ..needs more variety/more involved fatalities
The gameplay was very rinse and repeat stuff for the most part and on your own it did get tedious. There were some good set pieces like the mansion siege/escape and the beserker on the train.

What I'm hoping for in the single player is the new gameplay elements add a bit more variation to player approach. Taking shields and the like.

As for co-op, as long as there's not another god-awful junker level then I'll be quite happy. That section was nippy.
The gameplay was very rinse and repeat stuff for the most part and on your own it did get tedious. There were some good set pieces like the mansion siege/escape and the beserker on the train.

What I'm hoping for in the single player is the new gameplay elements add a bit more variation to player approach. Taking shields and the like.

As for co-op, as long as there's not another god-awful junker level then I'll be quite happy. That section was nippy.

I thought the beserker in the maze levels/enclosed room was much more exciting than the beserker on the train ..I finished him off in a few mns without mch effort. ..the enclosed area with the bereker was rather tense ..when he first showed up my friend who I was playing co-op at the time screamed like a frightened girl ..he was actually hilarious to watch as he panicled like an idiot and usually ran right into the beserker as it rounded a corner screaming each time one point in one small area I revived him a dozen times
Don't get me wrong, I liked all of the beserker encounters, but with a buddy on the train.... it was a laugh.

I think what killed the first beserker (in terms of AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIT) for me was Dom's inability to like, stay alive. The only thing dragging the train encounter down was the fact that it's like "Oh FFS - ANOTHER one!"

We should co-op Stern. :E

This footage is quite old, but I've never seen it before. Some really cool looking things happen in the snippets from this match as well as a lot of interesting scenarios in the gameplay that really tip the scale of a firefight. The guy was outnumbered more than once but managed to fight his way out of a corner with some quick thinking. Really looking forward to getting online with this now.

Also, the big underground thingy popping up during the middle of a match could be cool. I wonder if it inflicts damage on people if they get to close or whether it's just there to block incoming fire at certain times. Either way, very nice.

EDIT: I never noticed how badass the Lancer sounds now either. Also, that slower carbine like rifle looks really good.
There are so many ******s here in the Games and Gaming forum it makes me feel like a gigantic pile of gay.

That online footage looks absolutely badass.
Seriously 2.0 is going to be a bitch to get, even when all kills you get in any game mode counts.

Oh and thank god they've made the MP pre-game lobby a matchmaking one like Halo 3's and there will be no more host advantage.
Seriously 2.0 is going to be a bitch to get, even when all kills you get in any game mode counts.

Oh and thank god they've made the MP pre-game lobby a matchmaking one like Halo 3's and there will be no more host advantage.

And that also means that I won't have to play the same map 328946234273 times in a row.
As much as I replayed portions of Gears just to see how many ways I could totally blow a Locust's guts everywhere, should be no problem here. Seriously, I'd reload the same checkpoint on one chapter just to shotgun gib the same Locust over and over again, it felt so awesome watching bloody chunks go flying and his mangled body collapse to the ground.
Interesting...they mentioned Carmine in that video
Yeah. His brother Benjamin shows up as part of your squad.

10 bucks says he last longer than Anthony. Take it or leave it.
I've been watching a few videos now. I'm definitely more interested in the multiplayer this time around, and the campaign looks even better.
I'd really be looking forward to this slightly.

Unfortunately I don't a 360.
I've been watching a few videos now. I'm definitely more interested in the multiplayer this time around, and the campaign looks even better.
The fact that they added stopping power to the weapons sold me on the MP. Gears 1 had to many ******s running at you with the shotgun and blowing you into chunks.
The fact that they added stopping power to the weapons sold me on the MP. Gears 1 had to many ******s running at you with the shotgun and blowing you into chunks.

Willie, your the only one around here who makes sense to me nowadays.
This is going to be 100% win, played the 1st with my brother coop. One of the best coop games ever. All im hoping for is a more detailed story.
That multiplayer looks incredible now. More multi-person firefights as opposed to mano e mano shotgun duels
Judging by the gameplay vid, they've upped the gore factor also and even added "living" ragdolls (note the Locust being blown off a ledge by a grenade, then getting back up). Rock on.
Did anyone else use to specifically play as certain characters in MP? I always use to play as Col. Hoffman and will continue doing so just because he reminds me of every badass military drill instructor. He has a sweet hat, too.
I always played as Cole Train, since he's fricking awesome.
And for the locust, I've always played as the second Theron Guard, I think he was called Theron Sentinel. His mask was round and had no eye holes.
One of my most favorite things about him was like, sometimes when you chainsaw someone, he'll do this really, really viscous sounding laugh. He sounds like a Ringwraith or something.
I am probably going to continue playing as those two dudes, although the fat dude with half his face tatooted looks pretty sweet too. I don't know much about his character though.
And I will continue being a Sentinel because I predict that 99.999925 percent of people will use Skorge. I'll be original again!
Carmine for COG, he's the underdog char, most people think the nubs choose him because of his hidden face. Sniper for Locust because he looks like a geek locust with his glowy goggles.
Baird, he's such an asshole like me. As for the Locusts, I chose the Sniper as well.
Gears is definately not a game you play for an "epic single player experience". but the multiplayer is very good.

and with GoW2 fixing all the problems plaguing the orginal i am not afraid to say i have high hopes for this one.

i'll buy it just for the 1337 4 player survival mode. that looks wicked fun.
I can't even remember what Locust soldier I played as, though I know I deffo had a specific one. Lemme Google it...

I think it was the sniper because I have a thing for goggled/military eyepiece equipment. Yeah, Locust Sniper, but I never used the sniper in MP. I use to always rush the rockets but just to surpress them from cover because someone on the other team would always aimlessly rush them. Like shooting fish in a barrel when they got there.
I have found out that, quite oddly, the boomshot is the most accurate weapon in the game.
I found that out once when I was ducking behind a car from a sniper, I was aiming right at him but decided to hide back down, (he was sorta far away, it was Gridlock and I was at the boom spawn, while he was in the sniper spawn tower), then he popped up and just kept staring above my head, not letting me move. I got bored and just hit the trigger, blindfired the boom over the car, the rocket went with perfect accuracy right into his wtf'ing face.

Also, did anyone notice that Hoffman looks very similar to the drill seargant in Full Metal Jacket?
Since when did the Gametrailers forums vomit their extra users on this forum?

Gears 1 was shit, the second one will be the same.