Gears of War PC confirmation?


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
from this months PC gamer:


not that it would be that much of a surprise
Well dog my cats. The game sounded great and now I get to play it on a worthwhile platform :D

*thumbs down and makes rasberry noise
It'd make sense, but only after they'd milked the 360 market for all its worth.

I was playing GoW all night - it's a cracking game :)
It'd be exceedingly easy to port over since Epic use Unreal Script to write all of their gameplay code. Simply rebuild the scripts for a different platform. Well, maybe not quite that easily.
Yay now I can play the only games I wanted for consoles without whipping out sh17loads of $ for a console! (now for halo 3...)
It'd make sense, but only after they'd milked the 360 market for all its worth.

I was playing GoW all night - it's a cracking game :)

yes it does look good ..not quite good enough to make open that wallet and make a $600 purchase ...but close
Hmm... cool, but wouldn't expect it anytime soon. GoW is selling consoles, remember? MS is gonna cash in on that as much as they can, so don't be surprised if they deny it even being developed for PC for some time ;)
If anyone thought that GoW wasn't going to be a Vista-exclusive, DX10-only title after it came out on the 360, then they're stupid. And probably dead.
I'm slightly attracted to the "Games for Windows" logo.

No idea why :X
Me too (licks screen)
Mmmm DX10 deliciousness
It's a great game, loving it so far. Glad I purchased :D

*Runs off to chainsaw some more monsters* >:]
I can't wait, to try my new QuadCore Intel and SLI 8800GTX.
I have one question, does being a Games for Windows automatically mean it's DX10? I mean afterall, it could be that some games are just simply Vista exclusives, Vista does support DX9 too you know...;)

Nice and sneaky way to show off Gorgon!:rolleyes:
No, it does not. Microsoft is doing a nice push back into Pc Gaming. Games for Windows is basically there logo for this push. The goals are just trying to get more shelf space, more games(via XNA), and etc..

Also lets take a look at some of those games on the shelf.... none of the released Pc Games on that shelf are Dx10 as far as I can tell.
Im so glad that microsoft has started Games for Windows. PC gaming was going downhill until microsoft did this. I cant wait to see PCs set up like that in stores and the walls of games return as opposed to a shelf or two.

Oh right... gears of war... yay!
Well, we'll see you online in about 1.5-2 years! Then we can go through a Halo-like fiasco all over again!
Im so glad that microsoft has started Games for Windows. PC gaming was going downhill until microsoft did this. I cant wait to see PCs set up like that in stores and the walls of games return as opposed to a shelf or two.

Oh right... gears of war... yay!

Yeah I hate how consoles get all the attention even when PC gaming have been around a long time also....just cause their "new"
And I was actually thinking of picking up a 360... screw that idea.