GEARS OF WAR site is live


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
ust in time for E3, the official Gears of War website has gone live.

Unfortunately — with its black background, lame skulls, maroon headlines and dim gray font — it looks like it just crawled out of’s Internet 1998 bunghole. Still, if you’re looking for official information on “the only game to blend a deep and disturbing story of human survival against an endless mass of nightmarish creatures, a next-generation tactical combat system, and unsurpassed visuals and special effects,” is the place to go.


I want these posters :D
"Dear Gearheads,"

This game sucks. Majorly. I can tell that just from that ^
Websites with background noise is like God punching a pregnant woman in the stomache.
Reginald said:
"Dear Gearheads,"

This game sucks. Majorly. I can tell that just from that ^
have you even seen any videos about it? you have no idea how awesome this game will be!
"the only game to blend a deep and disturbing story of human survival against an endless mass of nightmarish creatures, a next-generation tactical combat system, and unsurpassed visuals and special effects"

The only game, lol. Every game claims to have these.
Pesmerga said:
Websites with background noise is like God punching a pregnant woman in the stomache.
The Thief: DS site is the exception. I go there to relax and immerse myself in the Thief world sometimes at work when I need a respite. Awesome atmosphere!

That said, I just can't for some reason get excited for this title. Maybe it was the old trailers that were pretty but ran poorly or maybe its the relatively unimaginative premise. I dunno. Hopefully E3 will shed some brilliant new light on this one. Just reading that they revamped the animations is a huge step....
I'm not expecting goty (especially since Epic haven't produced a decent single player game for years), but think Gears shows plenty of promise. A gorgeous looking simple and frantic shoot 'em up with online co-op - what's not to like?
Pesmerga said:
Websites with background noise is like God punching a pregnant woman in the stomache.

Did you notice the "sound:eek:n/off" toggle?
Innervision961 said:
Did you notice the "sound:eek:n/off" toggle?

Did you notice I'm flying through cyberspace at subsonic speeds, passing through information highways with porn and japanese inventions and politics and smilies and ads and dinner recipes whizzing through my eyes into my brain? Yeah, I don't have time for ****in noise and ****in toggles.
Warbie said:
I'm not expecting goty (especially since Epic haven't produced a decent single player game for years), but think Gears shows plenty of promise. A gorgeous looking simple and frantic shoot 'em up with online co-op - what's not to like?

It's not for the PC.
Been keeping up with this game for sometime now, cannot wait for it :D definate buy :thumbs:
VictimOfScience said:
The Thief: DS site is the exception. I go there to relax and immerse myself in the Thief world sometimes at work when I need a respite. Awesome atmosphere!

Its a shame that the Ion Storm got kicked in the ass before they came up with a patch to sort out that annoying key config crash bug
Its a shame that the Ion Storm got kicked in the ass before they came up with a patch to sort out that annoying key config crash bug
Hahaha! Word. ;(

I actually play the Thief 3 soundtrack when I visit the Dark Mod website. That "game" is going to rule (I hope).
ktimekiller said:
have you even seen any videos about it? you have no idea how awesome this game will be!

I know the game will be good. It was a joke. But the very fact the developers call the fans Gearheads is IMO really, really choopid.
Warbie said:
(especially since Epic haven't produced a decent single player game for years)
Perhaps some title escapes me, but I don't think Epic have really "done" Single Player since Unreal 1! That's 8 years ago :O
kupoartist said:
Perhaps some title escapes me, but I don't think Epic have really "done" Single Player since Unreal 1! That's 8 years ago :O

Unreal 2? Wasn't that SP?
Reginald said:
Unreal 2? Wasn't that SP?
Yes. But Legend Entertainment made it.

Edit: to bring myself inline with the topic, I'd have to say it's a good thing that Unreal 2 isn't an example of what happens when Epic attempt single player. A very good thing.
Yeah, and even Unreal 1 was a little wobbly in certain respects, IMO. Still, as Epic haven't done proper single player since Unreal 1, we have nothing to help us judge either way whether Gears of War will be good. I'm hoping that it will be, and that it'll be successful enough to warrant the PC version that CliffyB said they'd consider making.
From when i played it i liked Unreal 2 a lot. Dunno. exp. the weapons.
Some new screenshots:



Still looking good.
I'm glad i've got plenty of games to keep me busy till it's released otherwise i'd be going a bit crazy with anticipation and excitement :p