Geek or nerd?

I think you've got it backwards Saturos.
I think you've got it backwards Saturos.
I can't remember if it's a dork or dweeb, but one of those is the worst you can be.

I think I heard that dorks have just as little social grace as a nerd, and they have some kind of obsession like geeks and nerds, but they are unsuccessful like nerds, and dumb as posts, which makes them worse than even nerds. (at least nerds are intelligent)

Dweebs have the social mindset like geeks, and are successful in their careers, but unlike geeks, they try TOO hard to be liked by others, and therefore that person is a dweeb.
Nerd is more of an intelligence/skill set sort of thing. Geek is more of social ability sort of thing.
Wait, I also heard this theory: Nerds and geeks will happily admit to being either, but if you take offense to being called either, then that makes you a dork for being defensive. :D
I'm more of a geek than a nerd, though I do know a bit about computers, i am very far from knowing everything.

I'm more of a music nerd.
I'm a geek, nerd dork and a weirdo

they're all the same to me. it means i never was on sports teams (besides middle school) and i love sci fi stuff including skygazing, video games, books, mags, movies, etc. media is my hobby and its just who i am. i also know i'm kinda weird but people still think i'm funny at work and a lot of times i'm the life of the party when i get drunk. i guess overall i like who i am and wouldn't have it any other way.
I would say mostly geek but I do quite a bit about computers.
He also walks into molotovs that Francis uses to protect him.
I have not heard 'geek' or 'nerd' used in a remotely derrogatory way for...ooh, must be years now.
nerd = a programmer, someone who knows eveyrthing about computers

geek = fan of sci-fi and fantasy entertainment in all forms as well as video games and various other geeky things like miniatures for example

personally I'm a huuuuuge geek.

Considering I'm torrenting episodes of Enterprise atm...I'd say that makes me a geek.

There is no shame in being a geek, Skaadi. You should be proud of yourself. Geeks ftw!!!
I consider myself truly awesome.
I'm socially adaptable.
Way back in the day the term "geek" was used to describe a mentally retarded Carnie who did feats of skill and amazed crowds. The term stuck with people who were mentally retarded, and then became a regular insult.

Nerd stemmed from a latin word, I believe, for study, I think.

I am both and more. Including a lover, a fighter, and a whiny bitch-ass. Much like Chris Crocker!
Right-o, then. I'm just going to go rant on my Youtube about how unfair life is to people who are better than me.

Oh yeah. Definitely a loser. -_-
nerd = a programmer, someone who knows eveyrthing about computers

geek = fan of sci-fi and fantasy entertainment in all forms as well as video games and various other geeky things like miniatures for example

personally I'm a huuuuuge geek.

This, and I'm a nerd.
You know what bothers me? Nerd was originally also a term for someone who was into things like scifi, fantasy, video games and comics and tabletop games. So I always called myself a nerd. Geek and nerd were universally interchangeable, but I preferred "nerd."

And then there was this whole "geek is chic" bullshit and the two words took on different meanings, and all of a sudden it's "cool to be a geek." Well fuck you, I'm a nerd and I don't program a god damned thing.
I had a conversation with some people in TF2 once that changed my entire perspective on "nerd".

Stupid nerds.
I used to label myself as a geek back in high school but it got me nothing but trouble.

I'm still probably a geek but try to hide my geekiness subtly.