Geomotry lines all over my screen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robin_barrasford
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Sorry to bother you.

I am using a Geforce FX5700 graphics card with the latest drivers I can find from Nvidia. That said, I did try a new driver the other day and it meant that the desktop would only run in the lowest resolution with about 4 colours. I couldn't change this setting whatever I did and so I rolled back the driver and now all my games work fine, except one......

When I run Episode 1, it works but some of the graphics turn into vector lines, like an old computer game! Almost as good as Monster Maze on the ZX81 - now how many people remember that!

There are also white squares placed in the centre of most walls, also made up of simple white lines.

I have looked through the forum but can't find anyone else with this exact problem. Unfortunately, t tmakes the game unplayable once I get into the building at the beginning.

Thanks for the comments.

Yup, I bought the game in Tescos (most probably the problem, should have gone to GAME :). It get's really bad after the car is thrown into the building. I'm just waiting for the first person to tell me to get a new graphics card, wish I could afford it!

Interestingly, it also happens in the Deathmatch version.

I should have pointed out that it isn't all the grapbhics, just about 10%, Alex looks perfect, as does the FMV.

I'll try and work out how to put screenshots up later tonight when I get home from work - not that I'm writing this at work of course!

Feeling very old that no-one has remembered the ZX81.


Please find the screenshots below;


  • ep1_citadel_010000.jpg
    53.5 KB · Views: 254
Graphics rpoblem

Here is another one


  • ep1_citadel_010005.jpg
    92.1 KB · Views: 239
A blind shot here but maybe reinstalling it would help or defragmenting?

Have you tried System Restore?
Wireframe on only a few things? Try and find the console command for world wireframe and turn it on and off again. Then try the one for entity wireframe and turn that on and off again.

Those are certainly quicker methods that re-installing, so try these first. :thumbs:
just to make sure, you are using a program called "steam" right?

Hi all,

Thanks for all the advice. I have tried re-installign DX9 to no avail.

I have no idea where to find the world wireframe console command is?

I'll post my specs on tonight when I get back from work and before the football (were bound to lose anyway).

Is there an actual Valve technical problem email, I can't find one on their site.
Of course I remember the ZX81! It was my first computer, in fact.
I used to see wireframes in all glass windows.
Try validating the game files. Worked for me. :)
get the same problem almost!

I to have problem with my GF 5700 but i dont se any lines , just som objects not showing up and like invisible bridges and in the elevator i cant see the object falling from above.

i just tried to reinstall the game so now i will check if it works, seem like som files are missin or damaged doh.

I just want to know if this is a 5700 problem.
found out that

My dxdriver was old it might be the reason for my problems, i must update my directX and try again, :)
Fixed problem

Hi all,

In case anyone gets a similar to problem, I have found the answer.

I ran the validation program through steam on the game and then it worked fine!

Someone suggested this above and thankyou very much.
Are you sure those lines aren't pathfnding tracks for the AI...certainlly looks that way. I think you can activate and deactivate them in the console...i don't know the command tough....I Never use the console