George W. Bush lies a total of 935 times during war


Jul 25, 2007
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Heh, here we go again. It looks like George Dubya is in the fire yet again as he was discovered lying through his teeth during the Iraqi war. George W. Bush lies through his teeth I wonder long he managed to keep the truth from the media? Then again, Yahoo may not be telling the entire story either.:p For our next President, I only ask that they be more honest, though an impossible request I'm sure. Bush wasn't even the lame duck encumbant at the time, so how did he manage a re-election I wonder?
Is this news to anyone?

You can easily tell when a politician is lying - They move their lips. It's a dead giveaway.

As for Bush, I'm just amazed that 51% of Americans lap his sh1t up as gospel.
Is this news to anyone?

You can easily tell when a politician is lying - They move their lips. It's a dead giveaway.

As for Bush, I'm just amazed that 51% of Americans lap his sh1t up as gospel.
That's what I mean when I say it would probably be too much to ask for a president that's even remotely honest. (I LOL'ed at that statement by the way :LOL:) I still can't believe those figures during that last election though. You would think that people would become wary of a known liar. Like we all know though, probably all politicians are liars.:p That's a politicians hallmark.
lies rarely lead to an invasion and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people so saying politicians lie all the time so it's understandable is only painting part of the picture ..anyways the entire admin, not just bush, should be drawn and quartered by iraqi widows
How is this news? People of political stature lie all the time, even if it means someone dying.
How is this news? People of political stature lie all the time, even if it means someone dying.
I know this isn't "news" to anyone, but still, 935 times?!?!, even I don't manage those figures within a few years. For a politician though, I guess it's no big deal.:p
How is this news? People of political stature lie all the time, even if it means someone dying.

..and this is why the bush administration will never be held accountable for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people

if western support of israel and the invasion of western influence in afghanistan in the 80's/90's led to 9/11 how big do you think the scope of the destruction be from those looking to settle a score over iraq? people willingly dig your own graves ..and drag the rest of us along with you, thank you very much
..and this is why the bush administration will never be held accountable for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people
I wonder how FDR's administration got away with it during WW2? Is it possible to justify that war too? The axis forces did bomb pearl harbor first after all. Not that this has anything to do with the current situation in Iraq though. Alot of people here agree the US forces were involved for far longer than necessary in Iraq.

if western support of israel and the invasion of western influence in afghanistan in the 80's/90's led to 9/11 how big do you think the scope of the destruction be from those looking to settle a score over iraq? people willingly dig your own graves ..and drag the rest of us along with you, thank you very much
who's you people? If your making another sweeping generalization of the US public again, then please stop. Not every US citizen worships the Bush administration.:p
I wonder how FDR's administration got away with it during WW2? Can you justify that war too? The axis forces did bomb pearl harbor first after all. Not that this has anything to do with the current situation in Iraq though.

so why bring it up? it's not even remotely the same situation ...unless you can prove that over 600,000 iraqis had something to do with 9/11
so why bring it up? it's not even remotely the same situation ...unless you can prove that over 600,000 iraqis had something to do with 9/11
I'm just curious to what you think about WW2 is all. I know it's irrevelent to the thread topic.:)
I do! ;)
the law is now applied to any threaded online discussion: electronic mailing lists, message boards, chat rooms, and more recently blog comment threads and wiki talk pages.
D'oh! Be that is it may, there's also the notion, however, that we should not forget history lest we repeat past mistakes. Supposedly it's how mankind learns. So...:p:p:p
I do! ;) D'oh! Be that is it may, there's also the notion, however, that we should not forget history lest we repeat past mistakes. Supposedly it's how mankind learns. So...:p:p:p

yes but ...

wikipedia on godwins law said:
there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress
I know this isn't "news" to anyone, but still, 935 times?!?!, even I don't manage those figures within a few years. For a politician though, I guess it's no big deal.:p

..and this is why the bush administration will never be held accountable for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people

if western support of israel and the invasion of western influence in afghanistan in the 80's/90's led to 9/11 how big do you think the scope of the destruction be from those looking to settle a score over iraq? people willingly dig your own graves ..and drag the rest of us along with you, thank you very much

I never said I was supporting it. But it's pointed out as some huge surprise. You make it seem as though G.W. is the first president to lie expodentially. There's past presidents, and people of political stature all over the entire damn planet that lie every single day.

But of course, "us people" are the ones digging our graves, simply because I recognize that political people lie all the damn time, not only G.W.?
I love when people point the finger at "us people".
Yeah, I am American, so I must be a dumb hick that supports G.W. right?
I never said I was supporting it. But it's pointed out as some huge surprise. You make it seem as though G.W. is the first president to lie expodentially. There's past presidents, and people of political stature all over the entire damn planet that lie every single day.

how many of them lied their way into war?

But of course, "us people" are the ones digging our graves, simply because I recognize that political people lie all the damn time, not only G.W.?

you didnt understand a word of what I said

I love when people point the finger at "us people".
Yeah, I am American, so I must be a dumb hick that supports G.W. right?

you didnt understand a word of what I said
how many of them lied their way into war?

you didnt understand a word of what I said

you didnt understand a word of what I said
This political shit attracts you like a moth to a flame doesn't it Stern?:LOL: I was wondering when you'd be back. Oh, I quoted you on something similar to zombieturtle earlier too. read the posts again. I'd like to know what you were trying to say too. It seems to me though you are making an over-generalization of the US public. *again* /facepalm
sigh ..and then people wonder why I sometimes have a short fuse

zombieturtle wrote:

zaombieturtle said:
are the ones digging our graves, simply because I recognize that political people lie all the damn time

I replied

cptstern said:
you didnt understand a word of what I said

because in no way did I suggest "people are digging their own graves BECAUSE zombieturtle recognises that political people lie all the time"

he missed the underlying point, and really I've already given my reasoning I'm not about to continually reword it
sigh ..and then people wonder why I sometimes have a short fuse
Internet toughguy alert! :dozey: (I've always wanted to say that myself. Feels good. Thanks Darkside55!)

zombieturtle wrote:

I replied

because in no way did I suggest "people are digging their own graves BECAUSE zombieturtle recognises that political people lie all the time"

he missed the underlying point, and really I've already given my reasoning I'm not about to continually reword it
Fair enough. I can see where this:
zombieturtle recognises that political people lie all the time irrelevant. Just making sure my post wasn't being included in your all Americans are *insert random insult here* flame wars, because you'd be wrong if so. ;)
I've lied 372 times this week so far & counting.
Make that 373 . . .
374 . . .
375 . . .
376 . . .
"Law, politics and commerce are based on lies. That is, the premises giving rise to opposition are real, but the debate occurs not between these premises but between their proxy, substitute positions. The two parties to a legal dispute (as the opponents in an election) each select an essentially absurd position. "I did not kill my wife and Ron Goldman," "A rising tide raises all boats," "Tobacco does not cause cancer." Should one be able to support this position, such that it prevails over the nonsense of his opponent, he is awarded the decision. ...

"In these fibbing competitions, the party actually wronged, the party with an actual practicable program, or possessing an actually beneficial product, is at a severe disadvantage; he is stuck with a position he cannot abandon, and, thus, cannot engage his talents for elaboration, distraction, drama and subterfuge."

David Mamet in "Bambi vs Godzilla: Why art loses in Hollywood", Harper's, June 2005.

very interesting Mamet is right on the money:

# On May 29, 2003, in an interview with Polish TV, President Bush declared: "We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories." But as journalist Bob Woodward reported in State of Denial, days earlier a team of civilian experts dispatched to examine the two mobile labs found in Iraq had concluded in a field report that the labs were not for biological weapons. The team's final report, completed the following month, concluded that the labs had probably been used to manufacture hydrogen for weather balloons.

do you have a link to the Mamet article? I cant find a copy that doesnt require a subscription to view