German HL² Review: 96%



German magazine PC Games scores Half-Life 2 at 96% (Doom 3 got 90%, FarCry 92%). This was announced in a press release a few hours ago. The review will come out on wednesday, suscribers will get it on Monday. Also the DVD will contain world-exclusice video-footage of the finished product.

Isn't the German version of the game censored? Like the original Half-Life...I wonder what they changed, probably just no blood.
No, the blood in the german one is green (off the headcrabs anyhow)
Wicked! Shame I can't watch the vid. though. :'( , does anyone know what the highest score this magazine has given a game and also if is reliable.
have any non pc exclusive mags reviewed the game yet?
Oh, damn, how could I forget to mention that this is the highest score ever given? Well, now I told you ;)
Jan said:
Oh, damn, how could I forget to mention that this is the highest score ever given? Well, now I told you ;)

In this specific magazine, right? I mean HL2 scored 98% in another mag
German version of the game is sensored by the people who now oppress their country. Won't censoring all their media lead to war? Where is the outlet of aggression? Must be the kiny sex and the autobond.

LEt's all go to GERMANY...
the german version will be exactly the same as the english one but in german...
CatBOne said:
Wicked! Shame I can't watch the vid. though. :'( , does anyone know what the highest score this magazine has given a game and also if is reliable.
german mags rate lower than uk and us ones...92% or 93% could be the highest ever given...i will have a look at the site, perhaps i can find that info...

btw, censoring information and censoring violence is a DIFFERENCE @ wonkers
pixartist said:
the german version will be exactly the same as the english one but in german...

german mags rate lower than uk and us ones...92% or 93% could be the highest ever given...i will have a look at the site, perhaps i can find that info...
I thought Germany had censorship rules...
heh heh, I guess thats another advantage of using Steam for distribution. You can't censor it.
Foxtrot said:
I thought Germany had censorship rules...
mostly the german versions are done to lower the age rating....(i think so) but as i said hl2 won't be censored...i am pretty sure about that

and even if they would, just switching steam to english would override any settings :p
omfg HaLf-LiFe 2 r0xx0rz TeH b1g oNe !!111oneoneone
Will be interesting how many more this high score reviews, i think we will see lots of it.
The Mullinator said:
heh heh, I guess thats another advantage of using Steam for distribution. You can't censor it.

if you have an unlawful product on your computer, you can be prosecuted...

(not saying german version is unlawful)
Would be really shitty if the german version will be censored, because in Austria we always get the german version either although US version are allowed in Austria. The retailers just buy the G. version cause of the language. :sniper: retailers :p
That's gay that it has to be censored. Why the hell does it have to be? Can't you Germans take a little blood?
Ownzed said:
That's gay that it has to be censored. Why the hell does it have to be? Can't you Germans take a little blood?

It's a part of german law, to do with violence in video games. Weren't the marines in the original Half-Life robots or something in the german version?

I know Pc Games very well and it really, really is a very serious magasine.. they dont give everything just simply something like that... not like the PC Gamer, which, I think, scores games way to high now and then (of course not HL2 :) ).

This tells us a lot... If HL2 gets 96 % in this magasine... then it really has to bo good!

So even the very last one who was doubting the quality of HL2 should be satified by now :LOL:

Yes, the marines really were robots... a real pity I think...They looked like big walking toasters to me, completely black... luckily they dont have that kind of law in Holland... :thumbs:
I thought it was mostly censored for blood and "Nazi" images.

I hear that when they the reviewed RTCW, the censorship board all fainted dead away! :E
Yes robots, how stupid!!!! I hate German version, even the conversations sound more refreshing in English language.

And yes this magasine is very reliable.
Dont talk about something like That!!!

German magasins arent bad, in many ways they are much

and much better then the english or american ones!!!

Pc Games is good, but Im really looking forward the Gamestar review... a really great magasine...

Dont talk about Nazis anymore :flame: that just isnt nice, nowadays
This magazine definitely gave Doom3 and FarCry rating that were too high. :( This seems to be bad news for HL2.
highest score ever given by pc games till today was 92% to far cry.
Well, Froghawk... I can see you dont know PC Games :)

They really, really dont give that much high scores, 96 % is something completely different, Im not used to such scores...

Just like sir h said, 92 really is very very high....

So 96 % means very good news for HL2...

dont judge too soon about such things ;)
Nobody mentioned that PC Games is the most bought PC Magazine in Europe :p

I am looking forward to get the Magazine with the world exclusive footage on DVD on Monday :D
Investigator said:
Would be really shitty if the german version will be censored, because in Austria we always get the german version either although US version are allowed in Austria. The retailers just buy the G. version cause of the language. :sniper: retailers :p
1. US-Versions are allowed in germany too
3. germany nazi magazines? rofl stupid peasant...
US versions may be allowed, that has nothing to do with the law:hmph:

They only arent allowed if there is blood and gore on a high level...

Of course a game like Civilisation (just pickes something) is allowed, if not, that would mean that it was forbidden because of the english language, which is not the case..

If there is to much blood in a game, there is a special german version, which in most cases, doesnt contain any blood.. But HL2 wont be censored in any way by Valve for the German market..

Sounds like good news to all the Germans on this forum, but if Germany itself thinks it has to much blood, THEN they will do something about it.. but you will here that after the release, so a lot can still happen in Germany...
MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH in germany you are only allowed to buy the game when you are 18 ROFL!! :E


Jeehde2 said:
The only arent allowed if there is blood and gore on a high level...
thats WRONG IF a game is allowed AT ALL in germany (unimportant WHAT version) the US version is allowed too!
so as long as a game is not FORBIDDEN in germany, the US version is allowed too! and there are VERY few games totally banned!

the only difference is, that it is not allowed to SHOW the version in your shop, but you are still allowed to sell it...
Reaperman said:
if you have an unlawful product on your computer, you can be prosecuted...

(not saying german version is unlawful)

I'm sure video game piracy is big in Germany because of the censorship laws. Of course, you are less likely to be caught if it's just for personal use. :naughty:
Well of course....

they really will check in the shop, which they dont do in Holland :naughty:

But even if so, everyone will be able to get it, just send a parent or an elder brother, or whatever....

It will be 18+ in Every country...or at least in Europe
highest score in pc games germany was 94%, every game with more than 90% is f... awsome!!

german version is NOT censored, but its only available to people over 18 years.

@investigator: dann kauf doch beim softwarejungle... die kaufen seit jahren hälfte de hälfte us versionen. die wissen ganz genau was wir gamer brauchen ;)