Half-Life 2 Review Overview

Corn said:
the 90% from pcgp is because there is no HL2DM and valve throws a bone for everyone to shut up with cs source witch has practicly none of the advantages of hl2, except for some rolling barrels and ragdoll physics its still pretty much static, the levels are almost identical but with some more details, and there are no new ones. I find this score to be the most realistic, they are very thrilled with sp, but the lack of decent MP and a stupid conversion of cs as the only mp there is, is the result of this score. the mulitplayer part is after all the thing that kept hl running for years, and its mods offcourse

pcgp doesn't run along with the hype on the internet, and gives a clear and honest review from a gamers mind, most of the others game magazines aren't objective at all imo, for example some german magazines totaly destroyed hl2 because they didn't get an exclusive preview of hl2

valve states that cs source is free, but hl2 will cost 60€
You (minority) people who totally ignore CS:S as viable MP for HL2 are a bit clueless (imho).. CS:S is a better MP game then any a plain HL2DM can ever be (even though I still enjoy some old-skool DM once in a while myself, UT2004, CoD and HL-DMC etc).. Just look at the number of players for *all* DM games and compare that to CS.. Nuff said!

Who says MP always has to be DM, TDM or CTF?? That's so like 5 years ago!! Welcome to 2004 where team-, objective- and/or roundbased games have replaced DM etc as main MP for popular FPS games.. Giving Far Cry or Doom3 higher ratings in reviews then HL2 when they only have a (crap) DM MP while HL2 comes with CS:S is just a big joke!

Deducting points for no MP in HL2 like PC Gameplay did is so clueless (imho).. CS:S not worth any points??

HL2 comes with MP, it's called CS:S!! (and some get DoD:S etc too).. CS:S has replaced DM as MP mode for HL2, simply because Valve knows CS is much more popular and will sell alot more HL2 packages.. They didn't want to waist time on HL2DM knowing it wouldn't be very popular like CS:S anyway.. They leave HL2DM upto the modmakers now, if there is a demand for a DM HL2 gamemode.. I would like to see a good HL2DM mod..

Funny thing is, what used to be mods (CS etc) are now included in HL2, and what used to come with FPS games like HL2 (DM etc) are now likely to become mods.. :cool:
Inflatable said:
You (minority) people who totally ignore CS:S as viable MP for HL2 are a bit clueless (imho).. CS:S is a better MP game then any a plain HL2DM can ever be (even though I still enjoy some old-skool DM once in a while myself, UT2004, CoD and HL-DMC etc).. Just look at the number of players for *all* DM games and compare that to CS.. Nuff said!

Who says MP always has to be DM, TDM or CTF?? That's so like 5 years ago!! Welcome to 2004 where team-, objective- and/or roundbased games have replaced DM etc as main MP for popular FPS games.. Giving Far Cry or Doom3 higher ratings in reviews then HL2 when they only have a (crap) DM MP while HL2 comes with CS:S is just a big joke!

Deducting points for no MP in HL2 like PC Gameplay did is so clueless (imho).. CS:S not worth any points??

HL2 comes with MP, it's called CS:S!! (and some get DoD:S etc too).. CS:S has replaced DM as MP mode for HL2, simply because Valve knows CS is much more popular and will sell alot more HL2 packages.. They didn't want to waist time on HL2DM knowing it wouldn't be very popular like CS:S anyway.. They leave HL2DM upto the modmakers now, if there is a demand for a DM HL2 gamemode.. I would like to see a good HL2DM mod..

Funny thing is, what used to be mods (CS etc) are now included in HL2, and what used to come with FPS games like HL2 (DM etc) are now likely to become mods.. :cool:
Couldn't agree more.
Inflatable said:
You (minority) people who totally ignore CS:S as viable MP for HL2 are a bit clueless (imho).. CS:S is a better MP game then any a plain HL2DM can ever be (even though I still enjoy some old-skool DM once in a while myself, UT2004, CoD and HL-DMC etc).. Just look at the number of players for *all* DM games and compare that to CS.. Nuff said!

Who says MP always has to be DM, TDM or CTF?? That's so like 5 years ago!! Welcome to 2004 where team-, objective- and/or roundbased games have replaced DM etc as main MP for popular FPS games.. Giving Far Cry or Doom3 higher ratings in reviews then HL2 when they only have a (crap) DM MP while HL2 comes with CS:S is just a big joke!

Deducting points for no MP in HL2 like PC Gameplay did is so clueless (imho).. CS:S not worth any points??

HL2 comes with MP, it's called CS:S!! (and some get DoD:S etc too).. CS:S has replaced DM as MP mode for HL2, simply because Valve knows CS is much more popular and will sell alot more HL2 packages.. They didn't want to waist time on HL2DM knowing it wouldn't be very popular like CS:S anyway.. They leave HL2DM upto the modmakers now, if there is a demand for a DM HL2 gamemode.. I would like to see a good HL2DM mod..

Funny thing is, what used to be mods (CS etc) are now included in HL2, and what used to come with FPS games like HL2 (DM etc) are now likely to become mods.. :cool:

You don't seem to realize that they didn't change squat to CS in the new version, it's really a shabby port that probably took a week or so to make, and it's current state is really no more than a beta version that has to be updated a lot of times if it wants to better the original. Considering they now had an extra YEAR to make the game better (Last year, it was practically complete, if it wasn't for the leak), a lazy port and no other MP effort whatsoever, justifies losing a couple of points in a review... It's only fair when comparing to similar games that HAVE gone through an effort to do MP, and even spend like 1/3rd of the development time on MP.

Cool part is that, since they now had like an eternity to make only the Single Player part, I'm convinced it will blow us away!
It just seems like if valve through together some halfass DM that blew bigtime he would've given it a higher score. He said HL2 was better then far cry(SP) and CSS is better then FC online, yet it got a higher score.
Ecthe|ioN said:
Wonder when there will be a norwegian review? Anyone norwegians here that know?

Well, the biggest internett sites which review HL2 is vg.no and dagbladet.no and gamer.no, and there's only 1 big pc game mag, pcgw (or it was called that before). My guess is that the internett pages will have the review at release + 1 week, and the mag. about the same time...
Inflatable said:
Deducting points for no MP in HL2 like PC Gameplay did is so clueless (imho).. CS:S not worth any points??

Heck, I would deduce points from it, just because Valve didn't pick Sven Co-op to be it's multiplayer component! ;)

Honestly, I like the idea of CS being the multiplayer component, other than CTF or DM... Yech!
I still hope for some sort of HL2-themed MP component in the future.

...damn you! You've got me talking about it again. *whinges*

What'll really interest me is the guaranteed influx of online/publicated reviews we'll get when the game actually comes out. Of course, Carlisle's high street willing, I'll be playing it before I've even read any of them... but what we've got already is pretty damn promising, eh?
So the next review we're likely to see is the PC Gamer US. Did they also state that the game was more than they expected? I think they'll give 96-97%.

And soon after that there's PC Zone. Any others?
rail said:
...without some viable multiplayer options there is -no- way I'd buy this game. I don't say this lightly, I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for this game to come out....and then, the bombshell NO MP! Everyone I know who was going to buy this game the day it came out is now on a wait-and-see schedule.....-when- either a mutiplayer version comes out or some really good mp mod I'll be the first in line, but not before then.

..that's just my $00.02 but I suspect there are a large number of people who hold this opinion....everyone I know does. ;(

Yeah well you kinda forget that the reason such great mods like CS, The specialist and DOD were so nice to play because of the great builder that HL1 bring us. I Like very much the SP HL1 but god knows that it's the MP mod that keep me playing since...

When I saw HL" announced, I was trilled because of the great way I know valve can put a SP game togeter along with the new cool features, but I also said to myself, just check the mods that are going to go out on this builder after HL2 adn that is what will happen. The big problem is still the far too long delay, longer the HL2 builder is being held back, longer the mods will come out or gonna charm those who will make mod.

Its a shame realy that this has not realy got out on Sept 2003, so my word to you is, just you wait, you gonna buy HL2 when those mod made out of this builder will be release. Unfortunatly, not as soon as we were all hoping for.

zzzzzZZZZzzzz the wait is so long...