Germanic Half-life

Come ooonn you guys!!

Just play the game with the original (English !) voiceovers, please!! That's how it's meant to be played!

I know lots of Germans aren't exposed to that much english on tv etc (unlike us Swedes, we always watch in the original language), but you lot here on the forums seem to know your english pretty damn good. Then why do you want to hear it in German? Just use German subtitles or something!

I bet the German voiceacting for Gordon sucks . . .
Sorze, I have no problem with english.
Na, the scientist had never the same voices and the G-man didn't stutter.
The censorship is the problem and if a game is indexed, the original is of cause indexed also.
It's kind weird: If there is a indexed and a censored version, the press have to use "deutsche Version"(german version) with the titels so they don't 'promote' the indexed version. But they have to do it also when it's the gameranking of Japan XD
Hmmm... Interesting, I've only ever seen bikers wearing the spike-top WWI helmet.
Hey, I just thought of something. What happened in the German version of Opposing Force? Were you a tripped out robot, or what? Probably not even released... Ah well.
Making a salute doesn't really get you arrested... it actually is some kind of 'semi-' or 'quarter-crime' ...

It's not that easy; Nazi symbols aren't allowed in relation to entertainment. Of course, in documentaries or history lessons there's not much of any censorship.

Example RTCW: There weren't any nazi-symbols in the game, the army was converted to the 'Brotherhood of wolves' or so... That of course kills any authenticy(?); see more below

About the games: You can buy almost every game or DVD uncut legally, if you're 18+. Those products aren't usually shown public, mostly you've got to ask some shop-assistant if he can give it to you, so you can buy it. Or there are special sections you're not allowed to enter under 18. This divides games in two versions: One original version, that you may buy if you're 18 and older - and one cut version, where blood is removed (for example). I don't even think Postal 2 is completely banned.

As far as I know this only counts for the violence. I don't really know about Nazi-symbols. Maybe someone else knows?

But all this of course doesn't prevent all the kids from getting those games over the internet; we do have a large eMule-scene*... original games and music aren't bought that much anymore, at least by the youth. That's pretty sad imho.

*those eMule people are mostly complete retards by the way. That's one strange phenomenon :D

Hey, I just thought of something. What happened in the German version of Opposing Force? Were you a tripped out robot, or what? Probably not even released

It actually was released... and (surprise! surprise!): who the hell are those marines? :D The models were the same; just without blood and altered dying animations. It really sucked... :D
when i turned on the german version of hl on my steam it just started showing me scat porn....
Why dnt valve just say that their robots allrdy (like terminator robots) and the red stuff is because u shot the robots blackcurrent juice box!
loooooooooooooooooool u made me laugh cobain :D

yes the german versions are annoying im german myself i must know it ,they always censor everything which was once pure ;( ! but they ll see ill buy the english version of h-l2 hehehe :)
I was messing around with the languages in Steam about 3 days ago. Basically I tried Spanish and Korean (teen) and played with some of the games. Overall I am suprised how well everything is translated to Spanish in a game like DOD. All the key map instructions that show up from the level author are in Spanish and every little thing is well translated. I also played around with Half-life in both languages. Spanish voice-overs sound very low quality and moth movement is way too big, Korean isn't half-bad. On both languages you can clearly hear Nihiliah speak during start of Xen levels. Also you can hear the scientist talk to the gman in the Analomous Materials level. On the final level in Korean the gman sounds really strange, like all calm, saying "um" all the time. One last thing on Half-life, in the Korean version if you refuse the job offer it goes to the monsters, the screen blacks out and it says "LOSER", but if you accept the job it says "TRAITOR". Hmmm...I wonder what that means.

Korean Counter-strike was pretty bad. There is no blood whatsoever, when you kill an enemy he just kind of falls on his ass and sits there like he was tagged in a paintball match. There are no translated voice chats but in the Spanish one there is, and one thing I remember very clearly it takes too damn long for the guy to say "Fire in the hole", he says it backwards, then middle through beginning, then..its wierd heh. :thumbs:
"oh i got a head ache... i got to sit down... (in a middle of a counter-terrorist action)"
Oh.. that is lame... especially since it says *dead* next to players names... I mean, Germans must realise people DIE when they get shot, what is the point in this?

If anything it is worse because Germans will think that if you shoot someone in the head they just have a little shit down.
Don't search for logic in german laws and regulations, Crusader...

Totally UNDANGEROUS airsoft rifles are forbidden in fully automatic mode! Does a burst of little plasticballs hurt you more than a butcher knife, every little kid can buy?! No! I'm really pissed of some things here... but that's life.
"A little shit down"...

Freudian slip, Crusader? Or some British colloquialism?
Crusader said:
If anything it is worse because Germans will think that if you shoot someone in the head they just have a little shit down.

Yeah, some of the the german laws are dumb. But the germans are not so stupid. They know blood is red. :)

@ Recoil! You use japanese katakana in your avatar! Kawaii! :imu: Let's being friends :imu:
Brian Damage said:
"A little shit down"...

Freudian slip, Crusader? Or some British colloquialism?

I sensed a dutch accent in his reply. For shure.
Kotik said:
You use japanese katakana in your avatar! Kawaii! :imu: Let's being friends :imu:

for sure :D by the way, you're no skinner/2-d artist, are you? :D

ich komm mal auf nen tee vorbei :D
I think a while back someone emailed valve about some .gcf file asking if they could safely delete it. and it had all of the other languages in it, so i cant do any of them now.

anyone kow how to get it back?
Brian Damage said:
Hmmm... Interesting, I've only ever seen bikers wearing the spike-top WWI helmet.
IIRC, the Germans used the spike on top of the helmet early in the war, on the belief that it would intimidate the enemy. Although, the spike was later removed after Germans were being easily spotted in the trenches, with their spike sticking up over the edge. Turned out to be a dead giveaway for snipers.

"In the original Half-Life, the German version (which also was used by some other countries with similar content restrictions) was modified to replace human opponents with robots, gibs were replaced with machine bits, blood was replaced with oil, and so on.

It looks like with Half-Life 2 we will only be changing some of the aspects of impacts (e.g. blood decals) to be approved. This is good news."

Posted by Gabe Newell, so it turns out only the blood is going to be changed for the censored versions etc.
Frosty207 said:
IIRC, the Germans used the spike on top of the helmet early in the war, on the belief that it would intimidate the enemy. Although, the spike was later removed after Germans were being easily spotted in the trenches, with their spike sticking up over the edge. Turned out to be a dead giveaway for snipers.

That's almost funny.

"Yeah, that spike does make you look kind of badass, but it's difficult to pull the badass look off with a centimeter-wide hole in your forehead..."
so it turns out only the blood is going to be changed for the censored versions etc.

Won't be enough for the censoring-people here... it's going to be 18+, I'm pretty sure of that...
Has anyone played the German version? it'd be interesting playing robot players surely... especially killing the aliens to find nuts n bolts goin everywhere... how odd...
Im sure the game will be the same level of violence as HL1, 15+ in Britain.
oldagerocker said:
Has anyone played the German version? it'd be interesting playing robot players surely... especially killing the aliens to find nuts n bolts goin everywhere... how odd...
Im sure the game will be the same level of violence as HL1, 15+ in Britain.

If you have Steam just change your language to German and let the German HL Download
especially killing the aliens to find nuts n bolts goin everywhere...

Doesn't happen, the model freezes and fades out :p Yeah, sucks...
whoa that's really rough on the Germans. I could barely take it to see the enemy not bleed never mind fading out.
Yeah, really crappy :D But lot's of people can buy the original... so will I. Because 'germanic' games actually do include lot's of violence -> the DUB!

I want original speech. I want blood. I want no crippled game. I'll get the original :D
You tell 'em.

shoot em ups without blood and corpses convey to the foolish that people wont die or bleed when they get shot. The gaming industry must allow us to see such unadulterated violence so that we understand the true depth of our decisions.

or something like.
honestly i don't really care if there is a spray of blood when i hit someone.

unless you're already a hl1 fan and know about steam, i think most people will buy from the store. Valve could lose out on a lot of revenue from german kids if they 'index' the game and make it 18+.
honestly i don't really care if there is a spray of blood when i hit someone.

Me neither. That's not the point, I just want the game as it was developed and ment to be. Same with the movies, I want to see them uncut and originally dubbed.

i think most people will buy from the store.

Yeah. Of course. And that's a good thing, I am only talkin about me. :D