Get Real guys


Aug 19, 2004
Reaction score
I've noticed plenty of 'complaints' from people who are having trouble running the Beta of CS Source.

Lets get real guys. You are here to test the software, if an update comes down and makes things worse, you just have to live with it and report the problem.

I find it odd that some people think they have some kind of right to play this game. We are all testing for Valve, so we just have to go with the flow. If theres a bug that BSOD's your PC, then you just have to report it, but please do so in a pleasant manner and help Valve sort the problems instead of ranting. :rolleyes:

Dunno, if I was Gabe, I would've chosen a closed Beta instead. But hey ho.
very true. the one i just read was ridiculous. its really sad that people can get so menstrual over a computer game...a free and good one at that! Valve have just spent 2 years making this game, dont you think they want it to be the best it can be. just report the bugs, and put up with all the problems, after all, youre lucky to be playing the damn game in the first place.

PS. in that post, he even complains ( starts swearing ) about the default settings in the Advanced options being to high for his computer. what a prick :hmph: :flame:
[NESW]Rossi said:
I've noticed plenty of 'complaints' from people who are having trouble running the Beta of CS Source.

Lets get real guys. You are here to test the software, if an update comes down and makes things worse, you just have to live with it and report the problem.

I find it odd that some people think they have some kind of right to play this game. We are all testing for Valve, so we just have to go with the flow. If theres a bug that BSOD's your PC, then you just have to report it, but please do so in a pleasant manner and help Valve sort the problems instead of ranting. :rolleyes:

Dunno, if I was Gabe, I would've chosen a closed Beta instead. But hey ho.

Agreed to a certain extent. However, I paid for CS:CZ (A crappy update to CS with no real single player that was somehow passed off as a stand alone game) so yes I do have the right to play the game, thank you very much.
random.hero said:
very true. the one i just read was ridiculous. its really sad that people can get so menstrual over a computer game...a free and good one at that! Valve have just spent 2 years making this game, dont you think they want it to be the best it can be. just report the bugs, and put up with all the problems, after all, youre lucky to be playing the damn game in the first place.

PS. in that post, he even complains ( starts swearing ) about the default settings in the Advanced options being to high for his computer. what a prick :hmph: :flame:

I never complained they were too high, ass. I just thought it was rediculous to have 6x AA and freakin' trilinear filtering. The 4x AA and 16x AF combo I used before was much more pleasing to the eyes.
downthesun - I've warned you about your attitude already. I won't do so again.
downthesun said:
I never complained they were too high, ass. I just thought it was rediculous to have 6x AA and freakin' trilinear filtering. The 4x AA and 16x AF combo I used before was much more pleasing to the eyes.

Blue blanket syndrome :rolleyes:
Neutrino said:
Agreed to a certain extent. However, I paid for CS:CZ (A crappy update to CS with no real single player that was somehow passed off as a stand alone game) so yes I do have the right to play the game, thank you very much.

No, you do NOT have the right to play it. Originally, there was no CS:S beta, it's an extra, an oppurtunity given by Valve to play the game, to beta test it, you have the right to do jack shit. It's completely free!
So what have you done for Valve that earns you the right to play CS:S?
PvtRyan said:
So what have you done for Valve that earns you the right to play CS:S?

He paid full price for a copy of CZ? He might have bought CZ for the beta just like a lot of us have.
CB | Para said:
He paid full price for a copy of CZ? He might have bought CZ for the beta just like a lot of us have.

I don't think on the CZ box it says "Buy CZ and you get to play CS:S Beta FREE!"

The CS:S beta is a perk for buying CZ. Valve is being nice and decided to let people who ALREADY had CZ to play the beta. And then people were like "Omg I gotta buy this game now to play beta".

Just cause you have CZ doesn't mean you're entitled to a beta. It's a bonus valve put in to test the game and let the fans have a bit of fun. All some people can do is cry and say "valve owes them". I hate that stupid argument. Granted, valve wouldnt exist without us fans but we wouldnt have great games if it weren't for valve.

Everyone just calm the hell down and wait until valve gets things sorted.
Kiva128 said:
The CS:S beta is a perk for buying CZ. Valve is being nice and decided to let people who ALREADY had CZ to play the beta. And then people were like "Omg I gotta buy this game now to play beta".

Hmm yes that's all fine and dandy but Valve pulled this stunt to boost CZ sales one last time before HL2's release, it's obvious no? it didn't have anything to do with "being nice".
CB | Para said:
Hmm yes that's all fine and dandy but Valve pulled this stunt to boost CZ sales one last time before HL2's release, it's obvious no? it didn't have anything to do with "being nice".
Well they sure as hell wouldn't just allow absolutely everyone to download it, it was a convenient way of limiting the number of beta testers.

The purpose of a beta test is to voluntarily test the game for bugs, not have fun by getting a game early. If you didn't want to play a buggy game then you should have known to save your money (assuming you hadn't bought CZ in the first place) and wait for the game to be released.
CB | Para said:
He paid full price for a copy of CZ? He might have bought CZ for the beta just like a lot of us have.

There are many people who bought Warcraft 3, does that entitle them to play the WoW beta?
Fact is, no one has a right to play the beta, and thinking you do have that right is ridiculous.
actually he does have the right to play the Beta of CS:S. Valve gave him the right because he bought CZ.

Just because the package of CZ doesn't say 'get to play the CS:S beta' doesn't mean he doesn't have the right. Its like saying because Unreal 2's box didn't say 'Play Unreal XMP with a patch' means we don't have the right to play it.

Okay so its a beta and it has bugs. It's totally unplayable for me, and considering the supposed power of my computer and net connection I would have to put it down to the program. However I've posted my bugs, and get on with my life.

This whole Valve owes you nothing line is about as weak as Valve owes me something. Truth is someware inbetween.
PvtRyan said:
There are many people who bought Warcraft 3, does that entitle them to play the WoW beta?
Fact is, no one has a right to play the beta, and thinking you do have that right is ridiculous.

Ahem, SOE gave beta access to EQ2 to owners of certain expansion packs from EQ1. And beta testers for Jump To Lightspeed were chosen primarly amongst old timers. Some companies see things differently than you, If you pay then you have a voice and a right to certain products and limited time offers. It's all business. ;)

The Mullinator said:
The purpose of a beta test is to voluntarily test the game for bugs, not have fun by getting a game early.

Yes that's the official version but everyone wants "in" on any beta because it's indeed fun to get a game early. Who wants to really "test" games (it's a full time job need I remind you...)? When you apply for the WoW beta or Tribes Vengeance beta, you don't do it for the love of testing and bug reporting. You do it because you want to play the game and developers know that.
CB | Para said:
Ahem, SOE gave beta access to EQ2 to owners of certain expansion packs from EQ1. And beta testers for Jump To Lightspeed were chosen primarly amongst old timers. Some companies see things differently than you, If you pay then you have a voice and a right to certain products and limited time offers. It's all business. ;)

There may be companies that do that, yes. But I still don't see how you have a right to play it. It's a developers choice, you have no right at all to play any beta, you paid for the game, and unless the user agreement said something about being guaranteed to be in the beta, you don't have any right at all to play any game besides the software you bought.
PvtRyan said:
No, you do NOT have the right to play it. Originally, there was no CS:S beta, it's an extra, an oppurtunity given by Valve to play the game, to beta test it, you have the right to do jack shit. It's completely free!
So what have you done for Valve that earns you the right to play CS:S?

In most cases I agree that the game company does not owe anyone anything and people do not have a automatic right to play a beta.

However in this case, I strongly disagree. I do indeed have a right to play the CS:S beta. Let me explain. I heard they were having a beta. Great. Additionally, they said if you own a copy of CZ then you can play in the beta. Since I really enjoy CS I went and bought a copy of CZ. Now I'm not saying they can't stop the beta at any time or do anything else they want with it. That wasn't part of the agreement, so I understand if they stopped the beta tomorrow or if it's full of bugs. Fine, I don't really care.

But the agreement was that they are having a beta test. The agreement was if you own CZ you can play in the beta. So the fact is that there is a beta out. Per the terms of the agreement I bought CZ. Thus I have a right to play in the beta.

Now before they made that agreement no I did not have a right to play the beta. If I had bought CZ months ago I would not claim any such right at the time of the purchase. But after they did made that agreement and stated their condition and I met that condition I consider that to be a binding agreement.

The statement was carefully worded to make this clear. All owners of Condition Zero will be able to download the Counter-Strike Source Beta and play it.

They have not amended the EULA of the CZ product to include the use of CS:Source. Just because you went out and bought CZ for the the key, thus enabling you to download CS:S does not give you the automatic right to play CS:S. You have bought Condition Zero, you didnt buy CS:Source. As it stands, you have a limited license to play CS:Source through the contract of Condition Zero. Valve can at anytime pull the plug on the source beta.

Valve did not at anytime say, If you go out and buy Condition Zero you can play CS:Source, they said if you own CZ you can play the CS:S Beta. I went out and bought CZ on this basis so I could try out CS:S, yes perhaps it was a marketing ploy, but it still does not give you the right to play CS:Source.

When HL2 is released, the CS:Source beta will stop and no CZ owner will be able to play it. When you buy HL2, which states that CS:Source comes with it, THEN and only then will you have a right to play it, as you will have entered into a contract with Valve through the purchasing of the product.