Get rid of that nickel-plated sissy pistol. Favourite gun?


Jun 28, 2005
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I just wanted to know what gun everybody preferred (if you are into that stuff). I read that the Kimber 1911 is doing nicely, it was originally designed for the 2004 US Olympic Rapid Fire team but an identical model has been released to the public. Is anyone here actually into this stuff?
I prefer either the original Colt 1911 (nothing like a classic with some true power) or a USP .45 (still, lotsa power's the way to go, none of this sissy-ass 9mm shit)
Icarusintel said:
I prefer either the original Colt 1911 (nothing like a classic with some true power) or a USP .45 (still, lotsa power's the way to go, none of this sissy-ass 9mm shit)

I couldn't agree with you more on that one, and to add more on the sissy-ass shit subject, It really annoyed me that on my favourite T.V show, they consider the P-90 the absolute wonder weapon. That's absolute shit! It's really jittery. I know it's just a T.V show but it couldn't hurt them to get it right once in a while.
Skaadi said:
I couldn't agree with you more on that one, and to add more on the sissy-ass shit subject, It really annoyed me that on my favourite T.V show, they consider the P-90 the absolute wonder weapon. That's absolute shit! It's really jittery. I know it's just a T.V show but it couldn't hurt them to get it right once in a while.
for a sub-machine gun nothing quite beats the UMP .45
Well, I've only fired a few guns. But my favorite one of the ones I've fired is my mom's police-issue Glock 22. So easy to fire!
Uhm, handguns...: USP (of course :P), Ruger P90 and M1911 A1.

SMGs: UMP .40S&W (of course :P), MP5k, Beretta PM-12s

Rifles (tough one...): FN FAL, G3, FN FNC (para version)...
Can anyone explain something to me.
I know a .50 or .45 is more powerfull then a 9mm, but what caliber is a 9mm. why do you designate some guns with mm and others with caliber. and why haven't I heard of anything above .50 caliber. A good link is also fine.
Calibres with a dot before the number are the American system. .45 means 0.45 inch. This is the diameter of the bullet. 9mm means the bullet is 9mm wide. The correct term for 9mm is 9x19mm though, the 19 stands for the charge behind it.

The biggest Infantry calibre I know is the .700 Nitro.
P90 ftw! Because it looks cool, is easy to operate, has a low-light nightvision reticle and the factory is close to my home (Located in Belgium where I live :p)
Recoil said:
Calibres with a dot before the number are the American system. .45 means 0.45 inch. This is the diameter of the bullet. 9mm means the bullet is 9mm wide. The correct term for 9mm is 9x19mm though, the 19 stands for the charge behind it.

The biggest Infantry calibre I know is the .700 Nitro.
Yeah...9mm are called 9mm here, too. I guess you could translate that into the standard system...but it would be silly.
Yeah...9mm are called 9mm here, too. I guess you could translate that into the standard system...but it would be silly.

Yep. I think that's just because the 9mm-bullet comes from Germany, and we have the metric system here :) while the .22 .223 .308 .357 .40 .44 .40 .45 calibres are all American ones. The translations .308->7,62x51 and .223->5,56x45 have just a technical meaning I think, since it's NATO standard.
I like the L-85, but I am really not into guns, if you catch my drift.
G3 or the g36 for rifles, mp5 or ump for smg and the 1911 for pistols.
Recoil said:
Calibres with a dot before the number are the American system. .45 means 0.45 inch. This is the diameter of the bullet. 9mm means the bullet is 9mm wide. The correct term for 9mm is 9x19mm though, the 19 stands for the charge behind it.

The biggest Infantry calibre I know is the .700 Nitro.
could you explain more about the 19, what charge, do you mean the amount of black powder.
could you explain more about the 19, what charge, do you mean the amount of black powder.

Kind of, yes. The space in the shell where the powder is stored. Not sure about the exactness, though. There's some more in the back of a bullet and I don't know if that's included in the 19mm. I have 9mm bullets here but I can't figure that out now.
The second number in the NATO standard metric denomination is the length of the entire round. A 9mm round (unless made by some crazy Russian--seriously, they have wierd sizes) has an entire length (including bullet and shell, etc.) of just shy of two centimeters.

Oh, my favorite gun(s)?

Nothing like a USP40 paired with a purdyful G36K.
Silver Beretta M9? I think its called.

Real guns ****ing suck.
i dont know why you guys hate 9mm handguns, like anybody is going to live through being shot like 20 times. my favorite gun is the fiveseven, only because i've shot it once and boooyyy was it sexy. or the browning hi-power. or a glock 23 .40SW.
Glocks are ugly as hell, I dunno why anybody likes them.
Glocks are also weak, they've got no stopping power and the burst mode function is shit. I can no scope AWP someone better.

Pesmerga said:
Glocks are also weak, they've got no stopping power and the burst mode function is shit. I can no scope AWP someone better.

in real life they sure do :D
well... lemme think here
I'm not a big gun man, but I must admit that some are cool. I particularly like 1911s and their variants (the STI versions are pretty sick) and good 'ol fashioned high caliber revolvers. Oh, and if it's overkill you want, look no further than the Barrett XM109, a sniper rifle that fires 25 millimeter rounds.
The second number in the NATO standard metric denomination is the length of the entire round. A 9mm round (unless made by some crazy Russian--seriously, they have wierd sizes) has an entire length (including bullet and shell, etc.) of just shy of two centimeters.

...? Not quite... look at the picture I just made:

i dont know why you guys hate 9mm handguns

They're not big enough for some rednecks :upstare: *cough* no, seriously, as a professional killer I'd take .45 too, but for general purposes 9mm is way enough.

Glocks are ugly as hell, I dunno why anybody likes them.

It's called taste and own opinion :upstare:
Is the first sentence of this thread's title a quote from US Marshalls, starring Wesley Snipes, Tommy Lee Jones, and Robert Downy Jnr.? I wanna watch that again now :p
The .44 Magnum is a favorite of mine, or the huge f**king 1928 Sharpshooter Buffalo rifle that my Uncle has, that thing packs one helluva punch, both are good for blowing up rocks
Murray_H said:
Is the first sentence of this thread's title a quote from US Marshalls, starring Wesley Snipes, Tommy Lee Jones, and Robert Downy Jnr.? I wanna watch that again now :p

Yep, it sure is.

"Get rid of that nickel-plated sissy pistol, get yourself a Glock."
Handgun: HK Mk 23 mod 0 SOCOM
SMGs: HK MP5/10 (10x25mm) and the HK MP7 PDW
Assault Rifles: Colt M16, M4, and the HK M8
Recoil said:
It's called taste and own opinion :upstare:
Hehe, I know. They just look small, boxy and boring to me. But whatever floats your boat.
Hehe, I know. They just look small, boxy and boring to me. But whatever floats your boat.

I wouldn't get one for myself :p imo they're guns for girls. But that's just me... ;)
Recoil said:
...? Not quite... look at the picture I just made:

They're not big enough for some rednecks :upstare: *cough* no, seriously, as a professional killer I'd take .45 too, but for general purposes 9mm is way enough.

It's called taste and own opinion :upstare:

I would presume it is the length of the actual bullet excluding the casing.
Beerdude26 said:

Select "Integrated Weapons Systems" --> "Land Weapon Systems" --> "ARROWS"

Install that on your car and you'll have all the protection you'll ever need :p
screw that, i want the machine gun for cars that launches grenades... that would kick ass, just driving round the hood popping grenades in people's asses... ahhhh the memories...:farmer:
Icarusintel said:
screw that, i want the machine gun for cars that launches grenades... that would kick ass, just driving round the hood popping grenades in people's asses... ahhhh the memories...:farmer:
[SARCASM]Omg are you crazy? You could hurt people with that[/SARCASM]