Get this....

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Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
I'm having chedder cheese put on my hot dog. How ****ing extreme is that?
A heart attack is around the corner for you, now that's ****ing extreme.
In before lock! *dances*
PS you aren't extreme, go away.
This thread is dissappointing :(

Now if you had some short recoil sauce...

Now that would be ****ing EXTREME
Now, if you put sauerkraut on top, that would be extreme.
Wait, that'd be cliche, certainly not extreme.

It was ****ing good. I can't compare to short recoil at all, for he is a god and I'm just a mere human.
what did short recoil do for him to be given so much credit?! was he the idiot that said thats EXTREME all the time?! i remember that being someone else......
This thread has been reported, isn't that EXTREME!!!
Samon, shouldn't you be closing this crap, not posting in it?
ríomhaire said:
This thread has been reported, isn't that EXTREME!!!
Samon, shouldn't you be closing this crap, not posting in it?
Stop your bitching.

It's called fun. Also yes this thread is EXTREME!
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