Get your name and avatar in a game

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Ok as some of you from the IRC channels know, I've been toying with this idea for a while.

Basically the game I'm working on is big, real big. So I thought, wouldn't it be neat if I could involve the peeps from the forum in it somehow.

So I decided why not give you all the oppertunity to have your names in it. I got the idea from David Braben's Elite: Frontier, when early on in its development he held a competition of sorts where people could have locations, planets, spacestations etc. named after them. I thought that was pretty cool.

so thats what I'm doing.

Here's the deal. You post in here with your name. Now you can either give your last name or your nickname (if its not too silly) or both. There's no need to give full names and it would be a risk anyway so please don't do that.

Just your last name and/or your nick. Then say what you would like named after you, a first and second choice from the list below

Geographical Location / Point of interest














Also, if you want your avatar included somewhere and hidden in the game, attach the one you want used with your post. Thanks to the guy who did that HL2 physics map for HL1 for that idea.

When the game is done you'll each be given a url of a specially made image in the style of a fancy painting of that place or object thats named after you and at a high enough resolution to print out if you wanted to, aswell as a certificate. It wont include the location of your avatar, you'll need to find that yourself if you can ;)

Ok it ain't much I grant you, but its more than a planet you'll never see being named after you in Frontier ;)

I'm also considering allowing people to submit photo's of their faces for inclusion as NPC's. But since these photo's need to be done in a special way to ensure they work correctly I haven't decided on that just yet, but its possible.

I want my nick in it!

Majestic XII or Majestic 12... whatever floats your boat. It can be a good name for a ship or something.

You know i love your artwork so it would be supah do get a picture drawn by you :)

And also, since you showed me so much love in IRC, I gonna sticky this (well, you asked me to) If anyone got a problem with that, send me a PM... i dont get a lot of PMs.

Anyways, Good luck m8 :)
Cool, too bad theGreenBunny would probably be hard to fit in somewhere. Maybe with spaces, or just the 'green' part. Taverns usually have weird names, so that's a possibility, or otherwise something like the green cave :)
Wherever it's used, I'll be happy. If I survive the 5+ years your project will take that is :p
Brian Damage?

Maybe a city called Bryan D'marge?

A still of my current av?
This sounds really neat, I'll be asking for head photos later when my game is at that point. By the sound of it though your game is much more official and important! Could you PM me with more info? Feel free to include my name, FictiousWill, anywhere in the game. Include the avatar too if you wish, but it's not very special. Thanks!
Heh some good responses so far :) Thanks guys, keep em coming. Thanks for the sticky Maj ;)
Majestic 12 - As mentioned in IRC, I certainly see that becoming a group of Elven ships moving into battle, looking all grand like Elves always do, Be interesting to see Elves on the water for a change aswell. Though I can't tell ya you wins that battle ;)
The Green Bunny Inn - perfect basically :) Your right, Taverns do often have strange names, so it'll work well.. Maybe a woodcut of your current avatar for the sign outside? :D

oh and 3 years tops, I swear.. ok maybe another year for beta testing ;)
Brian, yup, another good one :D and the first avatar to hide away somewhere.. Wonder if you'll ever find it or if I'll cave and tell you where its hidden first? :)
Fictious Will's trading Post? :) or Willshelm.. hmm maybe not the second one, bit close to a certain trilogy of movies I'm trying very hard to avoid copying.. naa be fine, one similar word wouldn't hurt and its pretty cool too :)

Edit: PM'd you some basic details (I wont give too much out sorry :)
Thanks Submerged!
I want to have st0lve somewere, but I dunno were :cat:
st0lve is a "mongo" form of støvel, wich means boot...
Also my avatar, maybe a dungeon monster?
Fenric, what game are you working on? a hl2 mod?

Elite: Frontier?
I want my nick in it too! I'd like to be a tavern in some well known city

MaxiKana's Tavern or Max's hangout.

And if that Doesn't work then if you could name a ship s/y Navigator.
You could use my avatar and name if you want :D I dont mind

Last name: simmons
Simmons should fit well, thanks :)
I'm sure Pendragon will be easier to include than you think, Maybe some temple worshipping Pendragon the deamonlord or something :)
Its fair, people can ask and its upto the mods if its ok or not, and I asked all the mods if it was ok, if they didn't think it was ok it wouldn't have been sticky'd. Believe me I don't get anywhere near as much favoritism as you might think... Not from the want of trying though lol.
Pendragon said:
I'm not sure how Pendragon would fit into a game, as it's more of a person's name, but it'd be cool if you could find a place for me nonetheless.

On a side note, it strikes me that it's somewhat unfair to use your sticky powers on this Majestic, as it's not like others can sticky their posts.

I thought this was something the whole community could enjoy.

If you would like something pinned, let me know and ill look into it.
Heh, put CrazyTalk in there somewhere, either a temple or village would be best, but if you can think of something creative for anything else that's fine too.

My avatar:
I'm not sure Ti133700N would fit ... lol Maybe you could find a place to put Tilitoon in :) haha Some sort of Experiment: "Project Tilitoon" lol
Simmo, your last name is Simmons? You don't know what just went through my head. :D
Pendragon said:
I guess I can see that, but I'd dislike it less if it wasn't such a plug of Fenric's mod, if you see my point (Not that there's anything wrong with the mod, just the favoritism). I'd like to have my mod thread pinned, but that's obviously unfair to everyone else, and that was how this struck me, even though it is an oppurtunity for the community.
Well its not a plug for my mod as I haven't said much about it publicly, I don't put it in my sig, I don't bang on about any website or personal mod forum or advertise on all the sites or appear on radio or in interviews or post threads asking for people to work on it or show unskinned models or have a thread in the mod section. It was simply a neat idea for the community, no discrimination towards anyone, lets people get to be a part of it and perhaps have a chuckle.

I behaved and made sensible posts. I was hired because I guess I was seen as a valuable member, since then I've tried to be fair and tried not to abuse my position. I've never asked for anything or expected anything or recieved anything either through favoritism or my status, I've just done the job asked of me the best I can, I mentioned it around IRC to guage interest, I mentioned it to mods and they liked the idea, I asked if it would be possible to make it a sticky when I post it. And since I'm not a mod in this section I'm hardly abusing my position either, I can't post stickies here anymore than you can. Would you deny me one sticky thread after months of trying to do my bit for the site and its members? ;(

Anyway I'm not getting into a discussion with you over this, your making the thread untidy for those who do think its a fun idea that can't hurt. Which is what it is, a bit of fun, who knows, maybe it will become a well known popular game, and they'll always have that little bit of themselves in it, its not much but its something and its part of my way of saying thanks to a community that accepted me even though I joined at the worst possible time and on the whole who's company I've enjoyed a great deal these past months, even those I argue with :)

So please, don't spoil it for myself and others who like the idea, it is afterall, just a bit of fun and doesn't deserve to be turned into a none existent problem
Pendragon said:
Whoa there! I wasn't criticisizing it near enough to warrant that, or at least I didn't mean it that way at all. I was just saying that perhaps deserving of a sticky. Especially after the middle paragraph of the above post, I don't have anything against it, that was just my first impression. Further (not that this justifies it, but . . .), I wasn't having a particularly good day at that point, so I was very prone to criticism. I hope you'll accept my profuse apology for any "spoiling" I've done and my complete support of this.
Apology accepted and no hard feelings mate :)
Damnit, pendragon, now he's overlooked my post because of your distraction!
ack sorry Crazytalk and the others :\

okie lets see
Crazytalk for a village, yup that should work, and avatar will be hidden somewhere. (I wonder how many of these avatars will ever be found? It's like an easter egg hunt :D)
Tilitoon Valley? Tilitoon Canyon.. the name could work well, its slightly similar to the naming conventions of the eastern regions so thats cool :)
stolve, boot, hmm.. well, foot of a mountain, foot-boot. so a lower part of a large mountain I think? Could also work for a monster too, perhaps one of the Yeti type creatures that are said to hang around in the mountains ;)
Fortress of Raymang.. hmm, Raymang Keep :) yeah, I like that one. I'll put something scary in there for you ;)
Maxi, yep :)

ok I think thats all the ones I missed. apologies if I passed over anyone :(
Maybe kalayq can be a ship name or something.
Good idea on including forum people, something interesting to do until the sdk is done.
What kind of game is it your working on Fenric, MMORPG? Unless I missed what you said it was. I'd like to get my name somewhere in your game deffinatley. :)

The Temple of Dux. Heh Heh, cliche :imu:
Please add my attached alien avatar (and my current biohazard avatar if you're feeling generous)... it doesn't have to be in color or anything. even if the outline were engraved on a wall, I think that would look cool. Maybe a non-picture avatar (like the biohazard), one that's just a symbol, could represent some kind of important thing in the game.

And make something like the Nightscape Forest... a large one where both good and evil things can be found :D
heh your right, an alien head like that could look pretty cool engraved on a wall.. maybe aliens were visiting the place long before.. ooh maybe I should hide a UFO deep in the ice? :D that would be pretty neat. Thanks! :)

there will be plenty of large dark forests.. providing the source engine can handle the entity count that is :\

Temple of Dux, okie :)
hamilton hollow, I like it, its in now also :)
kalyq, yep another good idea, thanks :)
Avatar (viewable above) or use parts of these two videos I created.

Phantom: A rumored weapon of mysterious powers. Some say it's an invisible sword as light as a feather with the reach of 5 men. Others say it makes the user so swift he is not seen.

An ancient myth claims a man of great study fell in love with a beautiful girl. It was the night before the wedding and a great invading army swept through the village killing his great love. In great frustration, the man of great study worked tirelessly for 5 years, crafting a weapon of mysterious power. He sought revenge on the kings castle, and left none alive. Rumor is a Griffin of great strength guards the Phantom, and many have died seeking it's possession.

This myth is considered untrue by most, but many who have searched for the Phantom have not returned.

[email protected] <-when you need to email the links.
"there will be plenty of large dark forests.."
Oooh, oooh! Why not make a large tree where maybe 2 or 3 generations from some village near it has carved their names into? That'd be cool.. ^^ I'd just want the name "traesko" in the mod/game.. Traesko, ae = ä.. So, träsko (swedish). Means Clog.. You know, those wooden shoes. =D Or maybe "traesko + (some girls name) - forever". Fits in quite well, i think.. =/
Name - Rafael
Maybe Raphael to give it a latin touch.
My avatars are uninspired but I think the honorable Rev. M.L.King one is kinda good.
I get the feeling that I'm too "young" in forum terms to really consider this but I will anyway!

I just don't really have a clue what to name Venmoch.

A ship perhaps? Fortress possably but I don't know.....
Venmoch said:
I get the feeling that I'm too "young" in forum terms to really consider this but I will anyway!

I just don't really have a clue what to name Venmoch.

A ship perhaps? Fortress possably but I don't know.....
Venmoch is a bl**dy brilliant name actually lol.. I think it could work well for a major city even, which is saying something since I've already had the major locations and area's named. But Venmoch sounds so cool :D

and it doesn't matter if your new to the forum, its open to anyone who's interested, so consider Venmoch in it for sure, thank you :)

I'm in the process of shifting to Sunwolf as my nick rather than Draklyne, which doesn't really make any linguistic "sense". Hmm, let's see. Applications...well, Draklyne could be a...a...Sunwolf could easily be a ship. Ooh, ooh, point of interest sounds so important, yet so vague. Maybe Draklyne could be a point of interest.

As long as my generous wish to immortalize and popularize by gracing a game with my chosen nickname comes true, I'm happy, you're happy, we're all happy. :dozey:
Fenric said:
Venmoch is a bl**dy brilliant name actually lol.. I think it could work well for a major city even, which is saying something since I've already had the major locations and area's named. But Venmoch sounds so cool :D

Thanks very much!

I didn't quite expect it to have that much of an impact though! :p
the Hoffmann farm


the ship Incitatus (means fast, driven, passionate in Latin)
Heh keep em coming guys, some of these really do fit incredibly well. Been a brilliant response. Plenty more spaces to fill :)

Cybersh33p would be too odd.

How bout Aksentiev? Its obscure yet plausible(and also my last name).

USS Aksentiev

Aksentiev's Point

anything would be cool :)

ah, and my current avatar would do very very nicely :) I don't htink I'll be changing it anytime soon.

this is a cool idea fenric.