Getting a new comp. Need some help. (Super High end pc) (Plz read thread not noob)


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score

Processor: ($811.00)

GFX: ($619.00)

RAM: ($186.00)

MotherBoard: ($166.00)

Hard drive:

Primary Hard drive: ($186.00)

Secondary Hard drive: ($173.00)

Case: ?

Drive #1: ($29.99)

Drive #2: ($43.99)

Floppy: ($10.00)

Power Supply: ($135.00)


1: ($145.95)
2: ($64.90)


Processor AMD: What are the differences between the AMD 3500+ cores, Winchester, Newcastle, Venice?

RAM: Whats good ram? What makes some ram better then other?

MotherBoard: Is this the best mobo i can get?

Drives: Are those drives the best of the best? (I know i can get 2 DVD drives but i wanted 1 cd, 1 dvd for a reason)

Power Supply: Is that power suppy good enough? Powerfull enough?

Network Connection: I have cable. My friend said that i dont need this and that my mobos is good enought. But what if i want to set up a 2 comp network. (Both comps connected and run on same cable) Would i still not need this?

Case: I need a ATX FULL case, but i cant find one thats worth it. These are the 2 cases i liked:

1: ($238.00)
2: ($250.00)

But i mean i even know thats to much for a case!


I dont care about how much something is. Just post the best of the best and then post whats the one right below it.

Thx for all the help.

Total with all those parts.

$2570.83 (Without case)
Processor: No Idea

Ram: You would want Dual Channel ram, meaning you need two sticks for max performance. With a PC like this I would go for 2x1gb sticks of either 333 or 400. Look for a 'dual channel pack' or something like that.

Motherboard: Looks solid, plenty of ports, 4 RAM slots, 7 PCI slots, Supports RAID and GBit LAN, looks great

Drives: I doubt you would notice any differece between the best of the best and cheap drives, except good ones are more reliable. I would probably get a black case with those drives though.

PSU: Should have plenty of power without too much noise.

Network: Your MB comes with 2 RJ45 (network) ports so theres no reason to have any more.

Case: Makes no difference to performance, but I would get a kick-ass case to go with that machine. Black would look best with your drives. Are you planning on doing any modding?

Oh, and consider some good aftermarket cooling, like fans or something. A comp like that will put out a lot of heat.
Processor: The difference in the cores is that some run cooler and run with slightly lower voltage which yields better results when overclocked. The ones to go for are teh winchester and the venice cores, although, I would just stick with that FX-55.

RAM: Depends on whether you wish to overclock your card. If you don't, then buy ram with pretty low timings at 3200(400mhz).

Motherboard: I think thats the best SLi Mobo out just now, and Asus are a great brand.

Drives: I think those drives are ok yeh.

Network: I think you should be ok with the onboard networking. I mean, if you do find that you want to buy a nic, you can always get one.

Case: I think that there are 2 great cases out just now, well I think they are the best. Here is links to them:

Cooler Master CM Stacker: $161

That case is great, loads of airflow, and it looks good too, and its alot cheaper than those cases you linked to in your post.

The other case is the Akasa Eclipse-62, couldn't find it on newegg, but here is the link to teh spec on the akasa website:

Its a great case, loads of airflow again and it also looks good.

Gonna be a damn fast system when you get it up and running!
Go for 1 gig of ram for now. 2 gigs can slow a pc down, and you really don't need it atm.
You listed all good stuff. I don't think I would change anything really.

I guess the only thing I would consider is a Dual Core CPU since they do just as well in gaming as the single core CPU but let you do 2 things at once without delay! Sure that FX55 at 2.6GHz will get a few more frames if thats all you are running but if you decide to turn on another program in the background. Or if you have a lot of little programs in the system tray running it would slow you down a bit. With the Dual Core you could have IRC, AIM, iTunes or even...Norton AV scanning and your game would be running faster than the FX55 when multiple programs are open.

For instance, instead of the FX55 that you listed (~800$) consider the X2 4600+ which runs at 2.4GHz and is about 800$.

Also the difference between Winchester, Newcastle, and Venice is what revision they are and also if they are 130nm or 90nm (90nm run cooler and at lower voltages). Also Dual Core CPUs are on 90nm and are the new E revision so they work a little faster than the same speed CPUs of the older revisions.

System power consumption

Also Revision E CPUs have unoffical support for DDR500. :O
A quick percent comparison of the 4800+ vs the 4000+
isnt the fx 57 out now y dosent he just go with that the dual isnt needed right now
giant384 said:
isnt the fx 57 out now y dosent he just go with that the dual isnt needed right now
Well it depends. If the only thing he has open is the game then a single core CPU would be all he needs. And your right, the FX57 is out (2.8GHz) and that would be the best for single apps running. That is thee fastest CPU out for single threaded applications.

Although if he's like me and has the game plus a bunch of smaller apps or another large app open then the single core cpus will tank while the Dual Core will keep giving him those FPS in his game. Personally I would even take a X2 4200+ over any of those single core CPUs. I guess part of the reason is I already have a A64 3000+ OCed @ 2.4GHz. For me, speed isn't a problem and neither is getting high FPS. Being able to run multiple programs and still having that high game performance is what is attractive to me.
Idonotbelonghere said:
Hey are those prices on newegg in US$$$?


Question is, WHY do you want such high end parts? I'm running a perfectly good system that runs all modern games with ease with a PC that only cost $800.
if you're not going to overclock your ram, theres no reason to get ram that good. 2-2-2-5 is not as special as people make it out to be, we're talking like 3 fps increase, if that. compared to having cheap ram running at 2.5-3-3

games like BF2 can utilize more than 1gb, id get cheaper ram, and more of it. and FX-55's are really a waste of money(IMO). people are getting an athlon 64 3000+ or 3200+, with a good heatsink, and getting FX-55 or above performance, all for around $200. with an extra $600, you could get another video card and run SLI. think about it
I don't see monitor, speakers, sound card, keyboard, mouse, heatsink/fan, thermal gel, case fans(watercooling?), joystick or any of that crap. That alone could be a thousand or so.
Glirk Dient said:
I don't see monitor, speakers, sound card, keyboard, mouse, heatsink/fan, thermal gel, case fans(watercooling?), joystick or any of that crap. That alone could be a thousand or so.

Don't try to pin this guy into newb pwnage.

Somebody tried to do that with me when I was asking for some advice on PC parts. He claimed that I forgot a Floppy drive, cd drive, and thermal paste. Guy was obviously trying to make me look like a newb who knew nothing 'bout pc parts.

God, how hard is it to move over your opticals, then run down to Comp USA (horrible place btw) and pick up a floppy drive and some AS5 for 20 USD.
Alright i have looked at some new stuff after coming back from vacation!

I have some new questions and i have picked a case!



Is that mobo better then this one

Its the one i have listed in the main post.

Are any of the parts i listed old now? Im asking this because my goal is to make the best pc and price isnt something i care about.

One other question i have is about drives.

I want 1 CD drive that can burn only cds and read only cds
and another drive that can read dvds and burn dvds and dual layer dvds. The drives need to be black also.

Drive 1:

Drive 2:

I also found a better GFX card and do you guys feel its better.

GFX: ($619.00)

thx for all your help :) oh and can a Mod update the specs on the main page. Thx :)

Updated specs so far:


Processor: ($811.00)

GFX: ($619.00)

RAM: ($186.00)

MotherBoard: ($166.00)

Hard drive:

Primary Hard drive: ($186.00)

Secondary Hard drive: ($173.00)

Case: ($154.00)

Drive #1: ($29.99)

Drive #2: ($43.99)

Floppy: ($10.00)

Power Supply: ($135.00)


1: ($145.95)
2: ($64.90)

Total with all those parts.

BFG 7800GTX would be better than a XFX brand IMO. Did you link the right card? You like to a 499$ card yet say 619$ on the side.

The more expensive Asus board has a silently cooled chipset so no noise from that little fan (little fans can be more annoying than big fans). As far as the board itself, I really havn't seen reviews for the less expensive one. I know the 170$ board has got great reviews.
The new asus has the same performance as the previous actively cooled one. Same board, just different cooling solution. The only thing that has been mentioned regarding this topic is that the silently cooled motherboard does require good case cooling. But this is only an issue if you plan to overclock, and with that kind of system, you won't need to ! So personally i'd go for the silently cooled mobo, as it will eliminate that annoying whiney little northbridge fan that so many motherboards are plagued with !

I would also opt for a BFG 7800GTX, they are a good quality company, plus offer lifetime warranties on all of their cards i believe.

Though I would recommend something other than Norton for your AntiVirus. It can bring your PC to a halt when scanning or slow your PC down for livescanning unlike some other AntiVirus programs when doing the same thing.
NOD32 (Eset), PC-cillin (Trend Micro), eTrust EZ(Computer Associates) are all good ones. I personally have NOD32.

As for the Norton Firewall with that package, windows XP has a software firewall and if you want a better software firewall check out Zonealarm. If you are on broadband you should have a router (hardware firewall).
DO NOT BUY A FX-55......the memory controller on it is essentially "broken" 2 gigs of ram or more isn't handled properly by the processor, crippling performance. Get an FX-57 if you're gonna spend this much cash anyway.
Stick with the BFG 7800. Their tech support rules.
I agree with asus on the AV front, give Nod32 a try, easily the best AV i have ever used.

Hungryduck, do you have any proof of that statement, I have never heard of that before, and I'm sure I have seen people with FX-55's and more than 2gb of ram.
If you want 2gb of RAM take the Crucial Ballistix Tracers 2x1gb kit.
And take the x2 4800+ proc. it will serve you better + future bulletproof.
Alright about the

7800 GTX BFG v.s the 7800 GTX XFX



Core clock 490MHz
Memory Clock 1300MHz


Core clock 460MHz
Memory Clock 1300MHz

I dunno, i wanted the most powerful but i dont think that will make a difference, plus the bfg comes with more and its more respected. Im going to get the bfg.
About the anti virus. Can you post some links on newegg for better anti virus programs. Do you guys think that powersupply is good enough for this system and what about the case. It looks really good and has very good reviews. Alright here are the updated specs.


Processor: ($811.00)

GFX: ($535.00)

RAM: ($186.00)

MotherBoard: ($175.00)

Hard drive:

Primary Hard drive: ($186.00)

Secondary Hard drive: ($159.00)

Case: ($154.00)

Drive #1: ($50.99)

Drive #2: ($28.00)

Floppy: ($10.00)

Power Supply: ($135.00)


1: ($145.95)
2: ($64.90)

Total with all those parts.

$2640.84 without shipping
$2,685.77 with shipping!
I would definitely go for a dual core. My friend's 3000+ venice performs better than an fx-55. He overclocked it to 2.78. A 4800+ would easily overclock to 2.6ghz, and would make your whole computing experience much better. The 4800 will run hl2 + 100 backround processes + winrar + a dvd ripper.
More RAM would be advisable. If you're building the ultimate gaming rig, you should have at least 2 gigs.
Is it true that 2 sticks of 1 gig each is slower then 4 sticks of 512?

Where can i buy Nod32? I dont see it on newegg.

and do you think this powersupply is powerfull enough for my pc.

Im also going to wait till i see how good the new ati cards are. (Coming out in 1st week of oct.)

thx for all the help!
Raziel-Jcd said:
Is it true that 2 sticks of 1 gig each is slower then 4 sticks of 512?

I have been told that if you buy dual channel RAM it's better to get 4x 512MB than 2x 1024MB. Check this thread I made on about it.
The only reason that 4x 512MB would be faster is if the 512MB sticks had better timings than the 1024MB sticks or if that specific memory controller was picky like that. If you have a pentium 4 that would be on the chipset and if it's an Athlon 64 then it would depend on the revision of the CPU since the memory controller is onboard IF that were the case.

But with a lot of the Pentium 4 chipsets and the first few Athlon 64 revisions you shouldn't run 4x memory because they will slow the memory down either via latency or clock speed. link
Sry for asking all these questions but im a few days away from buying the pc and i want to get everything perfect.

This is the only fx 55 on newegg and im wondering if there is any difference between this fx55

and the Clawhammer one i had in the cart before.

Again i really appreciate all your help.
That is a 'better' FX55. It should run cooler, run faster (imp memory controller) and OC higher because it's a new core (San Diego).
Wow, thx a lot. Im most likely ordering the pc today. Do i need to but any extra wires etc? My monitor is a just the better version.

I was thinking if i would need to get a adapter to hook it up with my new comp. A friend said it was possible that i would need one.

I have it hooked up to my ti 4600 at this time.