Getting BF2 Tommorow...


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Anything I should know before I go guns ablazing with ya'll?

And any mods I should get? Maps?
the patching took a few minutes for me...and nothing that i can think of right now that you would have to know about...except to get readdy to have a shit load of fun with us!
Can't wait.
From all the topics in this section, it seems like you guys definitely know the meaning of teamwork. :D
Too bad 45% of the people that play BF2 don't.
Qonfused said:
Too bad 45% of the people that play BF2 don't.
HEY...... I'm part of that 45 percent. To be honest my experience with teamwork in this game sucked maybe its the servers i join but i feel i get more done going Rambo style.:)
man, if i can play when you get it and we can get a few good team players, we can definatly start you off on the right foot with BF2 :D
Going to be going tommorow afternoon to Best Buy to pick it up.

I already have Special Forces, my Dad bought me it for Christmas... but forgot the original game. :p
Biggest tip i could give is go MEC or China to start with if you like Infantry combat. The AK's own all other waepons, especially the AK47, i just about have every unlock and still use the AKs.
I prefer the M24 sniper or whatever its called, the default sniper on U.S team :D

With the update... Is it supposed to just sit there and say Patching, Please wait...?

It'd be nice if it had a progress bar...
yea, like DiSTuRbEd said, it will take awhile

let us know when its done, i guess i could hop on xfire and play a little bit
you need to be on at like 12:30 AM CST...that's when I can play!
which is like 1:30 am for us...i think if i can get a good connection to the network i can actually stay in for awhile.. :|
Come on people, I'm ready to kick some ass. :D

Nice game, btw Kamikazie.
Was fun.
tis it was, except for the fact that i kept losing connection, and getting switched to the other team...other than that it was a great game
I am finally getting BF2 and SF tommorow, both of which look incredibly sexy.

I was wondering, should I download the patch tonight to save time tommorow, or is there some form of 'Handy Update Tool'?
i say you should go ahead and get the patch now, save some of your precious time
Thank you, as I will have to kill someone if they stop me from playing BF2 tommorow, you may have just saved several people.
Install the patch after you install SF...
SF ends up reverting the game to the original version for some reason.