Getting into D&D...


Jan 21, 2004
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Dungeons and Dragons = money whore. I went out to my local book store and bought the basic game, but when I downloaded the character sheets off the internet it shows me the game has a lot more depth than what's in the advanced rulebook, half of the stuff isn't covered at all. So basically, from what I gather, I paid $50 for a demo. Now I find out I have to pay an extra $90 for the three rulebooks needed to play the full game!!! On top of that, to play the game once you buy the rulebooks, you have to buy adventures (unless you make your own), and each one costs about $40. :frown:

I'm going on a trip with a friend for a week and I thought I was going to bring hours and hours of fun, but it turns out that even with the adventure that came with the basic game, we will only be able to play for an hour or so. Atleast it seems so, since the actual adventure is less than 20 pages long. :hmph:
I'm quite interested in picking up D&D as well. Ever since Planescape: Torment the Planescape campaign setting has intrigued me. The only problem is I don't have any friends who'd want to play it :(. They'd probably think me a nerd or something.
D&D is an expensive hobby, and not for the weak of heart, i've thrown a lot of money into D&D and i think it is way worth it, if you can get a group going that is. gnome artificers ftw, EAT MY ARMY OF CONSTRUCTS BITCH, namfoodle pwnz you all. >.<. and be sure to check out "Nam's Noodles" my restraunt run by broken down constructs i can't bring into battle no more, we got greeat muffins.

and i woul dsuggest getting a campaign setteing (caching) and making your own campaign, it is a lot better than the ones you buy. I would go for the Eberron campiagn setting (another book), it is fun as hell, has extrta classes that are sweet, and there is a detailed world for you to manipulate, not to mention a pre-made adventure in the back (no definite end though, you have ot continue it on your on ;D). but D&D is the shit, I'm pretty short of cash myself, do NOT get into D&D gaming AND music *sigh*
Definitely make your own adventures, it's so much more fun. I dunno about the cost, my well-off friend just buys almost every decent pc game/rpg game. :D
If you plan to use it for more then that one trip it will be money well spent. I have spent much more time playing D&D then I have spent playing any single computer game.

Also making your own adventures is the norm, but if you dont want to do it you can download some official free ones from here:

I only own one published adventure and have never ran it (I have it for emergencies :P ) nor have I played a published adventure. In fact you dont need anything more then the 3 core rulebooks so you dont have to be like me and buy like 30 supplements (I little exaggeration, I own 24.... I have to much spare money :( )
I hate roleplaying! :frown:
"thn lev dis tred." I'm going to n00b.
Dungeons and Dragons? pfft. Masturbation is a far more productive hobby.
It's an RPG using your "imagination". Needless to say, D&D and celibacy go hand-in-hand.
JNightshade said:
It's an RPG using your "imagination". Needless to say, D&D and celibacy go hand-in-hand.
You look so cool when you say that. MAN! How can I be as cool as you?

(D&D isn't my thing, but I'm not going to call people who play it losers)
I never said they were losers! I have several friends who play it. I'm just sayin' it's generally not percieved as the most... err... "attractive" pastime. Otherwise, be my guest. I must say, though, I tried it, and reeeally disliked it.
HunterSeeker said:
If you plan to use it for more then that one trip it will be money well spent. I have spent much more time playing D&D then I have spent playing any single computer game.

Also making your own adventures is the norm, but if you dont want to do it you can download some official free ones from here:

I only own one published adventure and have never ran it (I have it for emergencies :P ) nor have I played a published adventure. In fact you dont need anything more then the 3 core rulebooks so you dont have to be like me and buy like 30 supplements (I little exaggeration, I own 24.... I have to much spare money :( )

Do you need the 3 rulebooks? Or can I play those free ones with the basic game?
WaterMelon34 said:
Do you need the 3 rulebooks? Or can I play those free ones with the basic game?
If your a player, you just need the Players Manual.
If your DMing, you gonna want the Dungeon Masters Guide, Players Handbook, Monster Manual, etc.
Join your local D&D chapter. That way, you can leech off the people who want to get rid of their old stuff.
Find an anime shop around you. I've noticed that those places tend to have groups lists and such.
My cousin was into it once, I tried it, and really really didn't like it :|

Not my bag tbh tbh
xombine said:

D&D, maybe I should try it.

Shudder? About Badger's bag, and what not might be it?

But yes, I tried D&D once, and didn't get into it. I like some role-playing type of games though. Anyone ever played Mafia?
Well, no one I know plays D&D so I'm either going to convince my friends to get into it, or I will DM forever. I also don't think there ARE any D&D groups around here, and if there is one I won't join untill I get my own car.
I stay away from RPG's of any sort, mainly because i suck terribly at allllll of them. Cept maybe Neverwinter Nights.
I lost my cd keys to the original and the expansion. Hmmm, urge to play it again is rising.
I've never played NWN, but I have Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal. I've noticed that D&D is very much like BG2. It even uses the dice system which had me confused untill today.
Shudder? About Badger's bag, and what not might be it?

But yes, I tried D&D once, and didn't get into it. I like some role-playing type of games though. Anyone ever played Mafia?
Oh yes Mafia truely is a great RPG game. :frown:

*puts on Numbers's cap*




*takes off Numbers's cap*

Warhammer costs more, judging by the extreme poverty of friends who play it.

Also, anyone play in the World of Darkness? (Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: the awakening... etc.) That's some scarey shit.
JNightshade said:
It's an RPG using your "imagination". Needless to say, D&D and celibacy go hand-in-hand.

I used to play it, and I'm getting plenty ;)

-Angry Lawyer
Jintor said:

*puts on Numbers's cap*


*takes off Numbers's cap*


I agree with the #2. But I don't agree with #1. Only some asians are superior. *dodges rotten tomatoes* j/k :p
Always wanted to try D&D, but I'd rather take it to a higher level...

Get everyone some adamantium armor and weapons and fight off the evehl rats in my basement in real life :O
WaterMelon34 said:
I've never played NWN, but I have Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal. I've noticed that D&D is very much like BG2. It even uses the dice system which had me confused untill today.

That's because Baldur's Gate uses the D&D rulesystem and setting...
It's not exactly the same though. You can notice many subtle differences in the rules/game mechanics.
That's because it uses second edition D&D rules, you most likely have the third edition. Baldur's Gate is D&D in computer game form.
Oh, cool. Well I'm going to go make up a cool adventure for my DEMONSTRATION THAT COSTS $40. I tried to get my friend to check out D&D and he said: "WTF? Why? It's a god damn board game man." *sigh* I pity da fool.