Getting lights to work... :\



I have been trying many times and it does work. I'm trying to learn Hammer, but little things like this aren't making it easy. :(

I've even exported the test light levels and those don't even work. Just keep showing the default lighting... :/ BTW, this is for HL2: DM. If you know what I am doing wrong, please help me out. I would like to make some awsome maps in this engine. :D I bet it's like a checkmark or something... :(

Thanks in advance...
do you have leaks!?!

That would be the first thing i would check.

Like I said, I used the levels already there for testing as well, those also don't work. :\
Slash0x said:
Like I said, I used the levels already there for testing as well, those also don't work. :\

you sure you have .rad and stuff on when you compile?
Is set to normal, both of them... I think my version of Hammer must be the retarted version. :p
Add a light_environment somewhere in your map. Also make sure your lights are not embedded inside brushes or they wont show.
Check in the console if mat_fullbright is 0 or 1

If it's 1, set it to 0 and maybe the lights will work.

But does it say 'Building Facelights... 1... 2.... 3.....' during compiling?
Thanks for all your guys' help, but I figured it out... -_-

Now I just need find some good terrain tutorials, then I can really start making a good level. Is there any good terrain tutorials that deals with hills and level edges (cliffs - good cliffs... :D)?

Thanks again. :)