getting my old account back working...


Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
hiya guys ive been inactive on this sire for about a year and im sure most of you dont know

but about 9 months ago i tried to log in and it didnt let me, so i started another name and THAT didnt let me in either..

so i tried today again for the hell of it and it worked for some reason ..

how can i chage the pw for KoreBolteR or Kore (my other 2 accounts) so i can log on here under that name

i want to post under KoreBolteR.. :(

anyway, how are you all doing :)?
reinstall windows.

Scrub your hard drive with brillo wire.
I wanna be wanna be wanna be wanna be wanna be wanna be PRETTY!

Welcome Back.
Hey dude, good to see you back, havent seen you here in ages.
KoreBolteR- said:
hiya guys ive been inactive on this sire for about a year and im sure most of you dont know me.

hi kore, i remember you, i just returned too..

more importantly (or not) do you remember me? :p
I hung onto you Kore, since you disappeared i hunted you down and found you, see only i really care for you. We need Dan Turk on the case for your account, and we must play more scoutzknivez soon (me vs 5 this time? hehe)
hiya guys! :D

neptuneuk how could i forget that great avatar of yours, and of course everyone on this site who posted when i posted i could never forget... lol i normally remember people by thier avatars, dno why!

hiya evo how are you my fellow welsh friend :)

Jimbo u still playing bf2? :D

miccynarc and ova thx for the welcome back too! OvA have you changed your name?? i remember your avatar...

Glenn, i started playing cs again yesterday. scoutknivez..NOW ;)
yay kore's here!


and Dr. Ziodberg!!!


(dno whats with the zoidberg fetish at the mo)
Can't now mate, need my sleep going natural history museum tomorrow, but we will play again shortly.

Oh and Ova's avatar was originally 'robert' who i think is inactive (i dont think he changed his name). And this guy took it we believe.

Hows your job btw mate? Still a workaholic?
im forced to be in work :( yeah still there, got it permanent atm now, its ok.. the people are ok and the main thing is the money really... daving up for holiday etc..

what have i missed on here anyway. cant believe ive been gone about a year. how can i get my old name back :( has it been deleted?

can i get a mod to reset the password for it so i can post on there again...?

anyway, what you been up 2 recently glenn :D?

Feath said:
Does not compute

oops sorry it was around the time of by bday when i turned 18, last august :p

how are you feath :D???
heh! hiya deus! i love the people at this place.. i was gutted when it didnt let me sign in (for months) :(
I was pretty much a skulker when you were here, so you won't remember me, but I do believe I remember you... welcome back!
your name rings a bell jnightshade, then again i was on here everyday before! thx for the welcome

and badger, hello matey ;) is there any chance you can rechange my old accounts password? so i can get my postcount back.. lol :p:p
Us Welshies gotta stick together Kore! :)
KoreBolteR- said:
Jimbo u still playing bf2? :D
hehe you remembered! hell yes i am, me and shakermaker play together alot, too bad we never got together much after the bf2 release as was planned, we still can i guess :D we have hl2net clan matches on weekends, all welcome!

PS: You look like John Terry :p
jimbo118 said:
hehe you remembered! hell yes i am, me and shakermaker play together alot, too bad we never got together much after the bf2 release as was planned, we still can i guess :D we have hl2net clan matches on weekends, all welcome!

PS: You look like John Terry :p

LOL dont start with that john terry stuff, LOL!

cool, but for some reason my bf2 goes slow even tho i have a GeForce 6800GS :S
KoreBolter, I never relised you left :( Welcome back, I remeber you, hope you stay with us.
yeah ill deffo stay, unless my pc messes up or halflife2 doesnt let me on again like last time. :O
hello dr freeman, i clearly remember you from that bf2 thread i remember that.
KoreBolteR- said:
hello dr freeman, i clearly remember you from that bf2 thread i remember that.

i stopped playing BF2 tho. :x
i don't think the game is too friendly to those with low end PC's :|