Getting sick sucks


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
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yeah a rant-y thread. I've got a viral sore throat, doc recommends chloraseptic (burns like hell) but it helps a bit. So I go on to webmd and I see
"Viral infections that cause minor illnesses are usually not serious and go away without medical treatment. Home treatment can relieve the symptoms of colds and stomach flu and prevent problems, such as dehydration. Antibiotics are not used to treat a viral illness and will not help cure a viral illness."
Figures, and I had to do a 5 page paper too, still have a page to go :(
It's easy to sound like a big daddy though, wierd.
Sore throats do indeed suck. I had a cold at the tail-end of last year, lasted all the way into January, that impaired some of my vocal cords. They're still f'ed, to this day.

Well, have yourself some rainbow sherbet and go lie down on the couch and watch "The Price is Right." That's the default method for getting over any illness.
Cod liver oil, plus Water + Echinacea = illnessbgone.
Hope you feel better soon dude :thumbs: *HUGS*
Does it suck because of

Hurting pain
irritating pain?