Why won't it stop!!!

Maybe they could just, I donnu, turn the ****ing volume down so people whouldn't have to have earplugs. Shit's retarded if you ask me. I hate clubs for that very reason.
I'm guessing that yours will probably go away.

I have tinnitus. My father has it as well. It sucks. I hear it ringing now and almost all the time. Often I won't notice it, but sometimes its really loud. It's really disappointing to realize it will never go away.

I damaged my ears from about 20 years of loud music and some factory work. Finally, I got tinnitus last summer when I had a [loud] box-fan that I left on 24 hours a day in my room during the summer. There is something about time spent - I don't know if ears need to rest or whatever, but constant loud sound will **** your ears up. In factories, they have to regulate noise levels by the amount of time you will be around it.

I didn't know about this shit beforehand or I would have been more careful.

Sounds just like me!
