Getting this farking SMD into Hammer... help.

Jul 19, 2003
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This is starting to piss me off now. I've made a simple 128x128x128 box in max, textured it, and exported it as a reference meaning the texture goes with it.

I've put the texture into:
USERNAME\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\materials\rose\boxx.vtf (I've got other textures into the game this way)

The .SMD + .QC file are in:
USERNAME\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\modelsrc\boxx.smd AND boxx.qc

In the boxx.qc is (I had to go to the dark side to get this code):
// Output .MDL
$modelname boxx.mdl
//Location of textures in the materials folder
$cdmaterials rose/boxx
$scale 1.0
// Whole body
$body studio "./boxx.smd"
// Sequences: all sequences are in $cd
$sequence idle "[Your model's animation sequences" loop fps 15
$collisionmodel "boxx.smd" {
// Mass in kilograms
$Mass 100
What do I put for the $sequence? If I remove it I get an error when I try to compile.

Why did Valve create that annoying sourcesdk_content folder, it just confuses me, god damnit. When I figure it out I'm going to write the best tutorial in the entire UNIVERSE on how to do this. Someone please spare me some bandwidth and host it when I'm done.
well im guessing the name of your idle sequence SMD is not "[Your model's animation sequences"
change that to the actual name of your idle sequence SMD.
and note, if your idle sequence is the model doing absolutely nothing, then you could use your reference SMD for the sequence.

so the line would read:
$sequence idle "boxx" loop fps 1
That worked, nice one SomeOne. I should've tried that myself really... but I'm an idiot.

Now it can't find the texture, but i'm sure I know what's up.
you've put the texture in the wrong place...
it should be in:
I still can't get the texture to show. The texture's here:

Here's the .vmt file, maybe something's wrong in there too:
	"$basetexture" "rose/boxx"
	"%keywords" "rose"

Here's the final .qc file:
// Output .MDL
$modelname boxx.mdl
//Location of textures in the materials folder
$cdmaterials rose/boxx
$staticprop   // Remove this line for a prop_physics object
$scale 1.0
// Whole body
$body studio "./boxx.smd"
// Sequences: all sequences are in $cd
$sequence idle "boxx" loop fps 15
$collisionmodel "boxx.smd" {
// Mass in kilograms
$Mass 100
change your VMT file to this:

	"$basetexture" "rose/boxx"
	"%keywords" "rose"

tell me, how are you compiling this? are you using a batch file or are you just placing the qc over studiomdl?
Spot the custom model... ... ... ... ...

I finally got it into the game using this program:

It's made by someone called SomeOne, surely no coincidence? :cheers:
lol. i didnt say anything before because i was once before told i was "spamming" my programme by telling people about it. which i think is a shame because it does save a lot of unnecessary heartache :P
maybe i should just say, read the stickies.

anyway, well done :)
Your program is so bloody marvelous it SHOULD be spammed! Every artist should have it to save heaps of time compiling and stuff.

Cheers from a fan : )

- The LoveMeister
You should put it in your signature. Links to personal sites/projects are allowed there.

If you want to start a thread to advertize it then you'll have to ask a mod's permission first.

Kick-ass program.