
Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
It's tail time.

I remember this game when I was little.

A secret agent gecko.

C'MON. It's a recipe for awesome.
Enter the Gecko was a game i played nearly obsessively.

good times, good times.

and actually a fairly competant platformer.
Enter the Gecko was one of the best games I ever... hired.

Sadly was before I could afford games. :(
Don't let furries into this thread.

Oh wait.

Do you really want to see it? It might ruing your childhood.
Do you have eyebleach handy?
I urge you to go back.
You wanted it.
Did you really believe I'd ruin Gex for you?
Enter the Gecko was the shit. I also played it far too much. Very trippy game though, if I remember the first level correctly.
Oh and the electronic level theme was the shit.
Endless spoilers
For this, I almost feel compelled to post what you promised and ruin Gex for everybody.

You are lucky that I am a forgiving man.

Well no, that's not true at all; I just don't feel like plugging in the hard drive those pictures are on.

You are lucky that I am a lazy man.
my FIRST EVER ps1 game! I loved this!