Ghetto trash beats up 91 year old man, people watch.

:( :( I'm not even going to lie, when they showed his face I got a little teary. What a bunch of assholes.
It's pretty despicable to do that, but all the more depressing is the fact that there really are a lot of people so far gone that they do shit like this in this country.
It's pretty despicable to do that, but all the more depressing is the fact that there really are a lot of people so far gone that they do shit like this in this country.

I don't think our society collapsing on top of itself is far away...if it hasn't already happened.
I've already given up on society and this entire generation as a whole.
This isn't anything new in society. People have always been assholes like this, I think we were always collapsed by default.
Thats disgusting.

Despite his bruises and swelling that hasn't healed yet he looks really good for a 91 year old.
I like how the *six* other people there hid behind another car.
Aw check da brutha out! look how big and ghetto and hardcore he is, punchin' an old guy over and over and stealing his car.

This is to the piece of shit who did it, though you probably wont see this.

You think what you did makes you cool?, your scum.

Seriously, I wish I could bump into that ****er, punch him around a bit, see how he likes it.

*shakes head*
That incident is actually pretty old, happened last year sometime. On a positive note, that guy doing the punching was caught, and was so afraid of going to jail he was in tears because he knows what will happen to him when his fellow inmates find out what he had done. The police in one interview I saw mentioned making others aware of just what crime it was he had done hehe. I'm guessing that guys gotten his fair share of beatings while prison guards looked on.
The whole scene made me as angry to the other people as to the guy beating to poor man. I could shoot that guy in the f'ckin head and not feel the least sorry about it. It really hurts to know that I'm of the same race (human) as some people
It's shocking too see the people watch him get beat up, but I've no doubt that that is what most people would do.

It's important to promise yourself you will never stand by and watch something like that, becuase when it does happen it's hard to get involved.

I saw someone get assaulted the other week, and whilst for the first 15secounds or so, just watched like everyone else. I then processed what was going on and knew the right thing to do was to get involved to help the poor guy who got attacked randomly by two persons. I got between them and him and kept them off whilst he left, but I did get head butted for it. It was worth it however to know I was a little braver than the other 10 people who just watched.
It's shocking too see the people watch him get beat up, but I've no doubt that that is what most people would do.

It's important to promise yourself you will never stand by and watch something like that, becuase when it does happen it's hard to get involved.

I saw someone get assaulted the other week, and whilst for the first 15secounds or so, just watched like everyone else. I then processed what was going on and knew the right thing to do was to get involved to help the poor guy who got attacked randomly by two persons. I got between them and him and kept them off whilst he left, but I did get head butted for it. It was worth it however to know I was a little braver than the other 10 people who just watched.

You sir, deserve good things
It's shocking too see the people watch him get beat up, but I've no doubt that that is what most people would do.

It's important to promise yourself you will never stand by and watch something like that, becuase when it does happen it's hard to get involved.

I saw someone get assaulted the other week, and whilst for the first 15secounds or so, just watched like everyone else. I then processed what was going on and knew the right thing to do was to get involved to help the poor guy who got attacked randomly by two persons. I got between them and him and kept them off whilst he left, but I did get head butted for it. It was worth it however to know I was a little braver than the other 10 people who just watched.

What self help program did you learn that from? :p

But seriously, good on you, it's hard to be the lone voice.
It's shocking too see the people watch him get beat up, but I've no doubt that that is what most people would do.

It's important to promise yourself you will never stand by and watch something like that, becuase when it does happen it's hard to get involved.

I saw someone get assaulted the other week, and whilst for the first 15secounds or so, just watched like everyone else. I then processed what was going on and knew the right thing to do was to get involved to help the poor guy who got attacked randomly by two persons. I got between them and him and kept them off whilst he left, but I did get head butted for it. It was worth it however to know I was a little braver than the other 10 people who just watched.

Wow make this man a mod.
the thing is that you can get stabed or shit like that for interfering
the thing is that you can get stabed or shit like that for interfering
Your right, there were a large group of chavs closing in on us who appeared to be friends of the attackers, but I didn't stay round long enough to find out.

It's sickening the things people will do though, one guy who was in year 11 at my school last year just got convicted for beating to death a girl and serverly injuring her boyfriend becuase they were both dressed like goths.

****ing chav scumbags.
Jesus, these "Chavs" I hear so much about sound like the Mutants from The Dark Knight Returns....

Where's Batman and that bad ass tank he had when you need him?
It's shocking too see the people watch him get beat up, but I've no doubt that that is what most people would do.

It's important to promise yourself you will never stand by and watch something like that, becuase when it does happen it's hard to get involved.

I saw someone get assaulted the other week, and whilst for the first 15secounds or so, just watched like everyone else. I then processed what was going on and knew the right thing to do was to get involved to help the poor guy who got attacked randomly by two persons. I got between them and him and kept them off whilst he left, but I did get head butted for it. It was worth it however to know I was a little braver than the other 10 people who just watched.

Yes, but depending on the situation it is much better to get authority/help as soon as possible. That guy who was beating the old man no doubt had a weapon on him, I could easily see him shooting/stabbing anyone who got in his way, and if you provoked him to do so to you, he might end up shooting other people around you as well by misfire, therefore putting even more people in danger.

That situation was tough, I was dissapointed no one ran to get help

It also really depends on "is this situation worth dying for", for instance, if a drug dealer is beating the shit out of another drug dealer in the street, I'm not going to risk my life.
Wow, what an immoral thing to do to this old man...91 years old and a veteran..he fought for a country where the next generation assaults the elderly...

Wow, what an immoral thing to do to this old man...91 years old and a veteran..he fought for a country where the next generation assaults the elderly...


Kind of sad to be beat down by the culture you thought you fought to preserve.
Tags have bad taste. Horrible, just horrible.

I commend you Solaris, if I ever got into the same predicament I hope I could do the same.
It makes me happy that ghetto culture does not thrive in my school. Bullying doesn't really exist, either. My friend was in the hallways at our school looking for a kid who was skipping gym class (he's the TA), and the wannabe ghetto kid was ****ing around trying to act tough, and threw a punch at him. That kid is now known as "the kid who shit his pants." I'm very, very thankful that I live in a small town with a relatively small number of stupid ****s. I don't think I could ever live in an urban area..

EDIT: 5'9"? :LOL:
The best part are the YouTube comments - a veritable sea of stupidity.
well if the police is trying to protect him making his name public sure did the job hahaha