Ghost Recon 2 [PC] cancelled (and I'm confused)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Ghost Recon 2 for PC has been cancelled, according to the official site. But Ghost Recon 3 for PC is also confirmed, for the 4th quarter of this year. Shouldn't that be number 2 then?
They skipped a number so you won't be confused.

Ghost Recon 2 was released for consoles and such, and then now there's a new Ghost Recon 3 coming out for the consoles again, and since that version will be ported over, to avoid confusion they will call it Ghost Recon 3....

Don't think too hard :)
just get it for xbox...its really good. Plus the download contecn gives u new maps,weapons,skins..its free content :)
it would've been shit on the PC anyway, since they don't seem to care much about game quality anymore, just sales, too bad GR3 won;t be PC only, and who knows it may not come to PCs at all, i hope it doesn't if it's a port, GR2 was pants
GR2 sucked ass anyways.
It was basically a straight-up non-stop action shooter...with very small tactical additions.
They're making GR look like a kid's game.
They did almost the same thing with RS for the consoles, and remember Rainbow Six 4 PC will be a whole new game instead of console port :)

Hopefully they'll do the same with the GS3 one.
They ruined it. Ghost Recon 1 was awesome. Then they went console and they made it shitty.
Ghost Recon was one of the best games ever made that any tactical shooter fan would wet there pants over at the time, I absolutely loved it. GR2 I couldent be arsed to buy... way too consolized. GR3 will return to orgins or my faith in UBI will be almost shattered.
Bastards! I have been waiting for GR2(PC) forever and now this!
h00dlum said:
Bastards! I have been waiting for GR2(PC) forever and now this!

this is probably good, more new content designed specifically for a PC version.