Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter review

The singleplayer I find frustrateing, hate to shit on everyones parade but I found some things I really coulden't stand;

Cheesy repetitive voice commands make for ackward moments that feel very mechanical, though the system works well, they need to mix up the statements and improve the voice acting.

The aspect of haveing a singular "hero" that commands everyone under a certain rank. I cannot stress enough how much I miss being just one of the team and commanding from a heads up view. I dont like one main character that dies only to see "game over". Also next to GR1 for PC I miss the idea of commanding multiple squads of more than one person as apposed to being limited to 3 people.

I also find the live news feeds to be extremely cheesy and ackward compared to the mile a minute gameplay and graphics, it's like seeing a relic from the past that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Overall however, it's a very solid package well worth the money - killing others online is extremely satisfying, and working as a team against AI is great. I just wanted people to know that it's not without flaws. In my humble opinion, despite being a fantastic game.. it does not in any way match up to the orginal Ghost Recon PC.
I do miss that too babyheadcrab, but I find the SP in this to be atleast far better than the failure that was Ghost Recon 2.
If you compare it to GR1, it does not match up, but if you think off it as just a action game on it's own, it definitely deserves the 9 out of 10s it's been getting imo..
What I miss the most from GR1 was how I'd roleplay, I'd take a guy, rename him to my RL name, and ONLY play with him, if he died, I'd restart the campaign(Yes, I was a bit extremist..:P).
I hope someone makes a game like GR1 again..
Ye, after buying this game I'm truly amazed. I was going to wait for an EDGE review but I decided to just go out and buy it out of pure boredem. I didn't expect the graphics to be as good as they are. All the screenshots and videos I have seen do not give it justice at all. Also, the gameplay is amazing. The animation is amazing. The only thing I would say I don't like are the Night levels. Using your thermal goggles is very hard as your range is so limited. But sometimes the AI can see you even without them. Which leaves you confused as to where people are shooting you from. Its also one of the games I havn't played in a long time thats actually challenging. Some missions are very difficult. For instance the mission where you protect the mexican president in the building that has just been blown up and your been stormed by at least 30 mexicans rebiles. Not only that but you have to deal with armored suport and tanks. But saying that they do give you an apachi helcopter to blow the shit out of everything. But thats only after you have had to deal with the tank for at least 1 minute and in a game where you die in pritty much 2 hits its a very intense challenge :D
Let's just hope this doesn't do for Mexicans what Vice City did for Haitians....

Or Hostel did for Slovakia....

People get irritated so easily these days!

I am waiting for the PC version BTW. Not enough justification to get a 360 right now IMHO. And PGR3 did almost nothing for me when I played it at a local EBGames--the graphics certainly weren't a 10. :|
ya but it's understandable that certain groups would be offended by a stereotypical portrayals

some people might be offended by this guy:


a Bush quoting, pyschotic american soldier in the game Bad Day LA named The Sergeant ...I'm sure some bush supporters or military personnel might find him offensive
CptStern said:
ya but it's understandable that certain groups would be offended by a stereotypical portrayals

some people might be offended by this guy:


a Bush quoting, pyschotic american soldier in the game Bad Day LA named The Sergeant ...I'm sure some bush supporters or military personnel might find him offensive
Lost fingers?! LOL! I thought he was just into rawk! :laugh:

Yeah, I expect to see some fuqtarde far-right-winger in Congress bringing this issue to the media in a huff. Jack Thompson should get his inkwell ready to start dipping his arrows....:sniper:
ya I actually do hope they target this game ..more publicity = more sales ...I want this game to do good as there are few developers willing to take a gamble and make something different
CptStern said:
ya I actually do hope they target this game ..more publicity = more sales ...I want this game to do good as there are few developers willing to take a gamble and make something different
Same reason I can't wait for Bully. Its a lock to rock! :laugh:
CptStern said:
ya bully kinda has me worried, they keep delaying it ...also it'll be far harder for rockstar to prove it's meant to be satirical. Bully could possibly push the joe lieberman's and hillary clinton's of this world to mobalize against gaming. It'll be tough to defend Bully

hehe and so it begins
Ugh, yeah, this makes me sick...again. I had to import Fahrenheit so as to avoid the censorship. I can't do that with my PS2 unfortunately. Hopefully people will realize that censoring games is a bad as censoring books. Any child can buy American Psycho and into their head goes some of the most graphic descriptions of horrific violence ever written, but they can't go buy Resident Evil. The hypocrisy of this country sickens me!!!

Plus Bully is about fighting against the oppressive bullies, not bullying other kids. The senators and loudmouths should focus their attention on the socio-economic and psychological influences society has on these bullying children rather than condemning a videogame that allows the bullied masses a bit of a fantasy escape. That's what gaming is after all, an escape. Ugh...way off topic. :)

GRAW will undoubtedly get an even better score when it releases for the PC with the added features and juiced-up gameplay!
Hmmm, I think Bully is gunna be crap. Like most of Rockstars games. Lets face it, the only sucessful Rockstar game was and still is GTA.
Sadly yes, these days..
My favourite that Rockstar North did was Lemmings, yes, Rockstar did infact do Lemmings, under the name of DMA Design Limited.
They changed name to DMA Design Limited in the year 2002 iirc.
Also, Manhunt was decent enough imo.
i'm sick of rockstar doing all these games which are causing an uproar -- they suck and they're starting to give videogames a bad name to alot of people.

bully, manhunt and so on, these are a waste of time, please go sell out rockstar and give the money to a decent developer (sure, lemmings & gta are good but i'd rather see chris taylor or someone given money to create a good game).

i've got graw preordered with my x360 which comes out thr 23rd, yayay.