Ghost Stories! ooh, spooky.


Jun 23, 2005
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In my english class, we jsut started reading "woman warrior" which is apparently about some girl who sees ghosts. And so, to prepare us, Our english teacher had several people get up and tell their own ghost stories! The ones that I remember-
I told one, that happenned to my old art teacher; When he was around 15 years old, his friend bought a oujia(sp?) board. My teacher didn't believe it, but his friend did. They went out to a big field by one of their houses at night with only a candle. They lit up the candle and started messign around with it. My teacher asked it to prove it was real. As soon as he did, the candle's flame shot up like 10 feet in the air, this big huge flame. They both ran away and never went back for it.

My friend told several; Him and some of his buddies were checking out this old house, the were looking around downstairs, and decided to go up to the attic. They turned the lights on, and my friend saw, under a window sill, the words "help me" written in red paint. He told everybody to get out of the house now, and they did. He turned the lights out, and as soon as they went off, the whold room was covered in really really bright flourescent paint, glow in the dark, that said 'help me" just, everywhere.

He was staying at his sister's boyfriend's house. They were all going to bed. The boyfriend closed the door that led to the hall, and as soon as he did, the lights in the hall started flickering on and off, super fast. He walked over, opened the door, and it stopped. He closed the door, went into bed, then they started flickering again. This repeated a couple more times, then the boyfriend started yelling,"stop ****ing with me, I'm not ****ing playing!" He went out and yelled some more, then closed the door. As soon as he did, the lights started flickering again. The boyfriend yelled, "I'll kick your ****ing ass!" then the door sudderred, the handle turned near inperceptably, then flew open and hit the boyfriend in the dace, knocking him out. My friend saw the door when it flew open, and there was nobody on the other side.

At night, My friend was out in his backyard, and looked into the neighbor's backyard. He saw this pair of bright white hands doing some random movements and such. He got scared, went back in. The next day, His neighbor was digging in the garden, and dug up a skeleton hand. The police got called over, and uncovered a 40 year old skeleton.

Another friend, he was smoking in the graveyard, saw a woman in some really old car pull up to a grave and get out. He turned to call his buddy over, for jsut a second, and when he turned back, the old lady and the car were gone.

Another friend, a skater. Him and his buddies went to this abandoned house to skate in the pool. They decided to check out the house. It had belonged to an old tattoo artist; they were tons of his old sketches everywhere, and they were all really good. The house was wierd though, all the stuff was still there, and even like jars of peanut butter. They went exploring, and something happenned, they found a picture or it was a woman, she was completely white, with black eyes, and like, long grey hair and a white dress. Scared 'em shitless, that did.

And there was this one that I found on the internet about the spirit of a heroin addict in a bathroom, that I thought was well written, and read to the class.

Anybody got their own stories? Stuff they've heard, or stuff that's happenned to them?
i went into this thread called "Ghost Stories! ooh, spooky." and it made me wet my pants...

One time I was trying to find what's wrong with this picture and a monster jumped out.
Kamikazie said:
i went into this thread called "Ghost Stories! ooh, spooky." and it made me wet my pants...

That's the "yellow noise" frequency that ghosts give out.
Que-Ever said:
That's the "yellow noise" frequency that ghosts give out.
i thought it was "white noise", hmm, maybe it was that damn movie

Oh noes now I'm scared :(

Seriously though, I will never play Ouija or something like it just to piss off spirits. No matter if they exist or not, there's some things you just don't want to **** with.
Maybe a real Ouija board would do the trick, but I somehow doubt that the cardboard one with Milton Bradley written on it would work quite as well.
Glo-Boy said:
Maybe a real Ouija board would do the trick, but I somehow doubt that the cardboard one with Milton Bradley written on it would work quite as well.
And where would I find one?
OvA said:
One time I was trying to find what's wrong with this picture and a monster jumped out.

Yeah one time I was looking at a pic of a room and I had like 10 seconds to find what was wrong with it and this picture of a pale guy screaming with empty black eye sockets came up for like a split second and the scream sounded like a monster. Just about shat my pants.
I kinda forgot parts of the story so bear with me :|

Once a girl stayed home alone her parents toild her to lock all the doors and windows so she did.
Everytime she heard something she went to bed and let her dog which was uner her bed lick her hand which comforted her.
Soon she heard a dripping noise she looked for the source
she didnt find it she went back to her bed and let the dog lick her hand
she heard the noise again and found it this time
it was her dog hang by the neck
Scared she went to look who was under the bed and it was the guy who broke in...
CommandoPiggy said:
I kinda forgot parts of the story so bear with me :|

Once a girl stayed home alone her parents toild her to lock all the doors and windows so she did.
Everytime she heard something she went to bed and let her dog which was uner her bed lick her hand which comforted her.
Soon she heard a dripping noise she looked for the source
she didnt find it she went back to her bed and let the dog lick her hand
she heard the noise again and found it this time
it was her dog hang by the neck
Scared she went to look who was under the bed and it was the guy who broke in...
And on the wall, written in the dog's blood was "humans can lick too" :O
i got one...aparently some girl around where i was live babysat for these people and it was only her and the baby she was looking after. Well she was watching tv or something and she kept hearing the baby cry. Everytime she went in to comfort the baby she noticed the baby screaming and crying and looking at a big clown doll in the corner. I dont know how but sooner or later the girl knew that the clown was actaully a real person!

Now this is where it gets crazy. The girl actually went back upstairs in the room and acted as if she needed to take the baby downstairs for a bottle. She then took the baby to a nearby house and called the cops.

THis chick was definatly tough. They found out the next day it was their midget neighbor or something that dressed up like a clown waiting to kidnap the baby.
bryanf445 said:
i got one...aparently some girl around where i was live babysat for these people and it was only her and the baby she was looking after. Well she was watching tv or something and she kept hearing the baby cry. Everytime she went in to comfort the baby she noticed the baby screaming and crying and looking at a big clown doll in the corner. I dont know how but sooner or later the girl knew that the clown was actaully a real person!

Now this is where it gets crazy. The girl actually went back upstairs in the room and acted as if she needed to take the baby downstairs for a bottle. She then took the baby to a nearby house and called the cops.

THis chick was definatly tough. They found out the next day it was their midget neighbor or something that dressed up like a clown waiting to kidnap the baby.
Well known bullshit story.
You are an idiot if you believe in any of this nonsense (not aimed at you specifically).
Reaktor4 said:
Well known bullshit story.
You are an idiot if you believe in any of this nonsense (not aimed at you specifically).

could be, just found it intresting
bryanf445 said:
i got one...aparently some girl around where i was live babysat for these people and it was only her and the baby she was looking after. Well she was watching tv or something and she kept hearing the baby cry. Everytime she went in to comfort the baby she noticed the baby screaming and crying and looking at a big clown doll in the corner. I dont know how but sooner or later the girl knew that the clown was actaully a real person!

Now this is where it gets crazy. The girl actually went back upstairs in the room and acted as if she needed to take the baby downstairs for a bottle. She then took the baby to a nearby house and called the cops.

THis chick was definatly tough. They found out the next day it was their midget neighbor or something that dressed up like a clown waiting to kidnap the baby.

yeah that's a pretty known story. usually includes something about the clown being an insane midget.
bryanf445 said:
i got one...aparently some girl around where i was live babysat for these people and it was only her and the baby she was looking after. Well she was watching tv or something and she kept hearing the baby cry. Everytime she went in to comfort the baby she noticed the baby screaming and crying and looking at a big clown doll in the corner. I dont know how but sooner or later the girl knew that the clown was actaully a real person!

Now this is where it gets crazy. The girl actually went back upstairs in the room and acted as if she needed to take the baby downstairs for a bottle. She then took the baby to a nearby house and called the cops.

THis chick was definatly tough. They found out the next day it was their midget neighbor or something that dressed up like a clown waiting to kidnap the baby.
Oh, it's not real? Oh man, My friend told me one like this, he was at his friend's uncles house, and went to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a snack, and noticed a lawn gnome in the corner. The next day he told the uncle about it, the uncle said he didn't have any gnomes. It turned out to be a midget dressed as a gnome that was living in their attic. It would freeze when people looked at him :O
Ouija boards are pure BS first off. Second, most of these ghost stories are ridiculous. And on that note, the only one i really remember was:

These two girls in college shared a room in one of the dorms. One of the girls was planning to go to a party that night and the other had planned to stay in and finish an English paper or whatever. Well the first girl left at around 10 to go to the dude’s house. At around midnight she came back to drop off her car because they were planning on going to a club. So the girl goes up the dorm and into her room, she walks into the dorm and is about to flip the lights on when she realizes her roommate is asleep. So she just feels around and drops off her keys and heads back out to the club. That morning when she gets back she walks in and sees her roommate murdered and on the wall was written, 'aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights?'

...something like that...
xcellerate said:
Ouija boards are pure BS first off. Second, most of these ghost stories are ridiculous. And on that note, the only one i really remember was:

These two girls in college shared a room in one of the dorms. One of the girls was planning to go to a party that night and the other had planned to stay in and finish an English paper or whatever. Well the first girl left at around 10 to go to the dude’s house. At around midnight she came back to drop off her car because they were planning on going to a club. So the girl goes up the dorm and into her room, she walks into the dorm and is about to flip the lights on when she realizes her roommate is asleep. So she just feels around and drops off her keys and heads back out to the club. That morning when she gets back she walks in and sees her roommate murdered and on the wall was written, 'aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights?'

...something like that...
That was kinda dumb.. :| I seriously prefer hearing ones that actually happen to people.
The "true" stories are interesting but the fake ones are fun.

Que-Ever said:
Oh, it's not real? Oh man, My friend told me one like this, he was at his friend's uncles house, and went to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a snack, and noticed a lawn gnome in the corner. The next day he told the uncle about it, the uncle said he didn't have any gnomes. It turned out to be a midget dressed as a gnome that was living in their attic. It would freeze when people looked at him :O
I would be scared shitless.
xcellerate said:
Ouija boards are pure BS first off. Second, most of these ghost stories are ridiculous. And on that note, the only one i really remember was:

These two girls in college shared a room in one of the dorms. One of the girls was planning to go to a party that night and the other had planned to stay in and finish an English paper or whatever. Well the first girl left at around 10 to go to the dude’s house. At around midnight she came back to drop off her car because they were planning on going to a club. So the girl goes up the dorm and into her room, she walks into the dorm and is about to flip the lights on when she realizes her roommate is asleep. So she just feels around and drops off her keys and heads back out to the club. That morning when she gets back she walks in and sees her roommate murdered and on the wall was written, 'aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights?'

...something like that...
Pretty sure I saw a movie where that exact thing happened.
Que-Ever said:
Oh, it's not real? Oh man, My friend told me one like this, he was at his friend's uncles house, and went to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a snack, and noticed a lawn gnome in the corner. The next day he told the uncle about it, the uncle said he didn't have any gnomes. It turned out to be a midget dressed as a gnome that was living in their attic. It would freeze when people looked at him :O

bwahahaha, this guy?